Delegates SP they can undo that transaction when ever they want to.I looked through the 39 pages of steemd on the account @dstors, I saw no excessively large transfer, some transfers to promotion bots for post, but nothing that looked like any sort of theft. When a person
"discovery" process facts and documents to the claims being made against him.I did not look at @kaliju's page. It seems to me in the two pieces you posted above in images that @kaliju has done the correct thing and sought out legal help, (good for him), and has asked as part of the
I see no evidence being put forth by you, nor Mr. Haejin about how this supposed theft from @dstors took place? Serious accusation in my book require proof. Post a document showing the loan and then the request for re-payment and then the denial of the request, then yes you can call it theft. Until I see proof of theft, I will not treat an individual as a thief. Call me foolish, but I still believe a person is innocent until proven guilty. Show the proof of the theft.
I have seen a number of post about this issue and accusations, what I have not seen in any of them is any proof of theft.
That and so much more, like a document that shows that we incrorporated and that it was leagally signed by me. I will leak the actual ( templates that he used) "partnership" papers that I did sign with him that stated our roles for the non existing company that was "soon to be incorporated". Glad it never happened as he completely took control of everything (by threatening to pull his support if i didn't agree with his ways) which caused a lot of questioning from @whatsup and others.
I talked to the law firm that we were supposed to work with and they know that I backed out before it was too late, in writing. He's good at throwing three paragraph essays together and lying. That's how most, just like I have, fall under his influence. He manipulates people, that's what he does. I played a fool and went along as much as I could, boiling on the inside, when he went from 20% ownership to wanting full ownership using pressure tactings and my reliance on his promised backing.
He couldn't offer the devs that came forward to help us any actual money and tried to play everyone on the team by offering them token stake as compensation that doesn't even exist.
He claims he has multiple companies and that he was charting for over 20 years but he's only registered his analytics business in September. I don't know how he got his @ranchorelaxo account but what I do know is that steemit is his main source of income that he probably doesn't even pay tax on.
He doesn't own anything about dStors and never will. I have timestamps all over the place, source code, logo design, all social networks, domain names, witnesses etc.
He wants to take any of it, let him, that'll be a rope my lawers will hang him by the ballsack with.
His wife has influnce in #kr community and the reason being is because most of them can't read English and so are clueless as to what is really going on. That's how delegators left - they were told a story and none bothered to reach out to me and ask what was going on. I'm not about to start chasing people, explaining my side. It's useless.
He shitted all over the dstors account by using it to reply to people with agression, got pissed off at me for correcting him and started dcommerce. One must be a fool thinking that something that has a name like dcommerce can even be trademarked/inc'd or succeed as a platform. But that's besides the point. Point is, he must show proof, on paper, with my consent in signature and an official statement of him leaving the partnership before starting dcommerce and violating all dev agreements and NDA's in the process that were signed by everyone on the team.
Haejin: A lying ass amateur who claims to be a pro can continue with dcommerce fooling people. I can go on and on, but the proof of all that I speak of is in the pudding. And I might just share it for fun if this silly time wasting continues. Why are you so desperate to destroy a guy with an empty wallet, if you're so sure Mr. Millionaire? Save your breath and keyboard banging and talk to my lawyer who was laughing his ass off the other day while going over our "papers". Pfft!
I'm now in the middle of all this shit and it's all your negative energy that draws it. You're not God as you told me you believe to be. Deal with it.
I agree - but people seem unwilling to be transparent about events...then speculation takes place over facts...
speculation, one of my favorite words of all time. You see a body in a parking space prone on the ground, is it dead, is it a woman, (you can't tell from your angle), is it a homeless person sleeping? A drunk passed out? We can all stand around and speculate till the cows come home, then the fun starts, poking it with a stick. A nice word speculation.
I prefer 'wobble'...
but I see what you mean...
Why would there be no public memo about what the funds were for, why would he mention in his response (haejin's) that kali was being paid in steem not USD, why not show what the funds were to be used for, were they promised payments to kali, were they funds to be used to pay developers? There are a lot of reason why one person gives another person funds when they are a "Supposed" Investor. Investors lose money in a lot of investments. They also add money to help pay for work when they see a chance of reward. So far I haven't seen any evidence from either side what the funds were supposed to be for. Just because it looks like money was given, what were the terms of the money transfer? Why not show the document of what the funds were for? 90% of all wallet transfers have a memo attached to them especially when they are transfers of more than 5 steem, so why no memo on these transfers? I am not saying it does not belong to haejin, but it could just as well be kali's money also as payment as haejin went to great lengths to point out that kali was supposedly the only one being paid. All I am certain of is that I will never know the truth of it.
heajin posted some more details yesterday..not sure if makes things clearer...
it makes it clear that nothing was shown as to what the payments were for, nothing as to why he did not use a memo in the transfer of funds, a re-mention of his payment to kali ju in steem. and some respectable people being flagged for comments on his post, so yeah he made it about as clear as muddy water can get when someone has diarrhea in said muddy water.
Still the drama while different than last years with bernie is still drama, and something for some of the same players to make post make GIANT ASSED REWARDS from those post and claim once again woe is me.
Still I did have fun watching the bernie/hajien melt down last year at about this time. Do you think it will be a new New Years event, who will be the brunt of haejins rage next year.
haejin, bernie, and a few others - I wonder just how may are just the nucleus of steem, playing around....
They wouldn't be acting like they do - if they took steemit seriously....
Great, balanced and very mature reply @bashadow