in #steemit8 years ago

Serendipity is a peculiar word - if I had the choice where I invented something of profound brilliance through serendipity or sagacity I and most would have to go with the latter. Steemit was derived through this. So there I was trying to get inspired for my next post, nothing was coming, feeling vacuous and stupid at that particular moment with YouTube on my screen, I saw the word stupid and clicked on it then this came up…

I know, I know, we have that in England so don’t feel too proud over the pond or wherever you are. I have faith in humanity and want to believe it’s a fake vid, then the hand gestures at the end of the vid appeared, with head in hands my faith in humanity took a huge hit.

But then it came to me, you see we’re all brainwashed to believe what we see and hear and some if not most times we miss the detail as I did in school, but if we stop in think a wee bit, check the details the answer to most questions are right in front of us.

Here’s an example – it’s little 5 year old Johnny’s first day in maths class, and the teacher asks, “There’s three pigeons perched on a telephone line and the farmer shoots one, how many are left?” Sarah at the front says “Two, Miss.” “Very good Sarah,” as Johnny gets up and says “No Miss - if the farmer shoots one the other 2 will fly off…” “Very good Sarah,” says the teacher then turns to Johnny and says, “No Johnny, this is a maths class. The answer is 2 - but I like the way you’re thinking…” Johnny wasn’t happy with this so at the end of the class, when the teacher asks if anyone has any questions, Johnny asks, “Miss, there’s three women outside an ice cream parlour. They all have one - the first pays hers no attention, the second gets half ways through and bins it and the third downs it quicker than quick - so which one’s married, Miss?” The teacher, perplexed and intrigued in equal measure, says “The third one?” Johnny says, “No Miss, it’s the one with the wedding ring wrapped around her finger -

but I like the way you’re thinking!” Steemit through sagacity, this post serendipity through watching a YouTube vid about a vacuous girl which got me thinking – every country has an Education Minister, Education Czar or whatever you want to call it – they have one.

They must all be told of the power of steemit. Just imagine how it will motivate the kid to do better and try harder because the prize is that steem dollar. The ministers should incorporate it into the school curriculum and when it filters down to the teachers they will be on steemit too. I would love to be in the classroom that has little Johnny doing far better than the teacher. Of course the best and expensive schools might not warm to steemit but the poorer schools (which is most schools) and their teachers will lap it up. What better way to motivate poor kids than a buck.

Steemit will make poor school-kids want to do better and in turn make the teachers and parents want to do steemit. That’s how you get the world on steemit. Now back to the first question – which would you prefer – to have concocted a profound bit of brilliance, serendipity or sagacity?

Here’s something to mull over there where some white coat lab techs trying to find a cure for angina (the disease that blocks the arteries) so they came up with a pill – how I don’t know, they just did – in a town called Sandwich in England then they gave the pill to patients with angina and told them to come back later for tests. When they came back and were testing they found it did nothing apart from one side-effect – that side-effect led to the pill being called Viagra. So as a 51-year old man - serendipity or sagacity – I’m easy!


Steem education, I can see it coming!


Give it time

Would be great to see wouldn't it.

Great skills

Thanks vis it's not easy.

There are a couple studies out that show a non instantaneous monetary reward has little effect on work ethic (grades and the work to grt high marks). I like you're thinking and steem could work in some areas well, but as a motivation for low-income kids probably not.

As far as Johnny goes, that kid is smart as shit. Some teacher will recognize and get him in an advanced class.

Great points, I can imagine steemit schools all over the world

It could happen

Great post. Wonderfully explainned

Thanks for the confidence boost dailyincome

I upvote U