Steemit! It is Time...

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

It's time to change the world.

We are a rapidly growing community of super talented and innovative individuals.

So we like to think.

It's about time we prove it.

Journalism is censored. There are always politics involved with the sales of newspapers. What you can and can't say. What should and shouldn't be public.

We are indoctrinated to present information a certain way and make it appealing to the public, the advertisers, and to censors. We need to earn a living, therefore do it the way everyone before us has done it, and only rarely step out of the box.

But this is a new world, and needs to be approached and presented as such.

Transparency and decentralization are the name of the game, and we need to brush off our bats.

Then throw them away.

Instead, find a new tool. Or try it with three bases instead of four.

This is the perfect time to expand and try out different avenues and voices until you find one that is uniquely you and unadulterated. Make your time meaningful and worth something.

Find your voice.

Do it your way.

It is time.

With love, light, and good mojo

I love you guys!

I appreciate your support :)


@arbitrarykitten mam...
Actually I think 2018 will be a huge year for STEEM. Here's a few quick reasons why:

  1. HF20 will be released
  2. SMTs will be released
  3. STEEM is fundamentally the best blockchain (in my, and many others' opinions)
  4. Steemit has seen explosive growth and it is continuing into 2018!
  5. The STEEM community has a vested interest in the growth of the platform and we are all working as hard as we can to make it better for everyone!
  6. The Snowball Effect - Steemians are obsessed with getting their friends on board (I know you've told at least 1 person about your excitement for this platform. I've told everyone I know and many have signed up as a direct result! Steemit is growing like wildfire and its mainly by word of mouth from fellow steemians!!! Keep up the good work!).
    So I'm always convert my SBD to Steem...
    Bcz...I'm always trust Steem...
    Best of luck...

2018 is going to be a phenomenal, and groundbreaking year for the Steemit community!

I'm so excited to be a part of this journey!

I've told everyone, lol, even strangers at the gas pump :) With almost two dozen sign ups and about 30% of this active ideas, yes the growth is amazing!

You gave me significant motivation
I used to do limit on me in terms of doing, thinking for future.
From this moment, I have brave to crush it and leave out of my small box

Yes! ^THATS^ exactly it!

The reason I ended up on Steemit was that Facebook suddenly disabled my account with my website I promoted on Facebook etc.. all having been deleted instantly and out of the blue. It was dreams then which led me here by keeping telling me that "a new fair currency system is there I should definitely be part of"

The first day I was here it felt like a time loop, as if I jumped several months, so quickly I familiarized with the way all works here.
Yesterday I visited the Facebook interface once more, and I tell you, the energy felt sooo outdated and antediluvian. I immediately shut the website down so old it felt.

Stay tuned! ;)

I feel the same about Facebook. It feels so antiquarian and dull.

This, here, now, is the future. This is the answer.

@arbitrarykitten You are RIGHT 100%. Time to make it ours, Let's Take Back what has been Stolen From US !! That is Why #piratesunday is so Important. Be Pirate lets get back what is OURS !!

Aye matey!

Hopefully we finally really take off in the next year or two. I think the price of steem should be a lot higher.

This year is going to be stellar ;)

Yup there is talent here . But the main reason I think steem will be successful is because of its rewards system . It is revolutionary in nature ..

But to be successful we cannot keep doing what we've been doing for decades...

We are in the beginning, with hopefully no end. :) I love it here on Steemit. It feels natural for my being here.

"We are a rapidly growing community of super talented and innovative individuals." great motivation thx)

I'm happy to be motivational!

upvote, thanks for the info. your support

Thanks for reading, and welcome to the community!

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This is the best platform ever made. Its about time we start expressing ourselves as we limits!

I agree!

And welcome to the community!

Very inspirational, thanks for sharing @arbitrarykitten

So happy to be inspirational!

awesome motivation

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

dear .@arbitrarykitten
excellent graphics

Thank you!

hi dear @arbitrarykitten
thank you too &i receive some gift from meIMG_5793.JPG

Yes indeed. Use Steemit to make our voice heard and to inform others too so we can save the world from destruction. Hopefully.