Internet obsession.

in #steemit7 years ago

How people get addicted to the internet is really important question for modern times.
Think about being in an elevator, that awkwardness that you have may be you started talking to them outside the elevator now you are in the elevator and you don't want to talk to them anymore so your hand starts creeping towards your pocket or purse and you pull out your phone for no reason, there aren't any notification you know that but you pull it out and look it anyway, you ask yourself why??images.png
The YouTube algorithm wants to spend time on their website they look at everything you want, how long, when you leave, what videos you like, things you comment on. They try to guess what else that you would like to keep you coming back to

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Netflix does the same thing, did you ever notice your thumbnails are different on your Netflix and that are on your parents or on your partners that is on purpose, the Netflix global manager of creative service said that quote artwork was not only the biggest influence to a members decision to watch content but also constituted over 82% if their focus while they browsed Netflix. You spend an average of 1.8 second on each one of their key art before you make decision and they know that and they are tracking it.

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Facebook knows how long you stopped on something to gaze at it whether you like it , whether you click on it, whether you watch the video, whether you do anything. They know that you stopped scrolling to look at it and they learn about you so that they can make you spend more time on this websites because that time is their business model.

Today designers hook you into their systems using psychology and behaviorism. They do this with with three things data research and behaviour and keep you coming with three H's
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1. HAPPINESS: Every brain has a reward system, it is built in, it helps you to get interested in social interaction, keeps you interested in things like food, drugs etc but laughing and friendly interaction and encouragement when you do things correctly those all have to do with dopamine.
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It is a neuro transmitter and it is the part of reward system and reward is reward whether it is a lot or little.

2. HABITUATION: This has to do with psychology specifically behaviour psychology, dopamine makes you comfortable it helps you anticipate things so that you can have that reward and it gives you that certainty of happiness when you get it because uncertainty is a nightmare when it comes to behaviourism. More than 50 years ago, psychologist B.F. Skinner was experimenting on rats and pigeons, and noticed that the unpredictability of reward was a major motivator for animals. If a reward arrives either predictably or too infrequently, the animal eventually loses interest. But when there was anticipation of a reward that comes with just enough frequency, the animals' brains would consistently release dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that (basically) regulates pleasure.

What does this have to do with the internet? Some researchers believe that intermittent reinforcement — in the form of texts, tweets, and various other social media — may be working on our brains the same way rewards did on Skinner's rats.
Instagram in the same way trigger those little reward system in your brain that makes us want to do post again and again and anticipate that reward.
3 HELLA DATA: Developers of Apps and website use the data of your Dwell time, how long you are looking at a thing without actually interacting with it. Watch time how long you watch a video and Session time which means as long as you log on to Facebook severs and start looking at all their stuff and when you leave Facebook servers they look at all of that.
"Internet addiction is the same as any other addiction — excessive release of dopamine," says Hilarie Cash, executive director of the reStart program for internet addiction and recovery, a Seattle-area rehab program that helps wean people off the internet. "Addiction is addiction. Whether it's gambling, cocaine, alcohol, or Facebook."

Neural lace's promise, is that the lace would be injected into the brain, embed itself, and then live in there, intertwined with your brain cells - translating your thoughts to computers, uploading and downloading information from networks and so on. This could improve memory, and allow us to keep up with AI - we could even communicate with each other!

To get over your internet obsession turn OFF the notification and only open an app when you want to open it and try to keep track of how often you are opening these apps.
Thank you
For further reading
