What Have You Done On Steemit That has Been A Sources Of Motivate To Any Body Including Our Newbies

in #steemit7 years ago

Good evening fellow steemians its been a while am happy to be back hope you are all doing great today? Just thought i should share this with you.

Some of us who have made names in the Steemit platform, will be boasting, some will say am the one that introduce her to Steemit others will am registered him on the platform.

My question here is that if you are asked today how have you been able to motivate or impart on this newbies life what will you say is your contribution so far? in the life of the person you introduced steemit to?

I see some of our big names on the platform who live this I don't care kind of attitude, that when you asked a question you find it very difficult to answer and you are there boasting you have done this and that.

Some of us who are suppose to be mentors to our newbies but what happened? we are just living an isolated kind of life, like I don't care if he or she survives in the platform. And am suppose to believe you were thought and mentored by a ghost and not human being? That is the more reasons you should have a protegee that you are proud of and he or she is proud to call you mentor.

Why would introduce a person without giving him or her a proper orientation what is obtainable you just brought the newbies in the middle of the road and left him or her!!

I want to use @theheralds to site a typically example of a great mentor who I will forever remain grateful to he is what I call a father figure to our community in general he is @theheralds, he is someone you will call and ask a question where you are bit confuse he will calm down and explain to you all you need to know.

Another typically example am going to site for you this are people I called great Men of our social time. They are @ejemai, @nairadaddy @eurogee and @ogochukwu they are very wonderful people that I have met so far in my course of steemit.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to follow, upvote and leave your comment!!!!!


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