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RE: The Steemit Daily Dose: THE STEEMIT DAILY DOSE HAS BEEN CANCELLED INDEFINITELY DUE TO WHALE FLAGGING - A collectivist Communist system of control with economic violence as its main weapon.

in #steemit7 years ago

Well, that was an interesting read. "(the comments)", not much at top to read. Seems to mostly be about flagging, and free speech. Seems to me that I can still read comments and post that have been flagged. There is a button to show comment. So how is flagging affecting free speech? I myself only flag copy paste scam artist, theft is not free speech. Disagreeing with someone is as much a part of free speech as your right to say it/post it, so long as you did not steal it. If your free speech incites a riot, do you really have a right to say what caused the riot? IMHO, YES, those that rioted did not have to riot just because of words. They were idiots. We as a people have to accept that there are idiots in the world, and I am one of them. By running away, all one does is show that they did not have the strength of character to stand by there own idea concept of morality. If it is morally right to stand against oppression, then running away when they want to oppress you makes you a slave to their idea of morality. enough said, other than what the hell does SJW stand for?