To all of the budding Steemians out there and all of the veteran users who should know better...
(The poem will come after this...)
Here's a friendly word of advice, because I care:
Your daily circle-jerk posts about how awesome Steemit is and "how to" write a post/leave a comment/follow somebody/upvote your cheer-leading nonsense is getting old and it in no way "adds value" to Steemit or the Steem blockchain. We all know what these posts are...
A naked money grab.
At least have the decency to admit this to yourself, even if you outwardly pretend to be "contributing" to the platform.
And to the people constantly upvoting this crap to the trending page:
Have you no shame? Or are you just that lazy/useless as a "curator?" Do you honestly believe that anyone looking at this stuff from the outside thinks, "Wow! I'm going to invest thousands of dollars into STEEM because there's a $2000 post on Steemit's trending page about how to write a post on Steemit!"
Seriously...when will you be content with the hundreds/thousands of posts already out there that tell people how to complete rudimentary tasks on the platform? When will you be content with the hundreds/thousands of posts talking about how great everything is here and that are only written because there's a very good chance of earning easy rewards for them? And for that matter, where are the votes for the very thoughtful criticisms of the platform? For the posts that highlight some of the glaring shortcomings of Steem/Steemit that actually deserve a lot of attention and possible resolution?
You're doing nobody here any favors by jerking these circles day-in and day-out. It's just a black hole of rewards that add zero useful substance and attracts nothing but more of the same dull content by the same type of talent-less "authors."
Guides on how to use Steemit already exist. Refer new users to them. We don't need a top-trending post about Steemit every day, let alone multiple top-trending posts about Steemit every day.
And now some poetry for the users who just don't get it.
This is for old and new users alike. Please do your best to find the meaning in it:
And here's a bonus piece for anyone leaving the upvote me/follow me garbage on my posts:
If you spam me,
I won't spam you.
I'll just take your rep
To a negative two.
This has been a public service announcement by @ats-david.
It's about time we stop the BS. How about giving it a try for once? Perhaps for a week? Maybe we can try a new "experiment" - only this time, we can make sure it's not being conducted by a shameless hypocrite.
What do you say, "community?"

Follow me: @ats-david
Logged into my other account to up vote twice.
Good comment. Hey Steemit. I'm gonna up vote this comment ^ 100%. Cool?
Thanks @mynameisbrian
You're welcome. I like your stuff. Almost as much as @ats-david's photos. Up voting 100%
Yea. His photos are great. Like an 8 year old took them. Up vote me?
Of course. The code allows it so nobody cares!
But just because the code allows it, should we abuse it?
Up vote me again?
So I should put my post on how great Steem Park will be on hold?
Maybe you should at least wait until the final product is revealed.
I am also sick of this trend, only a few people are coming to the trending page everyday and most of the times, 2 to 3 posts from the same person are hanging around in the trending and hot page, i mean steemit is becoming a joke with this kind of the stuff, we need a solution for this so that hard working newbies also get some rewards and they don't just quit the platform altogather @ats-david
just my thought: good point but they have built their reputation over time and cause of that some/not all gets auto votes not sure by whom and by how many, I am just guessing and with that, they make it to trending..if only the votes can be lowered down and some will be used for manually curating instead of bots then other may continue to benefit, like us the minnows....but i don't know this is just my opinion as a minnow :)
The best ones are the ones about how to get more followers by people who have less than 100 people following them and don't forget the posts about how to write a "quality" post which one can only presume are designed to show people what not to do.
Yeah, both of those sound pretty accurate.
And that therein is the problem. These posts make $200, $400 so other people make them for the money grab.
All while posts dropping knowledge on topics like personal finances or personal health make $30-$50. Thus people are motivated to post the former as in the end money is the driving factor.
Self fulfilling prophecy I suppose, but it is a shame.
Therein lies the problem.
A large part of the problem lies in people being more concerned about finding the "formula" for a profitable post than just creating quality content (of many kinds) and allowing that to become profitable. So we end up with a song of one note... which will (sadly) lead us in the direction of video stores in their early days... EVERYone wanted to open a video store because they were "hot," but ultimately, not that many people actually needed videos... so there was a wave of bankruptcies.
Human greed. It's what's for dinner... even here.
