What is Steem and why use Steemit to share your content on the web

in #steemit7 years ago


Would you like to know what Steem is and what is it for?

If you like reading or writing I think it's the tool for you!

Thanks to steem e steemit you can create your publications online for free and be able to attract audiences thanks to the platform.

Steem uses blockchain technology to manage the system, and developers have devised an electronic currency to regulate the web portal and give the authors of their own blogs and content curators the chance to earn on the basis of the appreciation received for a given post.

In addition Steem uses Steemit, a portal for publishing that is equipped with a mobile application to be able to take your account with you and to produce posts or comment articles wherever you are.

What is and what Steem is for

Steem is a new online publishing tool, useful for those who want to start writing anything that may be interesting to write for you, for the audience you want.

It can be seen as a personal blog, in some ways, but also has important social components, such as the ability to follow users and be followed, a very useful feature to acquire new readers or to follow who shares information that interests you.

Who thinks it similar to reddit (read the post that is useful to start with), I see it more similar to Medium for the model they have developed.

If you know how to write articles interesting and of great quality you'll be able to attract a lot of people and start making money with your content!

Wait, leave me the chance to give you some advice:

  • Learn to lay out the articles in markdown
  • Use captivating images in the head and body of your post
  • Do not copy other articles, rather look for the gaps and write an article that completes a previously created content
  • Do not spam, you will be penalized quickly and you will lose visibility

The steem community is very attentive to what it reads and to be successful it is inevitable having to create original and engaging content (but do not fool yourself it is so everywhere).

I advise you to create content often,** to keep your audience warm, without thinking about the gain**, but to give value to those who follow you (this is the trick in the world of publishing and blogging), then create an editorial plan to help you better set your blogging goals and avoid procrastination and do not get to anything!

Why use Steem

Steemit provides several advantages over traditional web publishing tools; it is good to describe them meticulously because this platform in the future could become a leader because of the technologies that lie beneath it and the idea behind this tool.

One thing I recommend is to keep the keys of your account safe, so I suggest you to read this guide and create your hard copy of the access keys.

Do you want to find out more?

Let me describe all the potentialities of steem and what boast you'll have using it:


As I wrote above, steem is literally an electronic coin coined by the developers; thanks to the steem you will be able to operate on Steemit, which will provide you with a wallet to contain your steem.

For this purpose, you may find this article useful for you in detail what is the steem coin and how it works.

On the platform every action performed by users on your post will bring you small gains, you will earn when:

  • A user performs an upvote
  • A user comments, you respond to the comment completely, receive upvotes and earnings
  • Taking care of the contents of other users on Steemit

Basically you will be paid according to the appreciation that your readers will have of you!

It is exceptional, but do not make any illusions, to get good results you will first have to get an interested audience (if nobody reads your posts nobody will be able to comment or share them).

So the first time you have to work hard without seeing exceptional results, but do not give up, the only way to get public is to create content and interact with them!

He has a great page rank

The page rank? What is food to eat?

No, but it can feed!

Steemit has great potential for users because it is well seen in the eyes of Google and its contents are indexed effectively!

This can give you good search engine placement benefits if you structure your posts well to be attractive to SEO, giving you the opportunity to have a lot of visibility if you choose the right topics and the right keywords used in the article to identify what you write about.

But do not worry too much, write about what you are most passionate about and that makes you, because it is the only way to be able to be motivated in what you do and show your enthusiasm when you talk about it.

Over time you can refine the way you write a post to be better positioned on google.

It's a new community

Steemit was born recently.

This could be seen as a disadvantage because maybe you might think that there are few users registered to the community and therefore you may have few interactions.

In fact, even if the Steemit community is young, it has been a huge success in a short time, due to the potentialities described above, the chances of gain and because of the fact that the technology that is under a lot of curiosity in this historical period.

According to my point of view here on steem it is easier to find people who are interested in what you write because it is a community focused on writing and creating long and elaborate articles and posts, so the kind of audience that people like to read.

Unlike facebook on steem there is a more evolved catchment area that wants to look for information to solve their problems, not to watch kittens videos or to know what happened to the best friend at the supermarket.
(easier to find interested people)

How to use Steem

Using steem is not very difficult, just register and start writing!

Yes I know you already knew, in fact this paragraph is dedicated to trying to make you understand what is best to do and what is better not to do here on steemit.

The structure of steemit is very well done because it tries to disadvantage spam and pushed and invasive marketing practices.

Let me explain how:

Did you notice that a number in brackets is immediately next to your username? For example mine, when I wrote this article is @antoniotrento (48), do you know what that means?

It's your reputation score!

Basically it's what other people think of you based on your actions on steemit.

Imagine if you commented on every post that happens to you on steemit with something like:

"hey @username welcome on steem! Remember to follow me, appreciate and share my posts"

How do you think the readers and the author of the article will take it?

Well if your messages will not add value to the community anyone will be free to report making sure that your reputation falls inexorably and consequently also the credibility that your username can have on this community!

It is not a good idea to use these practices that combine spam with the creation of low-value comments.

You should also be encouraged to provide high-value information even in the comments because if you provide interesting information and complete the post with your comment you will be able to earn even a single comment in a post of another user, if it will be appreciated and voted!

So always remember that the secret to succeed here on Steemit is mainly to give much value to potential readers and write more posts possible overtime to cover the most possible needs that readers interested in your topics could have.

This method over time gives extraordinary results but in the short term will not lead to anything if you do not integrate with some marketing activities such as the use of steem power to promote your articles in the mainstream.

But do not give up because in the long run, strategies of this kind that are called 'content marketing strategies' pay a lot both for visits and in terms of authority (on steem also indirect income) that your channel will generate and therefore the confidence that you will succeed generate in readers, this is a winning move in the long run because it will allow you to establish with the readers a relationship of trust that will result in business opportunities based on the type of topic you deal with.

As if to say, I usually prefer to buy from people I like or that I know not from complete strangers; this is the same principle applied for the web.

But the secret is to pursue and give much value over time without expecting anything in return, at the beginning it will be tough because you will not have many people interested and this will create much distress, prompting you to give up or postpone writing your posts.

So never give up and start writing here on steem right away!

I hope this little guide on steem may have been useful to you and gave you information you did not know before.

Do you have any advice for me and all the readers on how to best use Steemit?

It would be very useful and important for me and all readers to know your opinion by writing it in the comments below!

I also wanted to give you a gift: take a look here. With Jorigamy you can create your website completely for free! Help me to support the project by sharing it here on steem!



Gracias! un artículo muy útil para los que estamos empezando. Ahora toca estudiar y analizar lo leído y ponerlo en práctica. Saludos!
Thanks, quite useful article for us that just arrived a few days ago and are still kind of lost in this absorbing Steemit world. Now it's time to analize and study and put it into practice. Greetings from Spain!

Thank you @cryptopeter for reading it! If you are learning to use steem I also recommend the articles that are present in the links of the post, all very useful to start writing on steem.

Remember, if you liked the article I would also appreciate a sharing, you know how long it takes to write good quality content 🙏🏾 😉

I forgot to tell @originalworks that I created this new item.

I'm into reading the other articles too, I guess it's a question of 'investing' in learning at first although it can take some time to read and get used to the ways here, and later on begin to pick up the results of the investment. And yes, I can tell that it's quite difficult to produce good posts and ever harder to get noticed by many people given that there are tons of posts about almost anything (not all of them have the quality i would require though...). Thanks for your quick and well mannered answer!