Welcome Steemitzen! How are you this amazing day? Let's get right down to it- you are not on the Trending page. You haven't even made it to the Hot page.
You spend hours writing a compelling post, find just the right images, double check your spelling and take a deep breath and publish. Your heart beats fast, this is it! This is The Post that will get you noticed, you can feelknow it! it! It is filled with golden information written in a witty way, totally worthy of sitting right in between @papa-pepper and @exyle's newest posts. Your info is fresh, unique, and will help and entertain every Steemian, you
You refresh the page. 14 views in the last couple minutes, okay. You wait a minute, ok, a few seconds, and refresh again, and... two cents. You visit a post and speedread it to take your mind off things, leave a comment and rush to check your post. $0.17.
You know the drill, you do this every time. Your posts are making a few dollars or cents but you work so hard on them. You know they are worthy of more! What is wrong?
You keep asking yourself "Why am I not getting noticed?"
Have you tried blogging outside of Steemit? Purchased a domain name and installed wordpress? Posted every day and waited for an audience? Joined forums and advertised your new blog on facebook and Twitter and posted and posted?

The audience doesn't just appear. Poof!
No, you have to work extremely hard to get www.i'manewbloggerwithsomethingfreshandimportanttosay.com noticed. Lots of marketing and advertising and daily effort. It takes months to years before your .com is making a decent income.
Steemit is no different! You cannot be egotistical to assume you can just register on Steemit, write a couple posts, and be earning $758.00 per each.
The world does not work that way, my friend. Not on Steemit, not anywhere.
Steemit, like anything, takes time to build. It takes daily effort.
Everyone on the trending page worked to get there. Posted daily. Yes- there are some who simply invested a load of money into STEEM, but if you had that kind of cash to spare you wouldn't be reading my words right now, would you?
Come for the money, stay for the community.
I'm sure you have read that a few times by now. It's so true.
When I first started, just like you I was lured by the shiny danglings of the Trending page. After a while I grew frustrated. I tried everything. I was growing for sure. But my $ rewards were not reflecting that. In my mind, anyway. I wrote killer posts! I spent hours typing and researching and making them pretty!
But soon I realized that the Trending page is not something to base my Steemit success upon.
The quality of my comments and interactions with my followers is what matters.
Every user who makes the Trending page consistently is there because they put in the time. Months and months of posting daily for pennies. Daily interaction with peers. Joining groups and getting involved in the community.
To make it on the Trending page, you must follow these steps:
- Register and get approved on Steemit

Read a variety of Introduce Myself posts
Write an interesting and informative Introduce Myself post to introduce yourself to the community
Interact with each and every person who comments
Read a number of posts. Comment on each with a few thought provoking sentences.
Never comment "Great post!" You must talk with this person! You are building a community. You obviously enjoyed their article. Talk about it as you would a friend! Ask questions! Start a conversation- it may lead to a friendship ;)
Write your second post. Something you are passionate and know a lot about
Interact with everyone who comments
Read more posts. Interact genuinely with your fellow Steemmates.
Ask questions. Learn.
Join a group or two. Interact with the members.
Write more posts. Make sure your spelling and grammar are great. Use only legal images. Never plagarize or copy anyone's stuff. Be unique. Be consistent- write and post every day. Learn how to properly format your posts. Link them on all your other social media accounts. Research for more in depth posts. Be patient. Be yourself. Have fun!
Keep conversing with more and more people in the comments of their posts. Find likeminds and talk about your shared interests. Learn new things. Meet new people. Interact with your community.
Keep posting original, compelling articles. Be patient. Be consistent. Be real and be honest. And never badmouth another user. Be open. Relax. Improve your writing. Join a couple more groups. Enjoy the wealth of information your fellow Steemitzens give you. Treat them well- they are just like you. Be kind. And be patient.
You must believe in Steemit. You must have faith in STEEM, and see the unlimited potential of this amazing blockchain platform. You must believe in yoruself.
You want Steemit to pay your bills? This would make you a freelance writer. Your own boss. If you want to quit your job and live off your STEEM earnings and buy a car purely with crypto, well, then you must treat this as a job. Be dedicated. Work hard. Build a solid platform now that will support the huge growth you will attain by following my advice.

If you build it, they will come. If you are consistent and dedicated you will grow. The more you give to Steemit, the more will come back to you. Nobody here owes you anything. You must earn it.
STEEM ever onward and upward!
