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RE: Why I am quitting steemit - and you should too

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

(in fact they indirectly pay him to do it)This is not facebook or reddit or youtube where a meaningless little troll is going around harrassing people. This is a decentralised network where it is up to the stakeholders what they allow people to do. When you decide you don't like people using the #steemit tag what do you do about it sneak? You use your stake to voice your disapproval. So when this stakeholder goes around voicing his disapproval in the manner that he does, and all of the other major stakeholders do nothing about it, that gives a very loud message of approval to the users who are not invested enough here to bother tolerating what you approve of. @techslut is one of the few who actually will voice this issue out loud and I've seen a lot of others quietly leave.


EXACTLY like it was intended. Now, go smoke some more meth, you've almost got the methhead look perfected.Maybe you should try blaming @dan, he's the one who designed the system. And it's being used

@techslut is nothing more than an attention whore. Just look at this post of all of the claims to be quitting then more ranting and whining any chance she gets. You all can piss the fuck off, this isn't what Steem was built for.

Allow me to clarify: I quit posting content on the platform. I still have some money in here, and some rewards to collect from last week. So while I refuse to contribute to this pyramid scam, I also refuse to stop commenting here.

I mean, if I stopped commenting, and you had nothing to flag, what would you do with all that power and free time? Something beneficial to the platform? We both know that's not going to happen as you're a selfish greedy little narcissist.

So keep on flagging my comments and wasting your VP on me. Like you said - attention whore. And I do love this type of attention, especially when I know it's causing you some losses and making you look like a total woman-hating troll.