You are an anti-semite strictly because you think you have some right to point out Israel's flaws rather than some other country. - because your father decided to abandon his own people gives you some right to criticize them?
Anyone vocal on Israel alone has an agenda. _ ignoring Arab Terrorism makes you putrid.
I have been to Israel twice, I married into a non-white family from Morocco
My father and my grandparents experienced the holocaust first hand.
Who the fuck are you again? Some little kid commenting on shit he knows nothing about.
Those 38,000 AFRICANS came to Israel illegally and are committing crimes.. Much like your illegal Mexicans.. oh and they are NOT JEWS
PS I would love for your head to be hit by a ROCK you stupid piece of drek! When they run over Jews where's your MEME.. when they stab Jews where's your MEME, when they fire MORTARS and ROCKETS where is your MEME.
Propoganda. You are garbage. Your father fought for nothing because he created filthy spawn that LOVES the people that would have him slaughtered in any Arab or European country.