My wife and her friend got me sign up for steemit, to try it out. most of the other social media places I did not like. Many people because of the issues with steemit are pushing 3rd party sites ex: and and the soon to be released @zappl
I did not sign up for those sites, I signed up for steemit. I do not need a middleman telling me I violated one of their stupid rules, I do not need a middleman telling me, sorry you can not access steemit because you violated one of our silly rules. Steemit has very few rules, so it makes them easy to follow. Even the unwritten rules.
On steemit, yes a whale may slam me down to a 0 rep, but a few carefully worded comments to other whales or the community in general and that whales efforts are negated if they were in the wrong. On a third party site, I now not only need to worry about not pissing off a whale, but of also not pissing off a third party middleman. Once again I joined steemit, not some third party hack, (I am sure they are well meaning sites) that might have a more pretty front end, and be a bit more stable, and have a lot more rules. I joined steemit.
There is nowhere to go and contact the development team, or to leave a message to them. And don't say Discord Chat, that is not steemit, and I am not going to sign up for a third party site to make a complaint. And don't say git-hub, once again a third party site. I tried the regular steemit chat help but there was no one there.
To conclude: Make a post or a place on steemit where Complaints and issues can be left, and that someone who is responsible for maintaining steemit will look. A new user with one blog post called "@steem-issues" and post/blog page, "post your concerns and issue here. Page is read every 2 hours while personnel are available. or something like that.
You sound like my dad....but yeah.
Be nice for it all be integrated!
Technically you signed up for steem not steemit. was the gateway but the account you have is a steem account. So whether you access it from steemit, busy, chainbb or any of the other options you are still using a middle man.
Okay so at any time steem can take my account and lock me out. Steem, and steemit can make any rules they want, that I understand. So is steemit owned by steem, or is steemit a third party provider to steem? Is, chainbb, or zappl, owned by steem? To fricken confusing, maybe I should just throw myself under the facebook short bus. Or the Youtube prison van. Or like I did 10 years ago, just leave social media alone.
"Steem" is not a company, it's a blockchain on top of which the website operates. It will not "kick you out" or "lock your account", because it is not a living entity.
The Steem blockchain is not dependent on to exist.
But IS dependent on the Steem blockchain to exist. is but one company that operates on the Steem blockchain.
Think of "STEEM" like a smartphone, and think of "" as one of the apps. Many apps will operate on the smartphone (,,, esteem, steepshot, etc), but taking away an app makes no difference to your smartphone, right?
Thank you and @voorash: I still have no clue really what the blockchain is, a little bit better understanding of it now, but only a little bit. My account was created on steem or steemit not sure, it was a free sign up and they started me off with something like 14 STEEM POWER. So I will stay on steemit, and view all others, right or wrong thinking as third party providers. Once again thank you for the help in trying to get me to understand what is what.
Right, that would be the website, which is owned/operated by Steemit, Inc". But "STEEM" is not a website, but more like the backbone for websites like and, etc. It's the "paper the story is printed on, but not the story itself", so to speak.
Cool what are the other apps?
Aside from, there's also,, and then there are actual apps for iOS & Android, such as Steepshot and eSteem.
These are all different ways of interacting with the underlying Steem blockchain.
Interesting. What is the underlying steem blockchain?
Think of it as the backbone to the whole thing. It's the ledger, and it's permanent. Even when you edit something - a post or a reply - all versions of the post are recorded on the blockchain. It's a perfect, unhackable version of the history of things that occur. I say unhackable because it's not just kept as a record on a single machine. There are numerous machines, all keeping a copy of the blockchain (ledger) on their machine, and all transactions must match the info on the ledgers of the other machines on the blockchain, which are all scattered around the world. To hack the blockchain would mean all machines on the blockchain must be hacked, and this would be basically impossible.
Steemit Inc owns the Steemit website. If you create you account through Steemit they are by default your trustee which means they can help recover your account if you get hacked. If however you use a third party tool to create your account steemit has zero power over that account. They have censored some people for posting illegal material but even then it is only by blocking it in the front end. Once something is confirmed on the Steem blockchain it is there for good.
Steem itself is software. It can't make rules. The witnesses can change some settings but they can only change the rules by changing the software itself.
To make it simple, the people at steemit inc did build the steem blockchain but no one owns the blockchain.
I wish I still had my Johnny Cash Silver album, because if I did I'd be playing Muddy Waters Rising song. I think I will just sit back and try to enjoy Steemit. No need to add complications or other problems on top of it. Thank both of you for the assistance. Are you @voorash or you @winstonwolfe witnesses? I have only voted for 10 so far so if either of you need a vote let me know, you have both tried to help me, so that is worth a vote.
I am not at the moment a witness. I have considered it but want to make sure I am committed long term before I do.
Hard thing to commit to when it is having this many problems lately. I'd like to think I will be here long term, but that is questionable right now, but not giving up yet, it is still beta after all.
I meant commitment as a witness. Running a server for steem isn't cheap.
lol yea you clearly don't get it.