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RE: Steemit is Like Marriage, and Most Marriages Fail. Do This to Keep Your Blog (and Marriage) Alive!

in #steemit8 years ago

Partly do to society, in my honest opinion.

In "the olden days" people fixed things when they were broken. Now, we generally toss them and get new ones.

Also, more people are choosing not to get married and live together without the contract of marriage. But I digress...

There is not just one reason why marriages (and relationships) break up. It's never that black and white.


The reason why I asked was that in my country (Slovakia), 2016 has been the year with the most marriages and least divorces in the past 10 years. So maybe things are finally getting better. Especially because people live together longer before they get married.

That is very encouraging news! I hope its a lasting trend