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RE: Can I get a little customer service?

in #steemit7 years ago

Well I sort of did... but I know that this is a useless stupid community without having to spend a year here. So if you think I'm concerned about reputation and making money here you are sadly mistaken. I hijacked this account after some stupid fuck pasted his password into a comment and didn't immediately change it. There are a lot of stupid people here and I am just here to play and blow off STEEM!!!


Why not do a good action and notify the guy about his leaked password? Behavior like that and bragging about will get you some serious flagging.

Indeed it will. Yarr!

Because stupid people should be culled... So I did the right thing.

Are you saying that you are 'god's' avenging angel?

You get to harm people while others don't?

Nope.. but I could care less about this account. Down vote me or not... I'm just using it to fuck around.

Well, ok, if you say so,...

Well, at least you got that going for you,....

Why are you down voting me?

I warned you folks wouldn't like it, but I hadn't down voted you, just removed the upvotes I had given you.

Yes.. you invited them over to see what was going on... basically asking them to flag my comments.

I did mention your comments in the chat, but I didn't ask them for anything other than their attention.
Apparantly, steemcleaners either doesn't care about my input, or they don't believe your story.
Frankly I didn't believe it, either, but that is not for me to deem authoritative, so I asked for more data.