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RE: A Dashboard for Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Thank you so much for speaking my mind, @jesta! Originally I was going to keep to myself about this, but since one of the great devs here that I look up to has spoken, I feel compelled to do the same.

In terms of effort, I don't mean to brag, but even my grade school self back then knew how to slap together a few iframes on a standalone webpage in a few minutes, half hour max. I'm not here to argue about value, because that is subjective, but grossly overpaid is correct.

My latest tool released 11 hours ago has gotten fantastic feedback from lots of users for solving a problem that many have been having for as long as they've been on Steemit, but the potential payout is not even close to this, at 31 cents. It's not about the money for me, but just for the perspective, this post is 2400x more!

I'm not hating, this is your idea, you thought of it, and it is a great idea. Just... sighh </rant>


I did spend a while doing everything, over two hours, but I see your point. You guys should be the ones making more than me. I just saw and thought it would be a good idea to make something where it was iframes instead of just links.

I've seen projects that are very complex to code and go unnoticed. I am sure they take more than two hours to put together. I would say multiple days and nights, 6+ hour long sittings perhaps. Weeks even. Again, yours was a nice idea.

Yeah, those people really should be getting more credit. The things that pay are the idea and the code, but the complexity should have a say in the payment too.