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RE: How I Made $15,000 in 12 Hours on the New Blockchain Based Social Media Site Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

I know that it is easy to be envious of others peoples success, but please let me respectfully say that you are not looking far into the future very far and are being narrow minded.

@mrgrey has shown he is trying to add value to steemit and consistently trying to create great content even though he wasn't rewarded for it with money. I would love to have a comment with $1,500 dollars as well, but I am simply happy to see he is being rewarded for his hard work.

It's like a broken record would repeat, but the way you achieve success here long term is to create work that is honest, open, and raw and about topics you enjoy you will be successful.

I'd encourage you to see that any success for anyone making unique content for steemit is a positive thing. The more content that can only be found here (like @rok-sivante thoughtful perspective on people and the world and @stellabelle creativity with secret-writer and photography) the better.

Hopefully you can see I am not trying to be critical or harsh on you, but take this advice to heart and go out to make your own $1,500 article. Best of luck @juvyjabian

Don't let these two prevent you from seeing the long term potential



I must admit it, all these successful stuff make me kinda envy, and I'm sorry. I won't focus on the successful comment of @mrgrey, but looking at all those "wealthy" steemians and their posts getting thousands in no time! dayum! I said I don't care about the money here, but I kid you not bro, all these stuff sometimes push me to change my game here you know? But I feel you @bendjmiller, I recognize I won't earn anything with envy.

What frustrates me the most is the fact that I'm not a writer whatsoever, I suck at it. I try to catch some pennies every day with some mainstream stuff, you know, sharing whatever I like, whatever I found interesting on internet. I try to not copy/paste anymore (I think I learned this the hard way, kinda of) instead I try to do summaries with a bit of originality maybe, I'm on it man, I'm on it.

Anyway, congratz to @mrgrey. You've made it man.

I will make an effort to reward you and your effort and help as much as I can. I just wanted you realize that the trending or that have made successful comments are of a positive mindset.

I am not a great writer yet either (I struggle with tenses and paragraph length etc).

I suggest you write about a difficult time in your life and what you learned from going through it. You may wish to look at @stellabelle #secret-writer section. People that are being open, honest, and vulnerable are having success telling their stories.

Even if you don't story like that, write about the most important hobby or value you. People with a passion for cooking have some great as an example.

Keep trying your best. Those who stick with it will rewarded 😀

See how when your mindset changes your wallet tends to too! 😀 Keep it up @toxichan

I'll second that suggestion, @stellabelle has some talent. I dioscovered her yesterday.

Thank you toxichan :)

Sorry for the late reply @bendjmiller, I'm very grateful to you man and glad I can count on you. This community is straight up AWESOME. Keep the good work guys.

Hey @mrgrey np man :)

steemit is a fucking ponzi and u guys kiss each others ass just to keep this shit running, everyone joining will regret it sooner or later

Your logic is flawed and you are being foolish

1 - If you don't need to put any money in, but can take money out, then that is not a ponzi scheme. (In fact I would encourage you to alert me if you can find another system where you can receive money for your work without investing).

2 - You are being blinded by jealousy. If you were the one receiving $1,500 for your comment, you would be singing another tune. (I will bet you $100 dollars that if someone were to offer you $1,000 dollars for your work you would take it without question as to whether other may be jealous).

3 - I looked at your wallet and you have made money here. Unless you are a celebrity or youtube sensation, I am guessing this is more than you have made on any other social media site combined.

4 - As a token of good faith I will instead of flagging your comment, reward you with 1 steem dollar. Why would I do this? Because I wish you to stay and see that steemit is more than just money. A community that shares money together in a positive way is a great thing and I am going to share with you even though you do not deserve it.

I will await your response. In fact instead of 1 I will give you 3 steem . Check your wallet, since the blockchain transparency will prove I am not lying

so I'll regret never putting money in?
So never getting you money stolen, is something YOU regret?
I'm not sure I follow your reasoning. :^/

No worry @bendjmiller222 I don't feel any harsh in your message because its true. Hope I can make it too someday :) Following you

Thank you! Just wanted to enlighten you and not be too harsh. Steemit changes your mindset on yourself, others, and what success really is. I'm sure you have witnessed that it is far more than mere monetary gain that you are rewarded with.

Thank you @bendjmiller222 you are amazing and thank you for recognising my efforts here my friend you to will soon feel this success I am sure of it.

I'm with you in the belief that hard work never goes unrewarded. I would continue to write posts even if I never again broke the dollar mark or the rewards were capped at a certain level. Even if steemit were to collapse tomorrow, I know I will continue to be successful since I have created real friendships with people who are go getters that also help out the little ones with big dreams.

Wow, you say that you value people being open and honest but you totally jumped down this guys throat and patronised him for being just that.
Envy is a normal human emotion and is not something to be ashamed of and does not make a person narrow minded-that was so rude! People like juvyjabian who express this emotion freely and without denial are generally decent people but people who pretend that they never feel envy are usually spiteful and untrustworthy.
Then you finished with the old, "I don't wanna be rude but...{I'm- going- to- be- anyway- but- now- you- can't- take- offence- because- I'm-pretending- that- I've- got- your- best- interests- at- heart- when- I- was- actually- just- after- attention- for- myself-and -I-name-dropped-a-bit-to-show-that-I'm-in-the-in crowd}
Your comment is an example of what I call, "stealth bullying" and it serves no purpose but to oppress people and close down discussion.
Then a few posts down he's telling you that your rudeness was ok because you were rewarded for your stealth bullying, which basically lowered his status and raised yours.
Is Steemit going to become a cliquee place full of high school "mean girls"?

I absolutely value people being honest and open. Notice I didn't flag anyone or downvote.

If you can show me a time when envy has worked out in a positive way, let me know, because I've never seen it work.

Hate it also a natural reaction, but that doesn't mean it should go unchecked.

Is @feminism Misunderstood

If jealousy, envy, hate, and greed become the norm on steemit, then it will have failed. It's all about working together and helping people and not at all about what one can do individually.

I don't have an ulterior motive for@juvyjabian and we have talked since and have come to like each others work.

If what I did was "stealth bullying," I don't even want to think about what you'd call most of the rest of the internet commenters that spew whatever they want with no regard for anyone.

That being said, I do understand what you are saying, but if you can convince me that some of these things are positive natural reactions that should be encouraged unchecked, then I think we will have to agree to disagree.

Envy is a natural human emotions and all emotions when expressed calmly, always lead to positive outcomes. No emotion is negative, in and of itself, and therefore no emotion should be feared and oppressed: for it is oppression that leads to a pouring forth of emotions as negative, hateful actions.
His post ended with "amazing" it was very positive and he did not deserve to be called narrow minded and Steemit is at no risk of being corrupted by him or anyone like him. So, yes expressing all emotions should be encouraged, unchecked, for that is the basis of art, but that is subtly different from inciting people to be envious or hateful. I guess you need to learn to listen to the subtext of what is said.
I am unfamiliar with the feminism person and I do not see the relevance of mentioning her here because if she is like the op, then she's fine and if she isn't like the op, then she's not relevant to this discussion.

Do you really think that your words weren't insulting and rude because you paid lip service to the words, "please" and "respectful"?
"please let me respectfully say that you are....being narrow-minded"
What about if someone said to you, (and I'm being purposely outrageous here to prove a point), "please let me respectfully say that you should fuck right off because you are a stupid cunt" ?
I call it, "stealth bullying" because it is a subtle method of belittling people, maybe you didn't even realise that you were doing it, it may just be a habit that you've picked up without realising. Of course it isn't as bad as just plain, old rudeness, I'll grant you that, but it is still aggressive and demeaning.