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RE: Why has Steem crashed to as low as $1.05 ?

in #steemit9 years ago

Thank you for your reply, it has given me another perspective. I totally agree with your comment and it's a big steal at the current price. I was feeling rather disappointed that the market cap and value had dropped so drastically suggesting that it was failing but realize that it may not be failure and just part of what new tech goes through in its first few months. I have also just found this article explaining other possible causes:


Risk is always an opportunity, just don't get caught up in the concept of having to profit or needing a high market cap to dictate the value of the platform. You and other users are the value of the platform. Any monetary gain is just a benefit of the system working towards a larger audience, and ultimately disrupting the system of controlled media is the important take away from steemit. Also it's extremely important to remember that steemit is one aspect of steem. Steem itself is the underlying platform on which steemit is built, and even if steemit shut down today, you still have a very viable crypto currency that is akin to ethereum. If anything I would say steemit is years ahead of ethereum because of actual use of an app on the platform and the open approach towards multiple markets. Allowing people to enter with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitshares, and ultimately for free is allowing a rediculously low barrier of entry into something that has the power to change the world. Steemit like LBC is about more than money, it's about a future where we aren't all slaves to the bank fueled greed system that is killing people for profit all over the world every day. The more people that wake up, the more powerful we become. Eventually the banks will be trembling in fear of crypto, instead of just being concerned. Free the mind and free the world :)

I agree with what you say here completely, especially as regards to value. We have become accustom to base our own self worth on the value of the organisations we work for and not on what is innate in us , this is to be free. Myself, @aslammotala and @spartanZA have are a part of Free Mind Media & Free Mind Health, where we try to do just that, free the mind of all its shackles. Read my articles on this same topic. Im very grateful for where we have come and now for the 1st time have the opportunity to regain our power... Thank you

What synchronicity, we having a discussion about this topic right now :) our company is called Free Mind Media and one of our missions in South Africa is to make our people aware of blockchain technologies and get them out of slavery...

Keep up the effort. None of us are free until we all are, and unfortunately Africa is exploited by more countries and foreign interest than even the Middle-East. Stay safe and spread the message, education is the only way to free people.