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RE: TechCoin ($500 Million ICO) - The 1st Licensed Cryptocurrency + WhitePaper PDF

in #steemit7 years ago

USI-Tech is one of the biggest miners in the world of the Ethereum Network and soon they will appear on the Bitcoin Network with aproximately 1% or more of the Worlds Hashrate in Bitcoin.

So i understand your concern that it looks like a "ponzi" but i can tell you being part of usi tech and making lots of profit, that it is a real Company with a real Platform selling a Real Product.

Right now TechCoin is the Biggest ICO ever, it has passed Electroneum.
Right now BitconnectX increased their price from $5 to $50 just so they can beat USI-Tech.

But without a doubt Telegram (TON) Will be massive! and easily take the top spot on the Biggest ICO to date.

And i'm very excited for ton i think a $1000 invested in TON can make you a millionaire in the long term.

And understand Crypto is barely taking of the ground some day Platforms like youtube will have to make their Crypto currency or they will fall behind. and that's when people truelly will get rich overnight when the known Platforms stick their heads out and introduce their ICO plans.

Thanks for your concern man it is noted, and of course i do advise everyone to do their own research and come to the same conclusions i have come to.


1 Shut down in the whole of the USA and Canada

Owners ran previous Ponzi scams, Ralf Gold ran 6

USI have failed to respond to Cease and Desist

ETH pool was emptied

Gensies mining said they were fake

Is this a "I had a dream" slides from a cheap marketing company, Or actual code and technical explanation of how it works and proof it will work. We should be able to see more than slides in a typical whitepaper. I had a dream is different to I have designed abd build oh and it works white paper. I thought it was terrible.

Lets compare whitepaper, Can see how different it is??

USI tech on tv and MSM as a scam