Hi everybody! This will be a long story, I sincerely hope not to bore you.
I signed up here almost 7 months ago, and tried to add nice, interesting and good looking articles for you to read. As you can see in my profile I have 644 posts today, and yesterday I did my first trade to Bitcoins.
I had 142.1 SBD (Steem Dollars), i made the transaction with @blocktrades (these guys are great, I had my 0.0884 BTCs in no more than 5 seconds, amazing!), and then sent them to my Paxful account.
I started a transaction to sell them with a guy called "InstaBTC", which promised to pay me via Payoneer, which is the best way for me. Fool of me, I believed every lie he told me, like "release the bitcoins to claim the payment", "I already make the payment and it is waiting there for you to release bitcoins", etc. You know the point.
And I released the bitcoins.
For many people 0.088 BTC are nothing, today it's almost U$S1300, but where I live, it is A LOT! And you know what the worst part is?
That money was for my future baby, I will be father for the first time in a few months, that money was enough for me to buy him (it's a boy :D) clothes and diapers for almost a year, that's right, a year!

And that scammer took that away for me, I literally begged him to pay me or return the money, but you know what he answered?
"I need you to pay a fee of U$S200, then I can release the payment"
That garbage wants to take more money from me. Money I don't even have.
I told my boss I needed to go home for a while, and I went and cried like 30 minutes with my wife. Everything I planned was gone. All of our plans to remodelate the baby's room, paint it, buy him clothes, all is gone now.
You don't know what this feels like, it's the worst!
I don't know when I will get that money again, that money is like 4 monthly salaries here.
Please, help me by resteeming it, so this doesn't happen to anyone again, I will attach screenshots of the chat, the scammer profile, and the info he wrote about the transaction.
And this is the post of the scammer, it's marked (sorry I only know how to use Paint :P)
Paxful just emailed me and told me that user has been banned, and sent me the info they have.
I don't know if I can do something with this, but maybe one of you can, and maybe you can revenge me ;)
Everybody have a nice day!
P.S. If anyone wants to help me this is my BTC address 3Dxa5YoQoedWN6VaSqp1cvrEqNyDkLuChw (promise not to lose them again :P)
I don't know why this culprit did this to you but don't worry man !
Just upvoted you with full vp !
Thanks man! It means a lot to us :)
Don't worry, with a community like this you will get your money back in a second. Just believe in it. Okay?
I feel for you man, I felt every word you said... Don't cry over materialistic things please, I know it is hard when something like this happens, but try to focus your mind on the positive and believe...
It happened for a reason, a reason you maybe aren't aware of right now, but a reason that will end up being 1000x more beneficial for you...
Peace be with you, and your beautiful family. Sending you love and positive energy, I feel this will change your life in a positive way... And my instinct is pretty strong lately
Wow! What a beatiful answer man. You are right about everything, I think I didnt cried for the money itself, I think it was for all our plans that will now be impossible to make. But you are right, this is such a great community! Thanks for your nice words bro.
As I said, believe... :) So please, change your thought process... Don't say:
Rather say, it will become possible and I will do everything I can to make it possible as soon as I can.
I am sure man, in that case, universe will come back and watch your back... Try it :)
Thanks man! I will.. :)
Nice! Excited for you then. :) Keep us updated. please
Sure man, I will! :)
I burned my voting power upvoting your comments. Hope it helps.
Yeah good words. It is nice to see people taking life like that.
I Believe
Hello @arielpr! I had sent you 3.0 SBD. Please check your wallet. That's the only available SBD I have right now. It's past 2 AM here in the Philippines and I can't sleep. I saw your post and I thought I should help with the little SBD I have. Stay positive, okay? Be strong for your child. And please don't seek revenge. 😂
Sending the love from the Philippines!
Thank you very much, I really wasnt expecting this, I will stay strong! And I won't quit! :) thanks again! Sleep well..
No problem man! I have received so much love and positivity from the community and I felt like I should share it. I'm sorry if that's what's available right now. If I can get my pending rewards, I'll send you another. It's not a promise, but I'll keep in touch. Maybe this is the reason why I can't sleep. I will sleep well now because I still have work later.
P.S. Say regards to your family from me. Thank you.
Thanks kim! You are a really nice person! Oh, my wife says thanks too :) and I guess the little boy say it too..
