Just a little heads up... there is a Follow Button!

in #steemit9 years ago

Although it does nothing yet here on steemit, it's still worth following Authors you enjoy - you don't want to miss their posts in the future, do you?

Following is recorded, and I guess it'll work in a stream just like twitter/fb soon? @ned / @dantheman can possibly add something to my thoughts.

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This is going to be a crucial feature going forward, best to start using it now.

yep. it'll be much harder to filter good content in the future due to increased post count

Thank you! I don't know why I'm only seeing it in Chrome. I can't see it on Firefox.

that's strange... you can't follow yourself, maybe that's the glitch here? :)

I would like to see the "recommendations" tab weight users you follow more heavily. That would make it useful right away.

I don't see much value in this tab to be honest. follower stream should just replace it

The value in it that I see is that the posts on the recommendations are ones that you haven't upvoted yet, as opposed to the trending or popular streams which are usually populated by posts you've already seen. But I'd tend to agree that the following stream would be much more useful.

Yeah I've followed a few people [including you!] and I hope it starts to be useful soon.

Me too... And a working mute button wouldn't hurt either :D

Oh wow there is also a mute button! How handy vs all these bots!

comeon now ash! beyondbitcoin hangouts are on here! :)

Yeah that could be cool. Is there a way to see a list of the people you're following or who are following you?

not at the moment. but I'm sure this is in development

Where is recorded this follows? Would be attractive order this follows, thanks!