And remember to be patient and kind with all users. You get what you give <3
may the cryptos be ever in your favor
Enter Week 3 Photography Contest- Humor- for a chance to win $10 SBD!
Images via Pexels and Pixabay
Thank you for your support, I love you guys ♡
With Love, Positivity and Good Mojo Light,
May Your Days Be Always Happy and Bright!
How I Bought a New Car With Cryptocurrency
A Writing Activity that Boosts Your Descriptive Skills
Google, GPS, and the True (Almost) Horror Story
5 Journalist Tricks to Help You Create Epic Blog Posts
Proud to Be a Steemit Groupie- But With a Warning
What Should You Write About? 7 Tips to Help You Find Ideas for Your Blog
Black and White Photography
The Burn of the Badge
the last board
If you found this post after day 7 please consider upvoting a recent article ♡

If you want to be a success here you have to keep grinding.
Constant interaction with others, comments, votes and quality posts. Those who think it'll happen overnight are going to be disappointed.
It's an unbelievably rewarding place and not in the financial sense although it obviously can be, it's the people. They're different her, Steemit has attracted some of the most talented, generous and kind people I've ever come across.
Everyday I'm astounded by this place.
Nice work Kitten ❤️
You are so right, in how rewarding it is being here, and how amazing the people are! Steemit attracts the most quality types.
I'm happy and thankful to be here every day along the fine folks of Planet Steemit :)
If someone wants to earn quick, they can start working on utopian-io or start uploading videos on DTube that upvotes your video if you upload them consistently. There are so many applications now through which you can earn easily without begging for an upvote. I myself have been submitting my contributions to utopian and it's working for me.
In short, people can start earning from the very first day if they are consistent and determined.
Great share on utopian and Dtube!
But yes, wherever you are, whatever you do, to be great you must be consistent and determined :)
You had to say must be, right?
Oh, yes, oops! Stupid autocorrect lol.
Thank you for pointing that out for me :)
Interesting, so what is utopian exactly?
It's actually a project where you can contribute to the open source technologies by posting tutorials, video tutorials, blog posts and much more. There are total 12 categories through which you can contribute and if your contribution gets approved, you get an upvote from utopian ranging from $20 to $50. Infact, I saw some contributions making more than $100
Sign up on utopian.io with your Steem account, read the FAQ and rules section carefully and see what other people's work.
DM on Discord if you need my help, I am with the same username @ghulammujtaba
@arbitrarykitten Awesome. Excellent post and yes, absolutely being consistent is key here on Steemit. I thank you for everything youdo for our community. My Together We Build Contest 4 is open I hope to see you there and all who read this. Together, we make each other stronger.
Together we make each other stronger. Precisely :)
I'm going to go check it out!
I made it Trending twice this Summer. It was awesome. Haven't made it to Trending since, but hey, it's ok. I've made enough to cover my basic expenses fro 2018 and a few extras. I made myself a budget (oh, I need to add hair dye in there) of things I want and will need, like a new camera for picture taking if I want to cosplay more professionally. I already paid for my Ledger wallet, just waiting for it to come in, in March they said. So I know that I will earn the amounts I need. Hopefully, I can have a few Trending surprises and get some bonus money that I can use on more expensive projects ;)
This is awesome news to hear!
Absolutely brilliant post. It took me 7 months of dedicated daily networking on Discord and on Steemit itself.
Every single day I did this. I've made great friends, and great contacts. Only now am I seeing the fruits of my efforts.
I read up on crypto so I could join conversations. I read the crypto news daily so I know what to buy and what to sell.
You have to be prepared to put in the effort. You will get posts that tank. Posts where you have poured your heart and soul into and it makes $0,26.
Take it from me, do not give up. You carry on and you don't give up! Not for a second.
You will be successful. I guarentee you that. Roll with the punches.
I'm Upvoting AND Resteeming this!
Never give up~ Precisely.
You do all the right things.
You wouldn't write an article anywhere else online and expect it to rake in the dough. You have to build it and keep posting and grow :)
Since I met you here, I've wondered why you're so hospitable, now I know, well it's certainly difficult here, many think there's a reservoir of money here, so when they registered they didn't quite get it so they became faustrated
I've learnt a lot here, amazing stuff you got going here
I sure don't know the groups to join, nobody really wants to help
Oh, I'm just me :) I'm the same here and in real life- you can ask any of the Steemmates I've met :)
I don't believe in waiting the time and energy pretending to be someone else on line. I am totally consistent and transparent, life is too short for anything less <3
I think we all get frustrated at some point. But just like with business- those who persevere will be rewarded greatly :) And Steemit isn't for everyone- those who can't hack it or just came for selfish proposes will soon leave for the next get rich quick scheme.
