18 Steps You Should Follow To Increase Your Reputation Score.

in #steemit8 years ago

I - Who Am I ?

I'm @arnoldwish , I don't like to call myself a perfectionist, but I always find myself studying and planning ahead before doing anything important, this allows me to take advantage of all available opportunities.

 Steem is such a big opportunity that no one wants to miss, specially me. I want to use the Steem network in the best possible way, that's why I'm writing these guidelines to improve my Steem experience.

II - Reputation! Reputation! Reputation!

For me this is the most important number that I want to increase, not my account balance, at least for now. Accounts with high reputation are perceived to have high quality content, so some users don't even read articles posted by low reputation accounts, on the other hand, some up-vote posts from high reputation accounts without even reading the content.

So by having a high reputation account, you are increasing the chance of your posts being noticed more quickly and more probable to get up-voted.

III - How To Increase Your Reputation?

There is no easy way around this, you have to work really hard to achieve your reputation goal. The reputation score depends on the up-votes you get in both your posts and comments, so these are the two areas where you have to invest time and mind power to increase your reputation score.

This is my plan, not a perfect one, but it's the plan that I think will work for me.

[1] - I will only post high quality content. 

Building a high reputation is like building trust with your readers, you don't get it for free, you've to earn it. So by only posting articles that are high quality you will build a trust between you and your up-voters who will up-vote your next article too.

[2] - I will aim to post 1-2 posts everyday. 

quality is more important than quantity, so investing time in one post is better than wasting hours in a lot of posts.

[3] - I will post comments more frequently.

You should aim for  comments that add value, otherwise, there is no need to post them. Comments are actually an under-appreciated way of increasing your reputation. By creating comments on popular posts, you are increasing your chance of people following you if they see value in your comments.

[4] - I will reply to users commenting on my posts. 

This will create a connection between me and my readers, which will increase the chance of them following me.

[5] - I will be consistent and persistent about applying the above rules.

 If your posts are consistent, people will look for your posts everyday to read and up-vote them.

[6] - I will take my time when it comes to choosing the right title. 

Avoid all kind of misleading and click-bait titles, readers can flag your posts and they will do so if you don't respect them. Getting flagged will destroy your reputation, and it will be harder for you to recover from it.

[7] - I will aim to post my articles at the best time possible for higher visibility. 

Quality content is important, but if your post them when no one is surfing the website, then your post won't get the attention it deserve. Also if you are still a small player, avoid peak time to reduce your competition with other posts.

[8] - I will take care of my post layout.

 I see a lot of people post great articles with great ideas, but they fail miserably when it comes to their post layout. Your posts should be clean and professional, return to a new line and  create a new paragraph when it's needed.

[9] -  I will search or create relevant pictures that fit my post. 

Pictures as the saying goes are worth a thousand words, They will make your post more readable thus more probable to be up-voted. 

[10] - I will learn to be more patient.

Don't get frustrated because your posts didn't get the up-votes they deserve. Users don't know who you are yet, so don't expect from them to invest their time or their Steem power on some random user. This shouldn't come as a shock to you, as I said earlier, at this stage, you shouldn't care about how much money you are making but rather focus on increasing your reputation score.

[11] - I will aim to be competitive.

After all, we're all competing for the whales votes. Always try to come up with new post ideas that other users didn't write about yet.

[12] - I will take care of the minnows too.

I understand that minnows don't have as much voting power as whales do, but collectively they will lead big whales to your post, specially bot whales.

[13] - I will aim to update my posts as soon as new information are available.

Every second you let your posts without updated information is a wasted second.

[14] - I will treat my followers well.

You should respect your followers intelligent and spare them from any bad posts.

[15] - I will learn from other successful users.

You should take advantage of Steemit transparency when it comes to users activity and try to find out the reason behind their success.

[16] - I will work on multiple ideas at the same time.

Whenever you think of a new post idea, create a new text file and type it down before you forget about it,  so whenever you find something interesting that is relevant to your post idea, type it on that text file. This will come handy when you actually start working on that post.

[17] - I will make sure that I still have fun.

People tend to do better at things they enjoy, so you should make your experience at Steemit enjoyable, otherwise you won't last long before you give up.

[18] - Track your ranking.

start tracking your reputation raking to see how you are doing compared to other users. You can do this using this cool website, SteemWhales.

 IV - So you've achieved a high reputation, now what?

Achieving a high reputation score is more of a means to an end rather than an end in itself. Now is when the fun stuff starts, your high reputation will allow you to see concrete results form any hard work you put on your posts.

You still have to follow the same rules above even to a higher degree, but the advantage here is that you can invest your time confidently knowing that your hard work won't go without reward.

