Our Passover Lamb

in #steemit8 years ago

Our Passover Lamb
Jesus (YESHUA) was selected for Passover.
Today is 18th of April which is the (10th of Nissan) that the

Passover Lamb must be selected.
Exodus 12:3-5.
And ye shall kill it on the 14th day of the same month Nissan

(April 22nd in the evening).
1st Day of Passover this year is Friday 22nd/Saturday 23rd of

April 2016. This is because God count His days from the evening

to the morning, is one day. (Genesis 1:3-5)
The Passover feast always happened in the week not on the normal

Shabbat i.e. the seventh day (Saturday).
The Triumphant Entry Of Yeshua (Jesus Christ)
Jesus Christ last Passover began some time before the Feast

Festival actually began i.e. a day before the actual feast day

(John 12:1-33).
He went to Bethany to see His friend Lazarus and his sisters six

days before the Passover i.e. the 9th of Nissan which is 2016

Saturday 16th evening to Sunday 17th evening, John 12:1. (9th of

On the next day which is four days to Passover, John 12:12.

(10th of Nissan) He entered the city, riding on a donkey to

announce His Messiahship i.e. Yeshua Ha-Massiach (Exodus 12:3-6,

when each families must select the lamb and keep it four days

before killing it.
He was accepted as the lamb for the sacrifice, although their

eyes are blind to God's plan. Jesus was greeted by the Jews

Passover pilgrims, shouting "Hosanna, Aramaic word meaning God

save or Help, save now, Saviour. It is very necessary to see

that Jesus was examined for four days just as the normal lambs

for the sacrifice must be examine to be without spot or blemish.

(Exodus 12:5-6; John 12:12-13)
They continued to examine Him John 13:1-2; 18:1-40; 19:1-16. A

Priest must offer i.e. check it to be free from blemish, each

family lambs before God before the Priest kill them. If the high

Priest did not offer Jesus it would have been a murder and not

sacrifice. (John 18:12-28; Matt. 26:57-68). They were sing from

Psalm 118:25-26 Save now,............Blessed be He that cometh

in the name of the Lord:.....
Hosanna Aramaic for God save or Help, Hebrew is hoshia-na, Latin

is osanna, and Greek is hosanna
Apostle Paul wrote: Purge out therefore the old leaven,.......

For Christ our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed for us:

Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither

with the leaven of malice and wickedness;......... 1Corinthians

****If you think of joining us to celebrate it, let us know in

the comment box****