Is Crypto Dead?...Again?!!!

in #steemit7 years ago


My crypto alarms were going crazy this morning with the price of steem crashing to almost a dollar.

Ah 2018, the so called 'year of the crypto' or so it was dubbed at the end of 2017! haha what a laugh!

Or is it?... Now is the perfect time to buy into crypto if you want to invest fiat and IF you believe that crypto is NOT infact dead, it is just at a low point (which happens regularly; that is the nature of the market).

I do feel bad for all those that were sucked into the EOS hype and bought Eos when the price was near $20. I am sure they must be panicking right now. I hope they are in it for the long term investment as I can't see it rising back to that level during 2018.


I am also noticing people returning to Steemit with their tails between their legs after realising that their promised lands were not all that they were cracked up to be... just yet anyway!

At the end of the day, Steemit is a place where you can post and be paid, where else can you acheive this right now?

They say follow the smart money... I say stick with what you know!


Much love to all you faithfull Steemians, @beautifulbullies xx


I believed this platform and invested some money to Steemit 2 month ago. But prices are going down. Prices will make me demotivated when under 1 USD. I hope good days will come.

Good days will come back, we are just at a low point, but the market will pick up again in the future :)

steemit is so much more than the crypto, the community I have found on here, the skill sharing, the knowledge and wisdom shared and the brilliant photography, I'm here to stay come what may xxx

I am glad you are here to stay too, I think we have a lovely community here, and the true steemians have stuck around come what may :) xx

I just laugh and point out that steem has been far lower than this. Its still better than the big, fat nothing I get elsewhere and I'm having fun

haha yep, I remember when it was at about $0.80 last year, I am sure you remember it being even lower as you started way before me! Well, look at what we have achieved so far, I am loving the connections being made here and that is what I am trying to focus on now more than anything else. Steem on! lol

Here's looking at the long picture! The big boom of the beginning of the year and the EOS mainnet launch are high peaks to fall from if you invested at those points! Just stick around and keep writing (or buying!).

Totally agree! Long term investment is key I think to those who invested at the peak. They will see return, we just have to keep the faith :)

I'm still here, but only just; hardly get a comment or upvote unless I bot them so really don't know why I keep on going, but then, maybe there's nowhere else to go

Just saw your feed and you have a lot of posts. That can actually put some people off. Maybe spread them out a bit and comment more to attract a better audience. Just suggestions

Try getting involved in more communities @wales. There are lots on Discord, just chose the ones that are in-fitting with your passions :)

I would if I could find even one

Steem Economy because Steem is rewarding us and reward is one important aspect, but other than that we have many engagement aspects too.@beautifulbullies, At this moment i am watching towards the

We've joined amazing communities here, and what if today prices are down, once prices were too high too, so ups and downs are life aspect and it will stay like that only.

I don't know what will be the future situation, but in my opinion if we like something or we hold faith then we should continue because at the end of the day it can rise once again.

Many are demotivated that is because they are just connected with monetary aspect but in my opinion when we can connect with whole Sphere then we can stood strong in the journey.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

absolutely agree with you @chireerocks! :D If we believe in the platform and use it as it was intended, we will have a strong community. That is what I dream of for steemit :)

Yes, let's hope that this platform will rise and will adopted by the masses, and i want to see Steemit to surpass Facebook and YouTube. Stay blessed. 🙂

No not dead just a little Consolidation going on . I would Buy at .80 cents today but my Funds have not cleared the Bank yet.

Great Buying Opportunity, imho. Especially with that Hard Fork coming up in Sept.

I like where we're at with Steemit and the things coming around the Corner ;)

Me too! I got quite excited this morning when I woke up and saw the price of steem... I was straight on coinbase haha SP boosted up nicely too ;)

I really don't regret not buying into EOS. It was pretty clear that the market as a whole was going down at the time. Plus, I'd only like to invest when I see a somewhat finished product.

I think EOS will be amazing once it takes off. But for now Steemit is holding its own and I hope it continues to do so.

I meant to buy into EOS when it was 8 last week and just forgot. So now I can see how low it'll go and I can get in. Down is good too, we just have to remember that.

Exactly! 😁 it is the perfect opportunity to get in on some of the coins that were so expensive a few months ago!

Not panicking... yet.
I like to use this time (when the prices dip so low) to get myself organized and ready for the next uplifting price moment(s). GREAT time to re-evaluate, write more and get my thoughts in order.

Absolutely! It is always good to re-evaluate our goals in life, no matter from what point of view. Things change and we have to stay fluid or we get left behind! I find that steemit is a great place to process my thoughts...especially as it answers me back with thought provoking comments too haha

Don't panic! :)

Where did they go, these people returning with their tails between their legs?

Don't have money to buy in otherwise I'd at least think about it XD

lol me neither! i wish I had spare cash to invest, I would be loading up my SP right now haha

A lot of people sold their Steem and bought EOS thinking there would be a new 'Steemit 2.0' on the EOS blockchain. This hasn't actually come into fruition as yet so a lot of them are coming back slowly

It goes with the territory, there's a potential for the massive upside, so there's also the risk for the slump

Yes! I think we are well and truly in the slump right now lol Although, it could fall even lower yet!

Yes, it's probably dead and we should all panic, or you could just sell all your STEEM to me at the bargain price of $0.50 each? I'll take all you have unless you are Orca sized :)

lmao NOOOO!!!! xD

I sold my entire portfolio of crypto back in March - would’ve done it earlier but wasn’t in the position too (access to internet). Had I done so in January (when I wanted to) I would’ve done better, but I still came out ahead from what I invested.

Except Steem. I kept that. Now I have some $ saved I may even buy up now. I think this is coin worth holding.

That should be a nice little profit there! :D

Yeah I think Steem price now is around the price I originally bought in at.

Oh, and just found your little present too... muchas gracias! 😊🙏🏽☯️🎁

Haha you are welcome! ;)

You know nothing Jon Snow lol. EOS is crushing transaction highs. EOS is thriving more than we expected this early on remember EOS only launched in June and already has huge investors in the financial industry. ETH launched in 2015 and didn't see a serious up in price until 2017.

Haha sore point? ;) only kidding! Hehe I'm not saying EOS is bad I am saying I feel sorry for people who bought in at $20 if they were hoping to make a quick buck and arent in it for the long term. I hold EOS too so I hope it goes back up I just dont think it will happen anytime soon but that goes for all cryptos
EDIT: I equally hope the market proves me wrong! lol

Not really sore no. I have been saying for a while i think EOS will hit between the $3 to $4 mark before we see any kind of positive reaction again. But the tech behind it is amazing.
Edit: I still believe we have a $3500 - $4000 BTC to come.

Sooo actually you agree with me? ;)

I agree with you on the price but i don't agree that people run back to steemit because of an EOS down trend. The 2 are different projects entirely.

Its the lack of an alternative paying social media platform on eos right now that is bringing people back, not the price imo

At the end of the day, Steemit is a place where you can post and be paid, where else can you acheive this right now?

I so agree with you