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RE: What A Person Who Isn't Registered To Vote and Hasn't Voted In The Last Two Elections Thinks About The US Presidential Election

in #steemit9 years ago

Oh man, this is a mess.

You don't care enough to register... twice. Yet, you care enough and know enough to say with certainty that neither mainstream candidate deserves your support? That's odd in itself. Better, your concern with Trump is that you didn't like his book? There are many better reasons to be concerned.

Honestly, it's probably best if you don't vote. You wrote an entire political post without once referring to an issue or position. It's clear that you have little interest in politics, only interest in telling us how bad everything is. You might not be wrong, but that's not a reason to go exercising your political rights without thinking about it first.

To answer your question: no, this is not the year a third party gets in. The third parties have neither the funds nor the organization to seriously compete. The best they can do is draw votes from one of the two main party candidates, like Perot drew support from Bush Sr. in 1992. If you want a Clinton presidency by all means support Johnson. If you want a Trump presidency by all means support Stein.


Hahha, Well I appreciate your comment but then you missed the point of the post. The reason for the post was to answer my the thoughts on the entire election as a whole and I named vaguely a few issues with the main canidates but that wasn't the point of the post. Yeah I could go into how Trump just makes up stuff and passes it off as fact and list the scandals the Clintons are involved in and put a whole laundry list on the post about how she lied to the FBI. That wasn't the reason for the post. It was an over all view from someone who had checked out on politics for several years and the reasons why I checked out. I also didn't create a laundry list of what Gary Johnson or Stein was about either. I wasn't trying to take a stance other than the fact that Trump or Clinton are terrible and I think that most Americans would agree with that.
But thank you for answering your thoughts on the last questions about 3rd party candidates.

Johnson pulls equally from both sides. If he wins Utah or his home state of Arizona and trump wins fl and Ohio and New Hampshire no one wins. I think there is a chance that trump only does one debate and it may be Johnson Clinton in the second debate. Johnson appeals to conservatives who care about fiscal issues and democrats on social issues. He is a little boring though( could be a good thing this year)