Why arguments and debates between Steemian very important for Steemit?

in #steemit9 years ago

 For good ideas and true innovation,you need human interaction, conflict, argument, debate.

                                                                                                                                                                 --- Margaret Heffernan

This quote became very famous from on of the highly opinionated women. Regardless of your personal opinion from this statement, it is remembered by so many because of the bold implications that Margaret makes about customers feedback in this case Steemian feedback.

Today I just want to look at a few opinions on the Margaret quote, comparing the merits of internal innovations versus the insights to be gained from members feedback.

What is the benefits of having member arguments for Steemit?

Multiple studies have shown that individuals have a tendency to produce some ideas when they not feel satisfied about something. 

But can be this ideas really have a place in Steemit or should be ignored?

According to Derek Capo, the founder of nextstepchina.org the answer is Yes

He was asked How do you deal with unhappy customers ? and he's answer is " When there is a problem, the first thing you should do is listen and understand what happened from the customer's perspective. Then ask the customer exactly what would make him or her happy. It'll win them over for life. If you can give more than what the customer asks, then you will gain a major fan. You'll also be surprised at how listening can benefit you personally ". 

Looking from the perspective of the members is important, take an example from @thomas1992 post , he stated that the situation between Minnows and Whales in deed presents a very dangers situation, thinking of what will happen if several Big Steem power holders build an alliance to control the market? This kind of alliance gives space for corruption, media control and muting the freedom of speech. 

And that statement create an arguments between the readers and shows how unhappy they are with the situation like now.

You Are Not A Whale faced it

We as a members that have low Steem power must take the reality that our opinion will have less impact than the whale or maybe will be ignored. When I use search option on steemit with keywords : What Steemit needs, a lot of results were from low stem power posts and they indeed never got any reply from the official staffs or the whale that has big control in this social media platform.

My conclusion is : How does Steemit deal with Unhappy members? does Steemit ever listened to us?

Arguments or discussions are OPEN, shows your own opinion.