That just leaves us amazing and hard working rebels :) And we will get from Steemit exactly what we put in!
Join groups based on your interest. What do you like? Are you on Discord? I'd start with PAL, minnow support :)
Well it's a quality, it would have been quite a beautiful experience if I had met you in my early days, God I made many mistakes.
And even when I ask questions, a few dolphins lashed at me, many didn't even reply.
Here you are being cheerful and down to earth as possible, what could be more better.
Thank you for even the moral support
Well thank you :) I appreciate you appreciating me for me 😊
Hey, even an "old dog" can learn ;). I like to think of myself an Eternal Scholar- the only way to succeed is to keep growing and learning :)
Seriously tho, if you tell me a couple of your passions I'll point you toward some community groups.
Well I'm a poet, and well sometimes I write articles and yeah basically I'm a poet, and I'm not to blow my trumpet, I'm quite good at it, if you perchance have time, you can see it please or I'd show you.
Thank you for writing such an amazing post explaining the in's and out's of how Steemit works. I absolutely loved the honesty. People come in here posting one picture posts and writing two sentences as posts and expecting to earn hundreds of dollars. Just like you said, it does not work like this in REAL life, and it sure does not work like that on Steemit.
You have to be patient, write quality posts, something which people will enjoy reading. Don't just post to post. Most of the time just quote you did not write or create. Be original, be inspirational, write from the heart. That is what will get you somewhere on Steemit.
And, most importantly, stop focusing so much on the profit side of it. Make friends, create relationships, have fun, don't make Steemit just another job. Make it a happy place where you share your thoughts with some amazing people from all around the world.
I absolutely loved this post. The honesty and tips for the users willing to listen. Keep on educating and sharing the TRUTH.
Have an amazing day. :)
Thank you so much :) Have a spectacular day yourself!
You are more than welcome. And, thank you :)
Such an inspiring article. It's kind of impossible to not want to write something great after reading your post here. Also, "Steemmates" must be the smartest term I have read in a while, will definitely plagiarize that one off of your article ;)
The thing I could add that has helped me greatly in connecting to people on steemit is not browsing the "trendy" things, but instead search steemit for your topics of interest. And then comment on what you find, even if the article is months old. Chances are, you will build your tribe effectively because through your passions you will automatically connect to the right people, who probably have a high chance of being interested in your stuff as well.
as for progressing:
It can not be repeated often enough, it's like learning any skill: the beginning is tough and many people will give up. Only the ones who pull through the tough beginnings get to come out successfully. and it's probably perfect that way.
Starting to play the guitar will make your fingers hurt, your arms cramp and nothing will sound remotely like your rock heroes - it's frustrating to say the least. And then, after a few weeks if you stick with it, you notice you kind of get the hang of it, while many others have dropped the instrument because it was too much work ;)
Yes. Yes. And yes! Everything you said
There are only a few rock gods. And they earned their title because they stuck with it ;)
"You cannot be egotistical to assume you can just register on Steemit, write a couple posts, and be earning $758.00 per each.
The world does not work that way, my friend. Not on Steemit, not anywhere."
100% agree with this
Everything needs time and effort
Without efforts we don't get the desired results
Great and helpful article
Thanks for sharing
I am so happy you find this helpful!
And wonderful meeting you!
Thanks :)
Sound advice. Whenever I start feeling a bit envious of those who write on similar topics to mine but make (way) more per post I go and look at their blogs. And invariably (with one or two lucky exceptions) they've been here for far longer than I have and continue to provide exceptional content on a regular basis. So it will come, in time. Right now, my mission is to start trying to film some of the awesome wildlife moments I am fortunate enough to witness as my job and start narrating those pieces with interesting scientific facts. The challenge of course, being to capture them!
At any rate, I plan on being around here for a long time to come so it will only improve (both my work, and the responses to it 🙂)
I absolutely love your idea! I think that will go very well here! Will you use dtube?
I think so, yes. It may be a bit tricky this season as I've basically only got an iPad to use so would have to get pretty close to my target, but that said, I have my eye on a very wily little elephant shrew that inhabits our field site. I just need to ambush him, lol. I've only seen them a couple of times before and they are fascinating little creatures so I'd love to get some footage of him!