V - So you've earned a lot of money, now what ?

This is what every user in Steemit wish to have, a high reputation and a lot of Steem Power. Now you can start making real money by up-voting quality content. 

Your votes have more weight to them, so don't waste them and invest some of your time in finding quality content. Finding content that will succeed is hard, but over time, you will get better at it. This doesn't mean you should stop posting or commenting, just reallocate some of your time to find good content to up-vote.

At this point, you should consider yourself a shareholder in the Steem network, if you think that this experiment will succeed, then reinvest your Steem Dollar into the system and start making decisions that benefit both, you and the Steem network.

Between choosing the right pictures and doing my research for this post, it took me 2 days to complete it. So if you think that this post represent what a good quality content should look like, follow me @arnoldwish and stay tuned for my next post which will be even better.

Feel free to comment if you have any suggestions on how to be successful on Steemit.


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It was a really greate info, no doubt.. I'm new on Steemit and I am trying to understand how increase the earnings. I saw that your post have 1500views+ , 160votes+, 80comments+ your reputation is about 50+ but was evaluated in 1,14$ .. how is that possible?

Lol. You took the words out of my mouth.

Got exactly same question! I think though all the info given here is right, highly paid posts are following other rules to be paid high... and i think distribution of wealth needs to be reconsidered in steem

May be the reason was, after 7 days of posting, this post got more views and votes.

As i read somewhere, when you post something, you will earn 7 days from that post, after 7 days you will not get anything from it

if posts only have value for 7 days, then would it be an idea to repost the same post regularly or resteem them???

I would like an answer to zeropointman's question too? How about it can you repost or resteem a post?

I guess this doesnt work the way you want it to, because as far as i understand (im new here) there are bots checking for duplicate or very similiar content and they will flag you if they find it.

Also if you do that, you will upset your Followers.

Yes may be

Agree, was having the same question in my mind. Its because, the post has been made last year and that time he may have very less followers and less reputation. Its not a recent post. One can earn only for 7days since his/her post. :-)

If thats the case then this is not very supporting model where content is getting expired and not getting treated as an investment

Is the 7 day thing true, Any links where it's written.

I am also learn from it

exactly same was coming in my mind. I Am a rookie here. I dont know how some people with 50-60 reps getting approx 500 dollars while others getting few cents, like him. How?

@ethandsmith also provided excellent tips in Polishing your post

Posted 3 years ago but still relevant, thanks! ⭐️

🔆some insight from my experience:

Well, I try to bring value with every post I make,
but the

  • topics vary a lot! and maybe it's not so pleasant for my readers who're interested in some of the topics but not all...
  • I also published some bounties and airdrops that I thought were valuable but maybe it seemed spammy to some...
    wouldn't do it much differently, but maybe you guys will choose otherwise.
💡Improvement Idea for steemit:

It would be nice if we could divide our blogs to sections by categories so readers can filter our content.
Cheers : )

Thank you for sharing this, I am new to steemit and I am determined to learn a lot of things about this network!

<3 Gilaine

I'm a newbie here at steemit and still learning the curves

Great job, this was a big help!

this is exactly i was serching last few days thanks man and also i will reseach with my own creative ...

Great write-up for those whom are coming on to Steem. Thanks for taking the time to share!.

Good advise. Thanks for posting that. And as someone already said in the comments ...... hope more people see this. Steem ON!

Dropping a note to say that, 10 months after, your post still is helping new users. I've been on the platform for over a month now and at first, reputation grew quickly. Then got stuck at 48. Googled my way into finding out how I can work on it, and boom, yours is the top result.
Thank you @arnoldwish for working on this, agree on some comments below, this definitely deserves way more than the $ it was valued for :)

I agree it just found it and plan on reading it soon lol

Still quite helpful @soeysauce! I wish I could have spent some time learning about this earlier on hehe.
By the way, how are the other condeyments doing? Lol.

I did the exact same thing. I was really just having fun posting a few items that I enjoyed without knowing that reputation was a thing and then I noticed my scored dropped. I'm still not too worried about it because I'm buying steem power myself and I will still post for fun, but I will be more conscious of it from now on.

Yeah, I recently learned of steem.cool where you can see how close you are to the next reputation level.

Still, I agree that keeping it real, and writing on things you find joy with, matters.

I agree with @dreamiely saying that this post is SUPER helpful for newbies like me. I was just wondering if anyone knows why this post, with 109 upvotes (as of 6/14/17) has only accumulated $1.14? Any ideas?

Hi @kava, I imagine at the time of posting, either not as many upvotes within the first 7days or upvotes were from users with low steem power.

