Woweee!!! 300!! On my 2 week anniversary no less. Yay!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I can't believe I'm up to 300 followers!!

There were so many things I wanted to achieve today but I got stuck with my intro post. That baby has been on my mind for ages and I just wanted get it done, dusted and ticked off.

This post was another that needed to be done.

I can get sappy again and tell yall how my life's changed since I joined Steemit but I won't. I'm just gonna do a big ass (can I say ass on steemit?) SHOUT OUT to my peeps.

First, foremost. Team Australia's fearless leader @sirknight for taking me in and having me on board his team. It's truly an honor and such an opportunity for growth for me in so many areas in my life - all I can say is Thank you and I will always strive to serve and support the team.

@ausbitbank for supporting all us minnows, Team Australia and especially for those big chunks of cash you drop on my posts. Cheers mate. You're a true aussie legend. I wanna be like you one day :) Can I get a WITNESS!! 🙌🙌

Team Australia you're awesome. I thank you all for having my back and I want you guys to know I gots you. I pledge my vow to check our tag and shower our team with love.

#teamphilippines :) people of my blood. It's been a privilege to connect with you all here and it sure warmed my heart to see how big your recruits list is for Steem Wars.

My #minnowsupport peeps! Minnows unite! Thank you for sharing youselves, your knowledge and support.

And big love and gratitude to everyone else in between. The last 2 weeks have flown and there's so many wonderful people I've met I wish I could tag you all.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you ❤


Congrats to you, well done!

Thanks cryptokash!

I'm impressed with the Level 50 in 2 weeks? Holy Spokes Batman. Welcome. Steemit is Out Of This World. Live Long and Prosper. I voted up and am FOLLOWING your blog
image from google imaging.

Live long and prosper my friend!!

Yes. Its been an epic 2 weeks. I'm surprised I dont have RSI lol

Steemit is the best thing ever!! I love love LOVE it. I meet the nicest people here yourself included.

I'm following back cos whats not to like? You had me with Spock. 🙌🙌

Great work!! I'm not surprised at all. You have contributed so much in so short a time.

Thanks hun. That means so much to me coming from you. You were one of the very first people I followed when I started. Im a total fan. I love how you write about your loved ones. You inspire me to open my heart center more freely. Thank you xxx

Oh you are most welcome! You were one of my first to follow as well. It's so nice to connect with people I would have otherwise never have known. So thank you!

❤ gotta love steemit!

nice post thanks

Thanks bigbear :)

Woooohooo well done and thanks for reminding me about doing my intro keep forgetting.

Cheers mate!

Do it!! Do it!!! I'll keep an eyeball on it.. but no pressure :D

no pressure it's a CHALLENGE! : o)

BOOM!!! I'm looking forward to it! 👍

Think you have it the wrong way round Arly. Me, Adam and the whole of Team Australia are lucky to have you and your creative genius. We are not only the fastest growing team but the best looking too. Thanks to you. SirKnight.

Aw shucks SK. Honestly though. Serving the team and the community is a total pleasure.

In my line of work I usually do an end of year local mailbox drop of assorted goodies. One year I had it going in two spots in NSW, in Manila, Philippines and in Philadelphia USA. We call it 'gifting'. Orgonite, in simple terms, changes negative energy to positive energy. Orgonite makers usually do gifting runs to protect areas.

Since coming to Steemit I feel like my gifting is no longer set for the end of the year. It's in everything we do for each other here and I thrive in that environment.

Steemit was made for me and Im grateful to have found you and Team Australia so I can fulfill one of the reasons I'm on this planet.

Well I am glad you are enjoying your work Arly - now I'd better get started on tonight's post. SK.

I'll look forward to it in the morning! Im sure it'll be its usual epic quality 👍

Congrats and cheers for that. :)

Thanks zararina :)

Good work @bearone. A great effort achieved through your consistently good content. Yay for you! Now...How can I get there too! I'm creeping up slowly so see your milestone as inspiration. :) Well done.

Thank you @galenkp
I wish I had a formula, it's honestly been a surprise and a blessing to see new followers come in every day. You'll be there before you know it ;) I'll be sure to resteem you more often ❤

Awesome. I really appreciate it. My strategy is to simply post from the heart and about what's happening in my world etc. I This platform craps all over Facebook which I have not used in the two weeks I've been here. :) I see a few followers trickle in here and there and it makes me happy. I've spent tonight engaging with some people across the world, reading and commenting and it's so cool. Such good people. :)

It's a sound strategy and one suitable for this platform as people react very well to self expression and honesty.

I still pop in to FB do a quick scroll down, notice it's all the same crap and come back to Steemit. If it werent for a few choice people and my business page, Id delete it.

What does it say about me when I dont want to bring some of my fb people over? I'm worried they will ruin the energy.

I have the same thoughts, I'd rather leave the FB people just where they are.

hahah right?! I've only told a handful of people :D

Congrats on the first of many milestones!

Many thanks to you @swenger :) I meant to tag you on Team USA's graphics. Let me know if you'd like a custom footer ok?

A custom footer would be great! I wish I had more creative abilities, and especially computer design. Accountants aren't generally known for their creativity, unless it's in making up numbers! :<0

Maybe it's one of those right brain left brain things? Im terrible with numbers lol

I'll get on to your footer today my friend :) Ill tag you on the Team USA post.

Excellent! Thanks again.



Apologies for the wait :)

No worries! Thanks again. They look great!

@bearone this is @swenger . I set up an @teamusa account, but I'm at home on my Mac and having trouble dragging and dropping the header and footer into a post. Also, could you create one with @teamusa instead of @swenger? Or is that something I could do? Still learning all this, but at least getting Command Central @teamusa set up!

Wohoo! Congrats on all the success 2 weeks in!! Who knows where you will be in 1 month!! exciting times here on Steemit :)

Keep going buddy long way to go

Congratulation @bearone! You deserve all the love you're getting from all Steemians! Hugs from TeamPhilippines!

Thanks so much @beng05
❤❤❤❤ tons of love to you Team Philippines!