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RE: Cheetah bot: The Fight Against Spam and Plagiarism Continues

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

We, as a community, need to decide what is acceptable and what is not -- and due to the set up of the platform, our votes actually matter.
Personally I think this cut and paste stuff needs to stop. I want steemit to succeed, and we are not going to get there by being plagiarists, we are going to get there by having a novel way to pay people for their own, original work.


I'm a little afraid to flag a powerful member of the community.

maybe a good future option would be to "flag in secret!"

Guess people like that idea :) not being able to see the down voters is good, but what happens if someone goes on to flag things that have no reason? I down voted something and the person told me why they had reposted a post and I told them I thought that was fine and removed my flag. I like to be able to see flags so I can see if some is just jealously voting down content. I feel that using your flag should be shown to keep people from trolling and being anonymous while doing so. I like the transparency it brings, but believe it should be voted on by the community as a whole.

@bendjmiller222 flagging reduce voting power significant, so I guess there is no great motivation for spam flagging... Maybe a added good solution to flag spamming would be if each flag would have increased weight when combined with more flags on the same post(?)...

Is that possible? I thought everything is public on a blockchain?

hence the quote "good future"

I don't like secret. There more open the better. We should embrace transparency.
This is my take on it. I think reputation scores are an incentive for Sybil attacks and downvotes that take money amount to stealing. I might be going a bit overboard on that last point but I think that reputation is a personal thing, and should be scored according to your own voting and the voting of those you vote on, etc. And downvoting should be like blocking, except in a more granular fashion, it downranks others position in your feed not everyones, but to a lesser degree also for everyone who upranks you, or the opposite, if they downrank you.

This is because you're scared they might not upvote one of your future posts. When it's all about the money, and it currently is, the curation system here just doesn't and can't work.

I'm scared they will FLAG which was the point of this thread.

Bot incorrectly marked my post as plagiarism. I want to be invited to SLACK, and discuss it

I know your fear, i was feeling it once too :(
Some of my friends are doing fake accounts to report (flag) whales but well, i hate them doing that because:

  1. ) fake accounts are bad
  2. ) most of them are simply retarded
  3. ) they have no balls to flag it on their own account, lol

Since I asked anyx this question, I've stopped flagging. It was too much of a hassle dealing with retaliatory flags from art thieves. My process now:

  1. Hang out in new photography (my favorite)
  2. Do google image search on pictures I want to upvote. If its been used somewhere I move on. I'm not here to be a policeman.
  3. Upvote what I like and what seems legit.
    I'm enjoying steemit a LOT more now.

While I agree with you to a certain extent, and I think the idea behind @cheetah is great, I do not think the solution to the problem is by introducing more bots that are involved in the social aspects of Steemit. We need to get rid of all bots on the platform, and let @cheetah do it's work behind the scenes. It should be integrated into the website as a verification tool, not a social bot that comments on blogs.

Mainstream users will not care what your bot does, they will just find the comment section annoying when they see 20 different bots getting involved in the social sphere, all fighting each other with downvotes. All bots need to be removed from social privileges. If they are useful, such as @cheetah, there are better methods of accomplishing that goal without letting them be involved socially (commenting, upvoting, flagging, etc.. etc..)

Like I say in most of my posts, cheetah is a bandaid. The devs need to fix the bot problem. So I agree with a lot of what you are saying.

Glad you can see this, it gives me more confidence that it will be fixed in the future. After all, this is still beta, I'm just glad I can throw in my 0.005 cents into the mix! Lol

I think the cheetah should make a special flag appear at the top of the post that you roll over and it says 'possible plagiarism'. We can vote on cheetah, right? I think it is a very good thing to attempt to stop spam reposting. What's the value of it anyway? And then there is a somewhat more serious issue of attribution fraud.

Intellectual property is bullshit and anyone holding up that paradigm is slowing down progress. The forward thinkers of the community should be well aware of this. If it's in the public domain, it's open source now. Sorry greedy people but your presence is no longer wanted or needed.

You are absolutely right! You would probably enjoy my thoughts and musings at:
Everything written there is my work.

Awesome! We think alike! Please share it widely! Since I'm not trying to profit from it, I don't have to worry about it or protect it. The only reason I put it out there was so that people would read it. Believe it or not, some folks aren't motivated solely by money. Some people are actually people of substance.

I mostly agree @apocaloptimisto. I believe that "rights" owners must keep up with the times and present their products in a way that that is feasible for 21st century customers. DMCA is so not effective or practical. It's like the war on drugs. Nice idea but completely ineffective. Only a few get harshly punished while the masses get off scott free.

Steemit is actually an innovative idea in the right direction for writers, photographers, curators, etc. Is the platform perfect, no but its heading in the right direction.

Saying something is yours when it isn't is fraud though, isn't it?

Someday maybe, if you're lucky, you'll learn that everything is everyone's and fraud itself is fraud. ;)

keep watching :D

how about we will hire someone to fight bad bots , copy-paste publishers and other people like that? :D
Of course im joking,im sure that cheetah will fight against them better than any human can...

I agree with you, the original content should be rewarded

my apologies Anyx. Forgive my sins

yes great