Congrats on you new baby boy. You have my upvote. Don't let this event bring you down. With steem on the rise, you'll be fine in the long run. I pray for your family's well-being. Much love Jay.
Thanks Jay for your kind words.. Have a great day!
Gosh, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Your wife is lovely, and I'm sure you will enjoy your baby and just remember this as a tough lesson. Thanks for letting the rest of us know. It's tough to know who to trust. Anyway, I voted and resteemed. Take care.
Thanks man! I truly appreciate it, and I hope noone here to be scammed like me.. :) have a great day!
Sorry to read this! I wish my upvote was worth more for you =(
All the best for the future!
Thanks! I really wish this never happen again to anyone..
Really sad for what happened with you. I know how it feels when you lose all the results in an instant after the hard work one have done for the last 6-7 months. I hope someone may be able to help you for getting your money back by the scammer. Resteeming your post so more people can read, so that someone who knows how to deal with these issues can help you.
Thanks arslan, it's really the worst feeling..
This is heart-breaking... I'm so sorry this happened to you.
Hopefully someone on Steem can help you... there are a lot of very smart people here!
I hope that too.. That is why I was asking everybody to resteem, hopefully a bright soul read this..
I am so sorry this happened to you. There really are a lot of good people here on Steem! I hope this one bad person doesn't ruin the rest of the experience for you here.
From what it looks like, this person does NOT have a steem account. So, is this someone from Steem? Or somewhere else?
I wish you all the best!!
No, it wasnt someone from here, it was a scammer at Paxful, where i tried to change my BTC to cash to buy stuff for my baby.. I only have nice words for this community.
I was scanned once here and I didn't listen to my gut, but I have learned my lesson, at least I hope so since the scanners are becoming slicker.
It really breaks my heart for you and your wife and your baby boy.
I really wish you all the best in the future and your family.
By the way, you guys are a very beautiful couple and I truly believe it will get better for you.
Prayers for your family my friend.
Upvoted and resteemed my friend, so that more people can see.I am very sorry what happened to you @arielpr. It gets me so mad how people can be so cruel and do this to innocent hard working people who try to build their life.
Thanks for your kind words @joalvarez, many times I heard about these kind of people, but you never know how it feels until it happens to you. Thanks again!
What a sad story @arielpr. I wish I could do something more to help you out with this situation then just sending you good vibes and a upvote!
Back when I started out in the crypto space I had several similar experiences myself... At the very least least stuff like this makes you more aware of security risks, like never release a escrow early.
Thanks man, you said it, I learned my lesson the hard way. I really hope many people can read this to be aware of this kind of garbage. And if you use Paxful, only verified buyers please. :) thanks again!
Dear I believed that the money you've lost will be back to you in no time. Calm your heart. God bless you more!
Thanks Joyce! :)
That's horrible. I'm sorry this has happened. Praying it all works out for you. I remember as a young child my siblings and I had saved and saved our money to go to Disneyland. About a month before we were to go, we were robbed and the money was stolen. I don't remember how...but we still were able to go. It's such a feeling of being violated when things like this happen. I always try to look for silver linings...if nothing else we learn through things like this.
Thanks Rebecca, like you said, it feels like being violated, thanks for your words.. :)
Let it go. It's past and you've gained by it in knowledge and experience.
You still have your loving wife.
You still have your growing baby.
You have the support of the Steemit community.
You have the future wealth that can be created here.
You are just beginning your journey my friend.
Let it go and move on to a better place.
Thank you :) very nice words.. I appreciate it
I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s so unfortunate that people are out scamming others. I pray your situation gets better and remember, “no weapon formed against you shall prosper”. Some way some how karma will be returned to you and everything will be okay. I wish you and your family all the best!!
Thanks for your words @daqueend I wish the best for you too :)
I'm sorry you were scammed like this. I hope all the members will help you out if they can.
Thanks @mikej, this community is just great, I have nothing but great words to describe it :)
Oh my gad this is so sad..... damn scammers always goign after those who can't afford to get scammed (not that anyone deserves this but gees man this ain't good...)
I sent you my upvote, that is all I can do for the moment, I am just starting here on steemit. As I write this your pending payout is already at $79.34 which probably translates to nearly half of what that prick stole from you... can someone check the math here so far? I'm not sure how to go about it.
You're in a community of mostly good people and I think a lot of people will help recover what you lost plus more. I really hope so!
