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RE: Introducing My Steemit UI Tools (SCT)

in #steemit8 years ago

Upvoting because you put work into this and it IS useful functionality that should be inside steemit... But key security is a major concern - and I wouldn't recommend anyone use this in a browser that has access to your active key or password just in case.

It would be trivial for a malicious update to be pushed that could log your keys or steal upvotes for the author..

I'm not accusing you of anything, I'm just super paranoid about key security and want to make sure new users are aware of the potential risk here.

Checked the code, looks good to me :)


Thanks for your feedback! Here some details regarding security and my script:

The script won't get automatically updated. I think it's a better way to make a new post on Steemit for each new update on this, so that you can review the script and install it if you like it.

I just want to help the people on Steemit and add some extras to the UI. There are no Internet requests made in the script. After installation in Greasemonkey the resources (Jquery, JQuery UI & CSS) will be downloaded once, that's all.

The local user data contains only data that is needed for SCT to run. The only way for me to save data persistently in Javascript is the GM_setValue function for which I must grant access to by defining it in the head meta data.

Currently there are 3 included grants in the script:

  • @ grant  GM_getValue (to get values)
  • @ grant  GM_setValue (to set values)
  • @ grant  GM_getResourceText (to load the CSS for JQuery UI)

One could search for “SCT.setCookie(“ or “GM_setValue” in general in the script to find all lines where there is local data being saved.

I hope this helps and thank you for checking my script ;)

I am really interested in the functions that this would provide but as a newbie my understanding is very limited. Could you provide a bit of clarification to this statement please @ausbitbank :

I wouldn't recommend anyone use this in a browser that has access to your active key or password just in case.

Any help on making this more understandable would be greatly appreciated.