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RE: So what really happened?

in #steemit7 years ago

El, here are my thoughts, if you go look in the photography sections there are a lot of photographers that put up their original work and since I've been on Steem, I can tell you this: it is their hot button issue, not just with you with EVERYONE, original content and on and on.
There has been discussion lately about the use of flagging, that it can lead to situations like this, without any way to mediate or even respond with "I'm new, no harm, no foul".
I got a cheetah-bot plagarism note once because I copied and pasted a sentence that had three foreign names in it that I didn't want to misspell-I then deleted the rest of the sentence except for the names and still got botted, I was pissed but in the scheme of things got over it..
There are so many places within Steem that you can selectively post, the majority of posts aren't seen but by these sub-groups anyway.
By using tagged categories you don't even run into most people or their articles/pictures.
So kick back, let go of the feeling of being beat up upon arrival, no one will remember this in a month. I don't think you want to start a war, if you brought "your people" in they'd get cold shouldered and wouldn't have any fun either. Stay open to remedies, this could have an easy solution...
This all sounds to me like someone got snarky and then totally escalated and can all be repaired.
Yes people do help each other out and sometimes move in a collective to promote the platform and keep everything fun. Maybe we all can hit the rewind on this.


the voice of sanity

Thanks, I guess people buying steem to cause drama is what the 2 year vesting time was to protect about. A bot could take care of this guy and people should generally be more respectful to each others.

Steemians are more respectful.This is rare.

@transisto - I'm told by other whales this obsessed rageflagging maniac (who seems to stalk my very popular blog, insta flagging everything) is your dog now. I'd like to suggest you muzzle your dog please. His rage flagging of other users is the kind of thing that will kill the community you are so heavily invested in, as well as his copyright violations which will (along with the others who do it) attract unwanted legal attention to the platform, ala Napster et al.

Think this through. Do you want this behavior in your neighborhood? Or do you want to put a leash on this nonsense. Thanks.

I don't know this person, If I up-voted one of his comment it was just to give him a chance to express himself as there is always to sides to most stories.

I'm not going to name names, but one of the people working to boost his rage flag targets (there are quite a few he spends literally ALL DAY AND NIGHT stalking and instaflagging) has said, talk to you. Apparently all "whales" know each other or something and the consensus was, he's your problem now. Not sure how they arrived at that conclusion, but hes damaging a lot of smaller people who dont have the community support I do, who probably need the money and rep he's costing them as well. I'm taking a pretty serious financial hit from him myself on my posts, but I don't come here for the money, not that I would complain if you feel in love with my content and hammered it up, but I come for the community. I've built social networks - multi-million dollar ones as a Dir of Tech for companies over the years, and this is the very model of the worst kind of bad actor guy who will DESTROY this one. Not because of his caustic personality, but because he will create REAL legal issues for the network.

Not an opinion. Statement of historically demonstrated fact. Napster, PirateBay, Limewire.... copyright cops will find HIM and his ilk and take it out on US, ALL of us. Mark my words. Im not making a threat, I'm telling you history and if this behavior keeps up, the IP law world will end up killing this place. And I'll have nothing to do with that.

I'm available on slack, rocketchat and discord, it would be great if you could ask one of these whales tell me why he would be my problem.

Legal issues ? Steemit Inc. is apparently enforcing DMCA take down claims they receive, not sure if there has been any though. It's one thing to not like other people copying content it's another for content producers to lift the finger and send a letter to Steemit for a takedown, it's another for steemit to ignore them. I don't worry about Steemit inc.

Sure, I'll see what I can do. I would love to take you on a little tour of el-maggots damage tirade to the kinds of users coming on board who will make or break your investment. Let's be clear. None of us are particularly impressed by the wallet sizes of the invested users, but the invested users clearly don't always understand the importance of the minnows in making their investments anything but worthless. El-maggot can be a petulant child all he wants. He's hurting your future income a HELL of a lot worse than he is hurting ours.

As for IP law? People don't seem to understand that the block chain is one thing and the companies offering access to it are another. The gubmint cant do diddly about the decentralized network, but they sure as HELL can burn down all the doors to it.

Discord is the preferred. I have meetings for a couple hours with my off shore teams and on shore clientele. All my daily project standups for the software company I own.

Minnow here maybe, but El-maggot is quite wrong about us being here for "table scraps" - but that's just his pedantic childish megalomania at play. He's delusional, irrational and in no way deserving of any "champions"

But the network needs champions or all your little dollars are gonna poof if you stand by and play Switzerland at a time when the network is so precariously small and fragile. My last career role before my own company was Director of Tech for a multimillion dollar social network. When I tell you about IP law and the risks here, I am speaking with subject matter expertise and experience on the topic, period.

Hi, what's you username on Discord ?

people will definitely remember this in a month. don't worry. he can hop nicks if he wants, but the topic will remain. stealing content and making money off of it is fucked up. you should be ashamed, not sticking your dick in everybody's face. the inability to moderate this problem properly shouldn't stop you from being a good person, ok? :D

Current hopped nicks to watch your flags for are El-Mago, SteemShitlist and Julianita probably is him too. same bad grammar and style, both latin names, etc. Not very imaginative, this one.

oh, i know. ty though. :)

all el-mago's posts were taken off others without source
was claiming to be models
was flag spamming those who tagged for spam

Obsessively to the point of mental illness, flagging down too, and his post is one giant, errant load of lies, and I was there through it all, so trust me when i say, not one word of the above original post is even near the zip code of truth.

he might be confusing you with other spammers. such is life. if you don't want to be lumped in with them, don't be one of them.

@el-mago can do what he want. he just repost stuff which is totally fine.
the sweepers don't even see the sources properly yet they punish. F the cleaners!!

copy and pasting other peoples work is plagarism,
doesnt help the way search engines find content on steemit,
clutters topics

reducing value
lower content creation by lessening incentive
less users

agreed. the quality content gets hidden under shitposts by assholes trying to make a quick buck.

Not to mention this is how IP lawyers shut down networks like this one (napster, limewire, etc)

ya and with the flood of reposted youtube videos and copy pasted sites here case wouldnt last long

Yep exactly. He is a corrosive, caustic, deranged asshole downvoting minnows so obsessively under at least two alt accounts that it's absolute lunacy. And I'm actively recruiting whales who are listening intently to SHUT THIS MOTHER down. Because he will actively destroy their investments. He can "retaliate" all he wants, he's not long for this world.