These are really a good ways to increase reputation . Thanks sir i must follow your steps to increase my reputation in steemit.

thank you for your excellent tips! I will try to live by them.

Mate thanks for sharing such a grt article.

Well researched and liked your perfectionism in neatness and clarity. Following.

Wow this post has really helped me change what i do on this site. thanks a lot and mahalo my dude

Articles like this really help a newbie like myself. Thanks for sharing!

I got here from a google search... great stuff! Thanks for sharing.

Excellent suggestions. As a beginner on STEEMIT and to cryptocurrency as a whole, I definitely see the importance of your 18 Steps. I was already doing a few of them, and after reading your article I will add the other steps, to round out a full strategy.

This method of earning is great, especially for people who give comments on other platforms, with no payback. Thanks for sharing.

great post. i think the key is consistent quality content. there's no way to fake quality content and consistency boosts trustability.

I created my account 7 months ago and I am only starting to post now...I wish I had started soon. My reputation score would have increased by now.

One of the better posts I have read on Steem. However, minnows must be discouraged by the fact that although the post is of good quality and has generated 3,000 + views at the time of writing this comment it has only generated $1.14. Dont be discouraged my friends...it took me one year to generate 1 million views on the Pamper Me Network social rewards website. I anticipate it will take me just as long to get any value out of STEEM. More importantly, I am noticing already our posts appearing in Google search. That alone is payback for me. Cheers.

post layout options could be better on steemit they have alot work today with giving us more options

Thanks so much!

As a newbie, this is really helpful. Thank you so much for taking the time to write such quality content. Somehow, I will be able to find my way around Steemit. Thanks once again.

Thank you for the article, very useful

I's a great post that help me to improve my steemit journey.

Really good information. Will help in future.
Thank you for sharing😊

Thankyou. This post is big help for me. I will follow your step. Thanks again.

My favorite part is at 17 . Keep it fun and keep fighting like Rocky Balboa (all of the movies) . Me for example I become depressed when I check my rank so I decided not to check it anymore. I will keep posting what I like because , like many other persons even you ...we are free so keeping it fun is the way to go.
Superb post @arnoldwish I will follow you from this day on!

Thanks for sharing my friend... I some folks here on steemit with negative 6 reputation and that's the reason why I came across the steemit to find more about this thing... this article help me a lot and do the same with others too.

Fantastic post! I will aspire to follow the tips for increasing my reputation!
Thank you for putting this together, it is very informative.

Steem on,

Thank you for this advice its work

You delivered a great content really helpful for new steemers. But When I see earning of this post, I was shocked to see ur earning of this post. It is only $1.14 right now. This earning figure is not doing justice with this post.

Very informative. Nice guide for everyone.

Thank you Arnold I enjoyed reading your post.

Great post. Thanks a lot!

Good post, and good encouragement for all. You mention some things that I mentioned in a couple posts related to the subject. Nice job!

Wonderful information! Now I have an idea as to how to go about increasing my reputation, thanks!

Appreciate the tips. Very good advice.

Hey @arnoldwish thanks for adding me to your follow list! i've just glanced at your posts and appreciate your approach. It's late now, but i intend to look over your content more carefully-- Pleased to make your acquaintance!!! Cheers! Following back!

Very sound, common sense advice. Hope more people see it. Certainly worth more than 88 cents! LOL!

Nice job!
I appreciate the advice and wonder what tool you are using for such nice relevant layout?

Just like in real life, give quality to others and receive a good name... common sense, but it needs to be stated often.

Thank you for the informative post - especially for us newbies. Sincere gratitude

Hi @arnoldwish , thank you for adding me to your follow list. This is the first post of yours I got a chance to look at, but defiently enough for a follow back, and I look forward to exploring more of your content. Thank you so much for the info you provide here, as well as the time and effort you took to put it together. Very well rounded article in both information and format!

Thank you @arnoldwish for the well written post. It gives me a greater sense of common ground among the steemit community. Your outline breaks down the seemingly daunting task of gaining stature in reputation and worth. The smaller succinct steps help to define an achievable path.

Thanks for the invitation. I posted some slightly expanded thoughts on numbers 10 and 17.

Good job including the link for us.

Nice guide. I was looking for exactly that :-)

Man you follow 9245 people, I thought I was one of the best follower... I follow you ;)

Hey @arnoldwish Just wanted you to know that I linked to this article internally and at the bottom of my own. Great stuff and I hope I can help you get more visibility for your work. Best, Guy https://steemit.com/steem-help/@ibringawareness/my-first-article-to-pop-over-usd300-here-s-why-i-think-and-what-you-might-try

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