The more pressing problem is that it's short sighted. It's a form of "killing the goose that's laying golden eggs." Get rich now, and to hell with the future. If you forget the short term approach for a bit... what do we want? A place where we can still publish and get rewarded, 5, 8, 10 years from now? If that's the case, better start publishing things that'll be appealing in the long run... and will cause a random web surfer five years from now to look at our content and think "Wow! That's a GREAT community with awesome content! I want to be part of that!"
I just loved this. Amazing how you put everything I had in mind in a direct and clear way. I have been here for a month, and have been posting critical post and thing that need improvement, then people come and say "aren't you grateful, who pays you on the internet, it is paradise here" kinda comments. Now I don't ferl bad about those post.
Your poem was hilarious :) "swallow for swallow" lol.
You are right on point. Let's do this.
I have written one thing on SteemIt Tips because I thought it may earn money. It did earn some, just as much if not more than some of my other post on other topics such as sleep apnea or crypto being used in the business world.
It is obvious that a lot of other post on other topics don't do nearly as well, and until they start doing better we probably will see a lot of post on SteemIt Tips!
You know, @ats-david, you probably won't see this - it will be buried under all the positive responses you received on this post, but I just want to say that I admire your straight-forward manner and honesty. That's really why I began following you. Regretfully, I missed this post - it's now 3 days old, but I'm glad you got so much encouragement.
What bothers me is people spamming their books or their posts and being rewarded for it. I mean, when I put my novel on Amazon, I was contacted by marketing firms to represent it, and I couldn't come up with that money. I can't imagine somebody being able to shamelessly market their wares on here and get handsomely rewarded for it as well.
Thank you for your sane voice.
LOL, swallow for swallow hahahaha
Not negative 2 . . . lulzzzzzz . . .
Being still new here, I want to write thoughtful and creative content. But the Steemit posts huh?? Is that what is rewarded the most? It looks that way a lot of the time. Not ALL of the time . . . but enough for me to notice.
I personally enjoy reading different types of content. I don't mind a relevant post about the platform. But yea, the posts can get a little redundant.

I honestly can't stop laughing. The post I commented on earlier was so zen like, the one I have in the browser with the beach, also zen, I have this image of you listening to mozart as you wrote them (or maybe some eddie vedder into the wild) then someone said something...Holes maybe? EXPLOSION.
I bet your next post will be a nice waterfall....field of wildflowers perhaps? Hahahaha!
Well...after today's post about my contests, I think a nature post is a pretty safe bet!
I followed the link here from @dreemit's post. Thank you @dreemit! This made me chuckle, nicely written.
lmao at the spam4spam comments. THEYRE GONNA KILL IT BRAAAAAAAA, I mean obviously?
Lots of new people Join each week and need this repetitive post. Steemit could use a way to highlight old content that is good.
You know, this is true. And because the search function on steem sucks - if you put in 'steem guide' or anything like that - it brings up posts from a year ago.
The SEO is alright though if you search google directly. For those who want to stay on site, that's why some people are making updated posts that re-link some old goodies
Mostly from a year ago - at least in my search results. Following you now just cause how could I not follow someone with THAT signature :p
Thank you my friend, this needed to be said. The begging without even reading sickens me!!
Oh, and love the poems!! lol :-D
my 2 highest paying posts took the least time to make. although ones I have put blood sweat and tears into have flopped. I feel at least half of the new genuine users will be scared off by circle jerks
Dude you have never done a post - you are a twenty fiver....
I feel at least half of the existing Steemers will be scared off by twenty fivers spazzing out about complete bollocks...
content doesn't matter... that's what I've learned being in the shadows for 1 year :P
Once you get on some whale voting list it doesn't matter what you write about.
But yeah. The circle-jerking is bad and will only spread as more and more people come here.
I'm glad someone with influence is speaking up. I've noticed some alarming trends in my short time here so far, circle jerking in general seems to work it's way to the top.
Could you tell us how you Really feel? LOL
5 Ways On How To Improve Your Circle Jerk.
I'd seriously laugh if I ever saw one of these posters irl
I totally hear you with the fluffy, no substance “rah-rah” cheerleader posts you speak of. At the same time, there always seem to be changes going on with Steemit and the new users are filing in day after day and most have never blogged a day in their life. Let alone know anything about the sheer basics in what it takes to make things interesting to gather followers.
