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RE: Steemit Girl Power, From a Strictly Extraterrestrial Point of View

in #steemit9 years ago

Wow! I laughed so hard at this I have to upvote and follow! There really are a lot of whiny guys who complain about beauty getting attention. Surprise. That's what most advertisements are based on. Some people can get by on content alone some need some assets and content and some complain that they don't have those assets. (And nobody cares about their whining). While I would not like steemit to become just sexually charged pictures , sex appeal will always benefit some whether you like it or not. This post targets both and I thoroughly enjoyed it.


I know right. The Dutch girl writes some really great stuff, Heidi travels with no fear, there was a great Russian girl i forgot her name who was living in a boat and travelling the world, she had a kick-ass life.. That's just off the top of my head.

Janina for example "Blockchain girl" I know for a fact she was envolved in the blockchain sphere since 2014. We have mutual friends..

All of these stories would've featured in any magazine, there is no reason to expect the opposite here.

Plus, you totally nailed it: "That's what most advertisements are based on." what a surprise?

Personally, I think that it's a good thing that steemit is more inclusive.

I'm glad that you found it funny! That's why I try to do sometimes.

Thank you.

@heiditravels is a sweetheart. People are just jealous because she has created a successful platform and is pretty!

And there is context to her stories. Plus she invests the steem she earns into bringing us new stories. Tahiti, Peru... That's what she's passionate about, so that's great. You always should do what you're passionate about.

So there is no consistency in that only-boobs-theory. She's pretty yes, but also there are a lot of pretty women everywhere.

By the way, it's been great to have a conversation like this one. Some other comments today I did not see coming. Haha . It happens.

Ya I had a feeling you might get a few interesting comments and still get quite a few negative. Pretty girls should not be forced into not looking pretty so as not to upset ugly guys. Haha just need to play to your strengths whether that be humor, knowledge, passion etc. Great content will get found eventually if you are consistent. It can be frustrating, but it is worth putting in the effort to see the long term rewards that only you can achieve.