Lack of Engagement

in #steemit6 years ago

Hi there,

I feel like steemit is becoming less engaging and interests are very limited. I feel like there is a huge lack of engagement unless you are a fancy cook, travel the world, or babble on about crypto. There doesn't seem to be much interest in entertainment in general whether it's anime, movies, or gaming.

I also noticed I'm loosing followers even though I had a surge of followers (100+) with just my intro post alone. I follow everyone back too. It can't be my posts because I had made my interests very clear in my introduction posts. 

This is very discouraging. It especially not motivating to use dtube and dlive because of general lack of interest when it comes to gaming and stuff.

I have a very dear friend who is really into crypto. I sort of stay up-to-date about crypto stuff from her. I don't want to become a crypto-zombie to make steemit work. I do plan to mine and trade in future, but first and foremost I'm a creative. 

(side-note: I totally wish the term crypto-zombie catches on.. 😅)

So, do I and many others like me have to become a crypto-zombie to flourish in steemit? 


Don't feel too bad @babeline, sometimes there is a lack of involvement from the community. With this crypto bear market a lot of steemians are crushed and unmotivated because they invested all their efforts and paid money to get more steem for the value has dropped a lot to drop. Steem was 8.57$ at its all time high and now its 0.74$ at the moment that's almost a 92% drop. Most of my payouts are under a 0.01$ and do not qualify for a payout after 7 days. Some people just upvote based on title and thumbnail and don't read the article or they have an upvote bot where people can post anything and an upvote bot votes them consistently (I don't endorse bots of any kind on steemit, especially downvote bots that hurt our reputation). Other times its hard to get noticed because posts show up in our feed, they have to follow you first or they have to go out of their way and explore the relevant tags looking for new stuff. Seldomly, I go out and explore my favorite tags looking for new authors I might enjoy and relate to. What's important is building relationships, making friends and getting involved commenting on other people's posts and maybe they'll follow you and get involved in your posts too. With relevant tags they'll find your content in the future. its on the blockchain it's not going anywhere. If you upvoted theirs and it gets popular maybe you'll earn a bit for curation. Steemit does need a good spanking to get involved in upcoming users, greed is toxic and many do come to steemit for the money. Any bit we make here is more than we'll ever get on medium or facebook. Making friends building a social network here, posting things relevant to you and hopefully people will chime in. That is more rewarding and positive vibes.

Posting exclusive content like crypto stuff does get boring after a while. I like the steemit posts I do with @spozone cause they're very human and organic. You could promote crypto that you believe in and feel bullish on and if you're vested in it but it's not out of obligation. I've had crypto rants about golem and zencash mining and how I had to adapt. Post stuff you enjoy and you believe in, if people don't like it they can stuff it and keep scrolling XD don't conform to other people's interests ^o^ your content will be here when the bull market does come and there's a renewed interest in steemit.

Excellent advice my young padawan.

@babeline, I'm interested in the same topic as you, let's spin it together. I signed on to you, I hope you'll sign up for me. Always glad to meet new people!