It may seem very basic and redundant to keep upvoting posts that steer people toward basic markdown guidelines, how to include source credits and figure out how to use your wallet but even after reading the faq’s it’s always nice to have updated knowledge from experienced users on how to maneuver this ever changing place.
I’ve been almost two months but I would have never known half of the stuff there is to know if it weren’t for certain people out there constantly researching things I never would have thought to look up. I know you're not really talking about those types of posts though. I don't think there's any way to get away from fluff posts that need to be weeded out for crappy content. And, obviously, those are the people that don’t give a rats ass about actually helping other people succeed and care more about the payout. I’ve also been appalled at some of the dolphin and whale posts that make as much money as they do but God forbid and of us minnows rant about it freely. I’m nervous even posting anything but cheery, happy thoughts here to you, haha! Who knows who's watching me. (Sometimes Steemit reminds me of this episode of the Twilight Zone.)
I don’t feel like I’m being argumentative though, I guess I’m just thinking out loud as to why it might be that you see so much of those types of posts and how annoying it can be to a veteran. It’s definitely annoying and repetitive even to myself sometimes but I figure I can just mute the offenders and keep what I consider to be crap away from my feed.
It sometimes feels like Steemit's just a big fake game people play to make some "easy" money. On the other hand, I believe sincerity will win out. It's too much effort for the ones who's hearts aren't really into it and eventually the fluff posts will die down. I hope! Maybe I'm just being naive.
Good post, I'm sure everyone appreciates you sharing your opinion. My 2 cents is to let people post how and what they want. That is one of the purposes of this platform. . There are 2000+ new users daily, I'm sure some are benefiting from the suggestions in the posts you're referencing. Everyone joins for their own reasons, let it be.

Yes! Thank you for voicing this @ats-david!!! I find myself feeling a little insulted after recieving what I can only describe as a 'demand' rather than a comment to upvote, follow, re-steem... and then half the time if I check out that person's blog it's complete and utter garbage. Here's a close up of my girlfriend's elbow, follow me. Sigh. And the worst is my feed is so cluttered with this crap I don't see the decent ones so much. Like you - I've always upvoted your posts when scrolling through, but these days I hardly see your posts! I agree with the rest of what you say too but this is enough rant for a comment!
Oh, what a marvelous day it is, in the land of Steemit!
"The Secret To Making Money Online!" in An Exclusive Time Sensitive One Time Offer for just $49.95! And so, I discovered that the true Secret To Making Money Online! is to persuade others to pay $49.95 for An Exclusive Time Sensitive One Time Offer that gives them "The Secret To Making Money Online!" which they can then sell to the obscenely gullible and mindnumbingly ignorant with An Exclusive Time Sensitive One Time Offer for just $49.95!Actually, @ats-david, I'm having flashbacks to the last time I was all hopeful and purchased
Wait... am I likening our beloved Steemit to a common Internet rip-off model? SHAME on me! You'd better flag me, at once!
In all seriousness, I think it's time we took a long hard look at what we're trying to do here. What's the PURPOSE of Steemit? And what's our time frame? Short term profiteering is seldom the path to long term growth and stability. Do we want Steemit to still be "something" five years from now? Or do we only care about making money RIGHT NOW?
I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but I've seen this pattern on dozens of content sites that offered "rewards." And it can be a site destroyer. I don't care whether we're "on the blockchain," because that doesn't exempt us from dealing with human nature... specifically GREED.
The whole thing about "no censorship" and "people should have the freedom to post whatever they want... just ignore them or mute them" is nice in theory, but do you REALLY want people to "mute" or "ignore" someone who's sailing on the same boat as us... and whose "hobby" is drilling holes in the hull of the boat? If you have an ounce of sanity, you tie such a person up, or put them in a lifeboat by themselves, or throw them overboard.
Frankly, I like it here... and I think a lot of others do, as well. So let's see if we can't figure out how to keep the S.S. Steemit from sinking...
Yup, you nailed it. Lots of circling jerk, lol. At least for me, I post original photography and articles I think that not everyone is aware of. Nice poems too, especially the last one.
I don't like the swallow 4 swallow reference 😂😂😂
weak content thoroughly SLAYED!
Anyone know where the nascar contest is this week?
There wasn't one. I was traveling for much of the week. Both contests (golf and NASCAR) will resume this week.
