I decided to make a video on my Steemit challenge to make it official!

in #steemit7 years ago

So with my account value going up and the prices of crypto constantly on an upwards trend, I decided to set up a nice challenge for myself. I treat Steemit kind of like a personal savings account, and so far things are going very well! I'd like to powerdown once my account here goes past $10,000 worth of value so that hopefully 3 months after that I'd be able to purchase a used car for a few thousand dollars. Maybe that'd make for an interesting news piece and it'd get some exposure for both my youtube channel and Steemit as a whole!

Here was the original post that inspired me:



Besides getting the car, you are creating some entertaining content to go with it. Keep it up, and I hope to be a part of it while I use Steemit to save for a pizza from dominos haha!

My account votes aren't worth much, but I just contributed a few cents towards your pizza ;) (btw tip is to verify your account to make more money)

Hahah thanks, yeah I already looked into that, but my reputation needs to be over 40 in order to do that. Only started 3 days ago, so I am getting there. Thanks for the tip though!

🎶 gas gas, gas! you got to step on the gas! Tonight's the night! Yea yea yea! 🎶

Speaking of gas and GERMANY, you are so lucky to be from a country that allows insane speeds. I'm excited to go driving next door to you guys on the Autobahn in the future ;) It's such a thrill pushing your car to the limits!

Well you are in Poland atm, arent you? You can just go to the East German Autobahn in a few hours. In the West the traffic is horrible. When I drove to Berlin I did 200kmh for 3 hours straight in some old rusty piece of trash :D. The dream! Btw be careful with going over 250 kmh here, Im not sure but there might still be a law like "Cars driving on German streets have to have a technical limit of 250kmh" or some bs

Great video man; been long time subscriber and you were the one who introduced me to Steem with your first video on it :)
been getting really into cryptocurrency latley; really fun stuff!
Hope all is well and you have a great day.

THANK YOU <333 I wish you all the best man, currently sitting on some ETH, Steem and XRP for long-term profits. Crypto can be so much fun when you're in the green!

I myself have 1ltc, 23.2 steem and 100$ worth of btc (current market) - not a bad start :)
would you recommend powering up my steem or holding onto it; or is it all personal preference?

Personal preference, but long term powering up is useful if you'll be using the site a lot

rad man that is what i was thinking; ill probably just get some additional Steem next week or so and then power that up :)

Good Luck on your challenge, If steem had the publicity that someone bought a car by using their social media website it could up the worth of steem's currency by a MASSIVE amount

I'm sure it would ;) NEXT UP, BUYING A HOUSE.. (which lol probably could be done, especially here in Poland where places are like $25K or 50K out in the countryside)