Oh that sounds amazing! Lol, and intriguing!
You are so right. I have seen the post counts of many people who make a lot of money here. They make a LOT of posts and comments. It seems like they are always on Steemit. "All hard work brings a profit., but merely talking about it only brings poverty" Proverbs 14:23
Great proverb!
I love the facts of this post. I once was that new user who would get excited about making a high earning post, then I realized many of the things you pointed out above. Again thanks, I needed to read this as I just decided to start back being active o steemit. So this was a reminder.
I'm happy to hear that :) We all need gentle reminders sometimes! lol
And it is a pleasure meeting you!
I didn't come for the money. It was pitched to me as a place to engage people and write for myself. It has certainly been that and more.
I don't have more followers here. I do have more people commenting and exchanging views with me.
I don't make more money here. I also don't have advertisers and general shit bags on my site either.
I have utterly no illusions about getting rich here. I do regard this as the best platform I have ever seen for somebody that is willing to work hard and grind in the corners. I don't have to write for other people, I can write what I think is best. I'm here for the long haul.
Thanks for a marvelous article that tells the truth.
The community here is the absolute best on the web, by far! There truly is no comparison
There are so many things in that post that make me shout "oh my yes! Exactly!". I've been blogging for many years before I quit and started again. The pain of not getting noticed and rewarded in conventional blogging make me a better person. I've learned a lot. So here in steemit, it's the same but not as agonizing as the starting in conventional blogging, so I guess I'm good! :) Awesome post and thanks for sharing it, I'll show this to those I know new to this platform...
Precisely :)
You're absolutely right in every sense of what you're saying. For myself, the fact that some of my first few posts have earned more than a dollar has thrilled me, knowing how much work and dedication goes into building a wordpress blog and keeping up with all your social media feeds to catch every possible follower! I think this post is a must read for any newbies wondering why they're not rich yet! (and anyone new in general just so that they can have realistic expectations)
I totally agree!
Haha cat gif is cute. Good info here AK. I don't even visit the trending page honestly, I find it all mostly boring trash. Not knocking the same ppl that always trend, like you said they've probably earned it but other ppl need my support and lil upvotes 😊
I feel the same :) How do you think the whales do it? They have been upvoting each other since they were minnows...
One of the things I love so much about Steemit vs a .com blogging experience is the community here. On a .com blog you rarely see the same people, and in many cases even if someone does leave a comment you have no way to know what projects they might be working on. They are simply ships passing in the night.
But here on Steemit I get to see the same people every day. I get to see their writing develop and I get to learn about them and their lives or their worldview. Yes it's still work and takes time, but I still see it as so much easier and rewarding vs a .com blog.
I'll definitely be staying for the community.
Ships passing in the night... So true!
Awesome post hope this is the one for you. You get my full upvote. 👍
Thank you so much <3
I'm actually more disappointed when my post doesn't get many views because it means people didn't even see my post. I'd like to think that people read it and liked it, but I can handle if they read it and didn't like it. However if they didn't see it at all, after a lot of hard work - that kind of bites and makes me think that Steemit doesn't get a lot of eyeballs.
But... when you do hit it big, for whatever reason (my highest grossing post was about 100 STEEM for me) you can certainly feel the love. It's addictive.
I think I'm particularly bad about posting at the wrong time of day. I'll often come home and start working on a post that isn't finished until late and posting during the night in US time isn't optimal. Except if you're posting something political that Europeans might like (if you know what I mean). Having a decent stash of STEEM that lets your self-upvote yourself even a few dimes worth can really get your post noticed, as of course will the lucky random upvote from a whale or even mini-whale.
These days most of my posts can earn a buck or two if I'm lucky. However, that is way more than I ever made from my own blog with Google Ads on it. I'd be lucky to make $100 a year there.
Of course, the other way to make more $ on Steemit is to be a celebrity somewhere else like YouTube and show up here bringing a fan base with you. Or be a hot girl (or pretend to be one) who can post lots of photos of their exciting life. That is sure to get lots of dudes following, commenting, and upvoting.
Two main points here - it's easy for posts to get lost on Steemit and if they are lost for more than an hour they will probably never "make it". Steemit has some UI problems that exacerbate that problem and as best I can tell no plans to make it better. Secondly there is an awful lot of low quality high-gloss content here that drowns out the quality stuff. Until they add communities, basically like sub-reddits, that will continue to be a problem.
