Good morning, Sorry I haven't replied in a while. I've been trying to split my time with the YouTube venture (193 Subscribers in a week with the top video pushin 2,000 views, stoked!). It is important for everyone to remember we are in Beta testing, anything that brings further attention to our platform is a good thing. Great work @heart-to-heart
P.S Beard or no beard? I shaved in my latest video, lol.
Are you one of the creators of Busy? Would you be able to address some of the points @heart-to-heart made?
lol, no I am not. I am TERRIBLE with computers. I was an expert in business process improvement in a previous life so I understand new ventures have speed bumps.
My Father referred to me as a "wordsmith" when I was younger. You are the first person I have seen using that term since. Now I have to check out your blog.
Awe, I just assumed as much given your comment!
Right on! A friend of mine and I conjured up that word last summer, but of course it came from the noosphere ;) Your dad must of had good taste!
Likewise! Let's see where our thoughts converge.
See, if we had a chat feature, you could have sent me this there!