Only people who see value in crypto get into Steemit, and those who don't, don't.
I am not so sure about that statement. I came here for the social/real sharing/ freedom, experience. A lot of the people I see in the homesteading community seem to be here for the knowledge base, not the money base. The artist, seem to be here for the exposure, and the money base it has the potential for. I think the non monetary aspects of steem needs to receive greater attention.
Yes/No/Maybe.. I think if it's exposure you're seeking, perhaps a relatively small 300K userbase is a suboptimal choice and it's likely that the monetary aspect did play some role in deciding to join up. As for the homesteading community part, again, Yes/No/Maybe. Right now the Steemit community as a whole is 'one' community, but there are not many niches inside that community because the features aren't there yet. I don't think many people have bookmarked their favorite tag to visit every day, like they do with Reddit?