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RE: I Don't Understand Why Steem Isn't on the Moon Already!!

in #steemit7 years ago

I think that it takes a lot of time to learn about steemit. Posting takes time to learn as well. There is a huge learning curve. In terms of usefulness I would agree there is "some" content that we can learn from. A majority of it is junk, and it's challenging to find your niche at times.

Many people are not writers. Many die hard-blog enthisiasts are hardcore on quality (annotated, footnoted, sources). Some are hardcore on circle friendships and reward only each other. The rewards are shared by the top and little unfortunately goes to the lower half.

STEEM/SBD/STEEM POWER need explanation from new users who have no idea about the platform. I would love to see a steem wallet app, I think that is really needed. That would mimick these so called other alt-coins with no "REAL" benefit.

In other words, time is money and people dont necessarily want to invest into that if there is no instant reward or they have to sit down and really learn about what it is all about. Just my two cents (literally)


All good points. But still, there are literally tons of coins that are trading at a much higher value that literally do nothing and are simply a promise from some devs and a nice whitepaper. I don't get it.

Wild west speculation. I have yet to see an alt-coin that didn't dump soon after it came onto an exchange. In all honesty BTC is antiquated already. I mean the withdrawal fee and the time to do so is really absurd. Now BTC Cash was on top because it was faster; but now BTC is claiming that have figured it out themselves.

One guy was promoting Digibyte because the technology is so much better/faster .. but in the end it's a real shit-coin one I am happy I got out of - only because it lost value even though technically it is better. Everything is just speculative and people have fear of missing out. That's all that is going on. At the end of the day and I'm sorry to say, but my FIAT cash does more for me on a daily basis than crypto. There is no such thing as decentralization if a person owns a majority of any coins. Steem is no exception either. If a whale decides they don't like something, or powers down.. well everyone else is effected.
It's all smoke and mirrors at this point.

well, this is a tangent, but there is no such thing as decentralized power in a world with money in it. think about it. you could make it so that every person on steem had the same impact, and maybe even make sure there are not duplicate accounts, but a rich person could still just hire people and pay them to vote on what he tells them, and get power that way. Money is power, that's just the world we live in.