Like you, I probably post at the wrong time of the day but being located in the far East, I have not much choice. If I make 2.00 on a post (which is actually about $8usd) I'm okay with that. Commenting is far more lucrative than hitting a lick on one post, when you consider time invested. I personally see nothing wrong with upvoting yourself and I do it regularly, but I do share the love. You can always set up a facebook page promoting your blog. Over time, you will whittle down your "follow" list so you can devote the time needed to those you enjoy the most. Oh, and checkout SteemThat.com if you would like a better UI experience and more exposure, but remember, it also is still in beta. Hang in there, you will look back in a year and say WOW!
Also, remember that Steemit is still in beta mode. Just wait till it's full! Ahh.hh it's gonna be unreal!
Stick with it. You'll grow. And in a year you'll be super thankful you did...
It’s defintely intimidating when someone like me who’s never written content before joins a place like Steemit! I have never written before, so this is all a new to me. I’m really trying to focus on learning about the platform and community first before diving in head first. My whole life I’ve always been the person who said “I wish I would have done this or that.” Like buying crypto, i constantly wish I started buying early last year instead of July. Or even Steemit, I keep saying I wish I would have known about steemit last year. I’m trying to change my mindset now, and think of the future of Steemit instead and the fact that I should be just be happy that I joined pretty early in comparison to the rest of the world. I’m hoping in a year or two I’ll be able to write a post like this to motivate new people. Who knows :)
Think of a Model "T" Ford... then think of a 2018 Ford Excursion. That will help you change your mindset! That comment was good enough to be a post in and of itself!
I have been here for eleven days and already felt come for the money, and stay for community. In past few days I have spent somewhere around 10 hours meeting new interesting people and discussing ideas or just chatting with them on discord. It is a great platform and so far community is better than any other network I have been part of.
You are definitely STEEMing the right way!
wow...!!!! nice post @arbitrarykitten .. i like your Why You Aren't on the Trending Page post thanks for share the post
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading :)
This is so great! You got the great point here......that's pretty cool to know.....love to read it
I'm glad you think so... That really means a lot ;)
thyank you alot @arbitrarykitten
It's too great. such a beautiful post.hope everyone like on this.keep it up
Keep on Steeming... :)
Great tips! I've been following a few of these and i'll start applying some of the new ones i read here to try and improve!
That is music to my ears! Daily self improvement is what makes you a success not only on Steemit, but in life <3
This is my definitely my new note to self as a newbie . although I have some difficulties especially in posting every day which I can adjust first to 4 tines in a week for starters (I'm being realistic with myself) but the group stuff I've tried but connecting has not been easy for me. I always seem to be off key. Do you please have pointers on that @arbitrarykitten? Thanks
Are you joining groups based on your passions?
Not really, I got a lot of group addresses from my brother and added myself to them
Find a couple groups with things you are passionate about. That way you want to join the discussions, contests, and will find people who are into the same things to become Steemit friends with :)
Alright, thanks, I'll look for them ,🙂
There were time i got fustrated and i was like am not going to post anything again,then my friend told me,jules work hard dont worry you will be noticed some day,just have particular line of interest and you will be known for it,so i decided to build my path in art and its working well for me.I no longer have to stay all night trying to compose post to write anymore.
The basic of all is for you to do what you have passion for,and not living a life of copy cat.Thanks for the information @arbitrarykitten .
That is so good to hear :) Be yourself, your the best person for the job!
I like how you're reminding your readers about the reality of how things work, but at the same time remind us that perseverance and hard work will help us. After all, after that proverb "A journey of a thousand miles begon with a single step", puts things into perspective. Thanks :)
One step at a time. That's how you can get anywhere :)
Great post!
...make sure to upvote me back....
Thanks for posting this, seriously, I've been feeling this lately and it's been bothering me. I'm in the works of starting my own business and so is my wife. Both of us are working to become entrepreneurs. Our schedules are plenty full and still I think about Steemit and see "undeserving" posts rake in money. Keep it up AK.
What businesses are you starting?
Selling on Amazon. My wife is selling on Ebay.
