I was excited to see a post from you man, you have been a nice voice of reason and often fun and kindness and truth too, to many of us.
I am always happy to see your name here and when I do not for periods, I honestly miss you FBA.
Your friend, Barry
Thanks, Barry, your words are very kind.
When you get ready to run for mayor of steemitown I got banner space for you!
We need somebody to centralize scuttlebutt distribution, if you ask me.
I have a lot of thoughts on the centralization of power everywhere, as you know LOL.
I will always remember you, even when you are silent.
I respect you and like you a whole lot.
I say it, again, because I will always mean it.
Well, at the moment this place sucks to find posts that don't meet with stinc et al's approval.
I don't plan on going silent, you know something I don't?
I hope you will connect with me outside of here by the twitter or Fedbook or email or some other surveilled crap we can stay in touch with man
-- have a nice weekend
You can make a fake minds.com account, they don't need a valid email.
The messenger is encrypted, and my username is the same.