A BIG Thank You to my first 50 Followers

in #steemit7 years ago

@a-0-0 @aboxofchocolates @akeelsingh @anaperezworld @anomaly @arbithur @atenean101 @azzahra @chocovita @cryptoriddler @customnature @dr4mohamed @drchuka @dre-investments @eibemmchen @eunjaeloves @everittdmickey @futureentech @georgemason @gladysstillwagon @goodmood @granadito @holdenthegreat @hubtechinfo @isteemithard @jamieknows @joshuadenzel @katrinalebar @killerr @knowledgethirst @lockelamora @marketstack @networker5 @nickwalshblog @omelectro @ozioziozio @reignchrysler24 @rmp @sami100 @sanfrd @sexydaddy @sportic @staysea @thatninja @thehermitmonk @tobstar2 @vaansteam @veni001 @vivekkanade @willsparks88

You are my first freinds on Steemit, and for that reason alone I cherish all of you.

No matter how many followers I get, you will allways be important to me.

If you are the only followers I will ever have, I will remain delighted to be in such great company.

I would rather have a few close friends than a thousand aquainences.

Last but not least: Friends are way more powerfull that cash.


thanks for the kind words! same goes for you my friend!

upvoted and followed! Am I #51?

You are 51 @tomnelson I am very glad to meet you .

Thanks, glad to meet you too!

Wow..! You are awsome..! Thank you 👏

My pleasure

Haha...cool. I just seen your name with no comment under it.
Unblocked the photos on my browser and what do I see?

Happy to be on the list!!

I like your intro page.
Looks like fun to be in cali :)