When i see a 72 power..... I just cant control my legs

This post received a 1.3% upvote from @ats-david thanks to @sweetgirl ! I like. VOTE
Hey, the #steemitcirclejerk was @berniesanders #1 thing to bitch about. So i must say your wasting your breath there, but i notice your using #swallow4swallow which in fact is a new concept around here...
These circlejerks are doing that crap now... wtf steemit?
great content thanks
i follow
There is no excuse for that sort of behavior, but do you think some it would be alleviated if posts received long-term rewards?
People may be content posting something just once in that case... just a thought.
I have to agree with this. I've been hoping for a profile page and the option to choose 10 posts unlocked from this 7 day payout restriction. Just ten posts! It's a small concession, I think. But who the hell knows? I'm off to make a tutorial for my FB friends who just signed up. Hail ye circle jerkers! I've got Vaseline!
-Aesop Rock
I was listening to this song as I read this and I feel this line is a relevant response to this post.
Thank you for my new guild name!
That may very well be my new favorite poem...
Which one?
Both, really.... but the vote 4 vote one made me literally 'lol'
Haha this is great. I have upvoted to downvote the upvoting of vote-seeking garbage :)
lol we all seek vote. Its just there proper way of doing it. Write good blog :) Create useful content :) just fon't ask for it.
Hmmm... Ok, I understand.
Hahahah, I loved both poems! This was the @ats-david we haven't seen in awhile. LOL
The only thing I would say is that the content where I talked about Steemit in a pool meeting got good reception from new users. But I was saying stuff like. Who cares if you Facebook friends don't join. We don't give a shit. Leave them!
But yeah if basic info is making $400 or $800 a post just for talking about how great Steemit is then it seems strange.
Something tells me Ats-David, you are humanitarian at heart.
Is nice to see someone fearlessly sharing their point of view with a sense of humor.
Stay style. Hope you getting a chance to hit the links lately.
Can I get a 🎤 drop?
Holy shit man, all I can say is...savage. Like I don't know how to react. I myself am wanting to post but after I've connected with enough people over steemit. I do the follow4follow bs but I ain't just in it for the dough. I'm here because it isn't mainstream media on a lot of things, and despise mainstream media. Caused a lot of my savings. I would really want to say I'm on the same page with ya,but I do the follow4follow. Don't hate on me man... Cheers.
I must confess I've done a couple posts pumping up Steemit but they were genuine. I get your point though. It gets annoying after a while when you've been here seeing the same crap over and over again. As @ender said, Steemit could use a way to pin some of the better how-to Steemit posts so that users don't keep asking the same questions. Otherwise we do kinda need one of them trending every day so the new users have an easy way to learn about the site.
Edit: And your wish is granted, I complained about a problem with the platform.
I suppose people keep making those "Helpful" posts because they see new users around not having a clue what's going on, despite there being hundreds of them already.
Been on the platform a few months and seen plenty of good posts go unnoticed and this crap always getting curated instead of the good stuff. Thanks for speaking up
I absolutely loved this. I mean, when I first got here...I read a few posts here and there and it was cool...But then I start to, some peopl really have nothing to talk about or nothing to contribute. I dont care for all the folks standing around holding the steemit signs with the picture...and all that mess. I never got that. I told myself...this is an opportunity for me to put the reset button on some of my podcast and music ideas that I have had for years. I've had content for a while and finally have a platform that could give value to it. But yeah you're right man...content is not posting pictures talking about "I love steemit @bobthebuilder"....It's not telling folks why you love steem it...I mean it guess it can some folks. But I really want to give some folks something they can digest and find nutritious if you will.
Every day there are new users, they might find that type of post interesting, maybe they don't know how to search yet. Probably the best thing would be for older users not to upvote these posts? Because if they get to be trending it certainly isn't because new users upvote them, there have to be whales involved and that would be a different problem. As for the rest of the post you are correct.
Telling it like it is. You got balls bro. Funny stuff. I'll give you a follow.
WOW lol. Shots fired.
This is great original content with plenty of photos and eye catching colors and great poems. I think this is a good example of what I might do on my next blog. Thanks @ats-david. A little tongue and cheek to go with that swallow4swallow.
I like your style.. those kind of posts are definitely getting old!
Upvoted! Someone had to write about it!!