people from JEWISH ANCESTRY are sometimes the MOST EVIL to their family. Also the "Israeli's DO NOT ALLOW NON-JEWISH People into Israel" - A BLATANT LIE
There are over 2 MILLION MUSLIMS living in PEACE inside that tiny little land. The people defending the scum of the Arab world LOVE seeing them perpetually in a state of being losers. It makes them feel superior while the whole time they could have let them into their own countries and the wars would be over.
Bedouin Arabs, Druze, Indian, Chinese, Black Jews, Christians, Muslims, Atheists, Communists, Socialists, Orthodox Greek etc.. all live in Israel. For a piece of shit like you to understand that we have had ENOUGH of your fucking nations (GOYEM) murdering, raping, exterminating us when all we wanted was just to survive in a dirty GHETTO. When we were in the GHETTO we were called Rats, dirty, CHRIST KILLERS, good for nothing. We remember when you used to get drunk on Christmas Eve and rape and murder us. We remember the multiple Holocausts, Pogroms, INQUISITIONS. When we started fighting for rights and became successful we were called the Globalists, the ones who are taking over the world. You are disgusting, you are putrid. You have no idea what survival to US means. It means the gloves are off, and I won't allow vile filth like yourself to spout LIES and nonsense. I don't care about @berniesanders, I care about my children and their future of survival. You stupid fucks just don't get it. We aren't the dirty little rats anymore, we are strong and have a land for our-self ONCE again. There is no more compromise with a world that wanted us erased.