Thank you man, I only wish I can recover that before my boy's birth.. That money was all for him..
that many people can read your story and maybe we can beware someone to be a victim of a scammer.
Hope you make new money soon, never give up.
Best regards
TomSad story my friend, I resteemed your post and I will share it in our group CleanSteemit https://www.facebook.com/groups/184377172301161/
Thanks Tom, I really hope this is a lesson to other people, I learned the hard way..
I’m so sorry that this happened to you. I know what it’s like to have a baby on the way and have nothing for that child. I had to trust that God would provide, and he has...every step of the way. I’m praying for you and your budding family. I hope that my small upvote helps even just a little bit. Please update us when your baby arrives!
Thanks for your words.. Everything helps :) I just hope that more people can read this and be aware of this kind of "people"..
I wish I could help with something but for now i am also new to this community so a Upvote from myside and beside that I would like you to read this little story and I hope you will like it...Its not for any upvote but A message ...See it once https://steemit.com/story/@abhin/a-bad-day-or-bad-luck-is-it-actually-bad-a-story-of-an-indian-army-instructor
Thanks @abhin, have a great day! :)
Dear @arielpr i will support through upvote because i am new on steemit and i feel for you man. You know what success and lost is part of a life and go forward buddy and fight like a wall. We will support you and stand behind you for support :)
Thanks @hasanrauf, I will not quit, it's hard but I will come back stronger :)
Thats the spirit man and you have 7 months experience. I pray for you and your family. Stay Blessed. :)
I hope my upvotes can help out.
4 SBD worth of upvotes given. Cheers!
Thanks again @deveerei, people like you make this community amazing.. Have a great day!!
i wish your.
What great response you got from the community. Hopefully you will have back your money and even more through this amazing community.
And like other people said here, don't seek revange even thought you might feel like it will make it feel better but it wont. Be strong for your family :)
Thanks man! I am really seeing such an incredible response from this community.. Can't thank enough
Ahhh man i'm really sorry to hear this, i'm going to resteem your article, I hope everyone does the same! good luck sir, hopefully you'll end up with much more.
Thank Mike, I hope at least to have the necessary for my family :)
You will dude! best of luck and god bless
resteemed done . Don't you have a Police section for electronic crimes there? Wish you all the best . Better invest on another crypto this time...
Thanks bro! thanks for the wishes :)
Damn man :( I feel you..
Fuck these scammers who are exploiting good people who believes the in the best of others! They are also making a bad reputation for cryptotrading. I hope this bastard gets what he deserves!
The only way I can help you right now is by upvoting, commenting and re-steeming which I have done. I am also following you and will upvote your next posts to give you a little more.
I hope this experience hasn't destroyed your respect or confidence for dealing in crypto. It WILL get better pal! <3
A little tips for next time you wanna cash out:
Use Blocktrades (Steem to Etherum) and transfer to ETH-wallet on Coinbase and withdraw in Euro's from either there or Gdax (Coinbase's trading platform)
I didn't lose the confidence man :) thanks for the advice! And thanks for your kind words :)
Unfortunately I am in a similar situation, but with another Chinese exchange. We lack clear cut escalation model with support or outside authority intervention because of the decentralized nature of blockchain.
I have a feeling despite their open nature, blockchains will see more such scammers who will emerge with cruel intentions, while trading companies will remain neutral or with business like intentions (as always). This leaves the likes of us in the cold. Hope my upvote and resteem will help in some way for you.
Thanks @nrajesh :) have a nice day!
That's so sad :( Hope everything will be okay soon! Good luck to your family
Thank you very much! :) I really appreciate your words :)
So sorry you got scammed, You maybe helping others not to get ripped by posting here. I hope you can make up for the lose with our help here on Steemit.
Thanks @robertchr, I hope that too, that nobody get scammed like me :)
I am pretty new on steemit, and I haven't start trading yet. And also I have never resteem anything before but you will be the first one I resteem. So sorry for your loss, and thanks for sharing with us.
Thanks @life69 have a great day!
I am going to pray for your family today that every bad thing that has been done to you will be made right. Que dios te bendiga!
Rob.Hi @nrajesh So sorry for you. let's work back by working together. I am liking each one of your posts within about half an hour after your posting. If you like my posts within a few hours I will keep on liking yours. Is this a deal? Please let me know as I really like your material and it would be great if we could work together.(provided my material is up to it).