Great affirmation.I should point out while reading through your post I happened upon an autocorrect malfunction? Oh, the irony! LOL I do the same thing all the time. 😜
Lol! And beats of the deceitful games of the autocorrect ;)
Never trust a computer to perform better than the brain. Faster maybe, but not better! (Previous comment edited to protect the innocent!) 😊 😎
Really Appreciate you for this post. the thing is that for every field if you will put wisely. no one can stop you from the successs. keep sharing your informative posts like that. stay blessed <3
Thank you :)
$0.17 is still more than you make from a normal blog post on wordpress. :)
Yes it is hard work, you have raised several very good pointers here @arbitrarykitten
I would like to mention the use the the Social Media links in here that will connect you to other platforms to share. Not only your own posts, but posts that deserve sharing, it lets others know Steemit is working.
A little effort takes everyone a long way....
Right! Everyone share, as much as you can. Not only will it grow Steemit, but cryptocurrency visibility and subsequently comfort as well, which is a win all around :)
you know you made a whole load of sense
dedication pays... my story is a testimony
True story!
Sincerely speaking, have never 4 a day go to check 4 my post on "trending". I've always seen it as an orca and whale thing..
Thanks for the tips u dropped on "making it on the trending page". I'll give it a try.
I'm so happy this is inspirational for you!
After reading this post i see my future with. Blogging . Steemit will be #1 blogging platform for passionate blogger. Steemit it far better than google Adsense where you not get anything for your awesome content.
And just wait till we get out of beta mode!!!
I love your sense of humor! And all of it is true!
I still post a few blogs, but the pluses of steemit make this a favorite place. The community of peoples I find here is so wonderful and supportive.
I'm still a little minnow, hey I'm barely 4' 11" in the physical world, but I learn so much here about so many things!
There is truly something for everyone and a place for almost everything !
photo from pixabay
True story!
Thank you so much <3 And keep on swimming! You will reach it if you do...
Thanks for sharing ! Maybe one day my post will get to trending without using bots ;D i just started and love it here !
Welcome to the community! All great things take time :) Nothing brilliant was built in a day ;)
This is exactly what I'm goin through right now. The feel of getting no dollars on a post you took time to construct is painful and discouraging. Infact I took a break from posting after some time, Tnx for the advice.. Keeping my fingers crossed, would keep being consistent.
I felt exactly the same way @driftyy. But you know what steemit kinda has a way on helping you work on your weakness.
The whales on the trending page all were where you are right now :) It took them months of daily posting to get where they are today... Keep it up and never give up and you will be there too!
Like you specially made the post for me. Thank you at.,@arbitarykitten
I am so glad this is motivational for you :)
Great post and exactly what I needed to hear today! Thank you!
How awesome! I love hearing that :)
And here I thought bots got you onto trending..
Absolutely, anyone who signed up to become an instant whale is going to be met with serious disappointment.
This place is about the community not the money. That’s just a bonus! The sooner people realise that the more success they will have!!
Great post!
The only way to become an InstaWhale is to invest a whole lot of your own money in STEEM ;)
My current formula is:
Write critically to hope to catch the attention of big whales. They will upvote and resteem
Buy resteem service, this is simply amazing and I must confess I underestimated this before
Thanks for the reassurance, Im pretty new here and not really coming in expecting much, but have already learned a lot, had some great interactions with new people, and read a lot of interesting stories. Those a lone make this site worth it for me, and to be happy I joined. I see a lot of potential here, and am glad I can be part of the community and help it build.
I like your style :) You will do well here
i don't want appear in trending page... just want more followers and upvote jajajajajajaja
Rome was never built in a day, truly. I see this essay as an epistle addressed to me. I will learn more patience and hold on, believing that soon I'll get there.
Thanks for this priceless encouragement.
I am happy this touches a chord in you :) Keep STEEMing ever onward and upward :)
Sure I'll. Thanks.
Fabulous post on keeping at it and always improving! I've been writing an article about quality blogging all day, and this post is an excellent reference! I especially feel the bit about trying to do a blog on your own. Steemit makes it a lot easier to get noticed if you try, compared to doing your own blog. Blogging takes effort any way you look at it, but here it can be so much more fun! :)
...skips off to add a link to @arbitrarykitten's awesome post on perseverance...
Oh yes, it is so much more fun here! The community is so wonderfully supportive and encouraging!
Great post and you made many amazing points. I feel if you put too much worry into drawing a crowd that you start to take away from some of the magic that makes your post you. I agree that you should post everyday but mainly just be you. People can tell a fake, so just do you and people will come.
Exactly! You nailed it :)