[steemit.chat] Verification for Steemit RocketChat Accounts

in #steemit8 years ago

It's been a long time coming, but there is finally an alternative to the Slack chat:


I'm making this post to confirm that I'm @bacchist on there, as well. Comment with your user name there, so we have a record on the blockchain.

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Just read about it a few minutes ago, thanks for posting this one too. Namaste :)

@stoner19 here and same nick used on steemit.chat

I'm @steemwhit on chat!

I'm @cheftony on the chat with the same avatar on slack!

I'm @positive, and always positive :)

@kevinwong same handle in chat ;)

I'm TuckFheman.

Love your name. Assuming youre aiming on people who keep speaking the "th" as "Fhe" ? ;)

i am @bhokor and i love rocket chat system

BAM! - @hitmeasap on steemit.chat

could you register??? I cannot seem to, because it says my emails are already in use!
I tried both.

Yeah, I'm in both steem.chat and slack right now

Soon as I get my verification email from rocket.chat (the servers must be flooded right now) I'll be @beowulfoflegend there too!

I am @jesta on chat, the same as I am here, and like... everywhere!

The chat looks sleek and free of clutter. I'm going to check it out, thanks.

Edit. I'm @cryptobarry

I'm @the-future . I'm in, and I will wait for you in the future.

I'm @inertia on steemit.chat.

@lukestokes is in the house.

awesome, great work ,-)

i am @stellabelle on there...soon....well, now I don't know what my name is because my emails , well, it says they are already in use!!!!!!! what is going on?????
how is the security on this new chat place?

I think when you said you were going to use that name, somebody tried to get cute and beat you to the punch. :-/

Looks like I was wrong, a lot of people have been having the same problem.

hey, when i tried to register using my emails, it said "email already used". I never registered! help

I don't think new account creation is working, i keep getting internal server error


Ugh. I don't know what can be done about that. Did you get any emails from them?

It's a bug. It already registered your account but can't let you login. It's been fixed. Try password recovery, and you'll be able to login this time around.

I is bleepcoin

I am @lovejoy on rocketchat steemit.chat

I'm @teego on steemit.chat

Honestly speaking, I would prefer gitter.im. It has nice integration with GitHub (like this: docker-steem-wallet repository channel), and it's free

I am indeed @arrowj on steemit.chat

I am @user26 in there.

I joined the steemit chat @anca3drandom

@marius19 has joined the chat room

I am @omarb on the new chat

someone keeps posting this post on steemit chat. thought to check this out.

I'm @zorro on steemit.chat

@team.leibniz on chat, checking in!

I'm @recursive on steemit.chat, formerly @talerecursion on Slack (different handles were creating unnecessary confusion).

I am meister on steemit.chat

Hi I am @afribit here and on steem chat!

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