Every time I post I get a digest of spam messages from many people that not only didn't read the content but also they comment with a very generic message.
I am tired of bots that just comment without any sense seeking for upvotes of the unaware users. I don't know what you think about it, but for me it is entirely spam.

You can also see how many people already saw the post and how many upvoted it, same story. This drives me to ask you a question:
With this I mean that there is a lot of people (which I won't mention) that are getting a lot of upvotes and support from a lot of people without really having any important content on their posts.
I also saw a lot of posts from people where their content and format was really, really outstanding. But no support at all (just to be clear: I support them with my minnow VP, but it's never enough).
I see this issue all the time with very niche posts. Some great people with great articles whose content goes unnoticed. I think this will get better overtime as more experienced users stick around steemit and know how to spot spam.
Yeah same here. Another weird thing I've noticed is there isn't really much of a punishment for plagiarism, I noticed the Cheetah bot upvotes you and I believe that's all. So, how is that making people not want to just copy and paste?
Shit happens everywhere. Bots around? Doesn't matter to me, that is part of the internet and social media platforms. But I realize that here in steemit the overall intelligence to deal with such circumstances is much higher then lets say f.ex. facebook. A proof for that is a post like yours or that the comments I am reading on my stuff f.ex. show some deeper wisdom then just saying "That's nice". I definitely appreciate that. Time will show whether steemit will perform better and help people to get higher or whether it becomes the same cats-sharing and look at me beautiful women narcissistic shit as on other platforms.
BTW... Oh just look at that lovely cat I saw it on my holiday trip on the heidelberg castle sitting on castle wall...V-Log is going to follow...lol... :)
Best comment so far xD I love that kitty xD
Yep she's sweet...but wait until you see a picture of my girlfriend xD
As a new steemer, i hope that its not the case. I would like to think it is a real community with value
fingers crossed :)
Welcome to steemit, and I totally agree with you!
You know... one of the reasons why I switched most of my social media time to SteemIt is because on the other platforms like Facebook, etc. It has begun to feel like everyone is talking but no one is listening.
I have found SteemIt to be fantastic (despite the spammy responses here and there) with really well thought out content that's worth reading. Original content not just reposts everywhere... and the cool thing I have found about SteemIt, being new here and used to the shananigins on other social platforms, is that most people here are extreamly authentic in their commenting. As a whole I would say that this is the case and it's been such a breath of fresh air.
I was getting so so sick of FB. It felt like if I took the time to write a decent post (for FREE!) no one even read it... instead they were reading and liking on the regurgitated posts. Skimming along the surface and not really taking the time to read and respond to posts with real content.
It really felt like I was wasting my time and wasting my life... not to mention surrounding myself with people who didn't really care about the content I was creating.
SteemIt has gotten the context right (for the most part) and now it's so much fun to generate content Content I actually own not Facebook.
I can see SteemIt becoming a place of more and more quality and creativity... having just come from the other social media platforms I assure you... you do not want to go back there as your main thing! It's terrible! IT REALLY IS! 😰🤢😴😵
Well for sure you will be heard more than in facebook, that platform is reserved only for the lucky ones that their algorithms benefict some how...
Honestly there I don t have any luck. Most important: people seem to be way more aggressive and disrespectful there. Here at least people preserve some education to answer and try to be smarter.
Couldn't agree with you more in regards to FB. I'm happy to be here and even though there will be problems along the way I believe that SteemIt is on solid ground and has a fantastic and growing user base. Still... It's good to note the problems associated around bots because this in effect destroys what we are all working so hard to achieve. Genuine and authentic communication and connection.
I feel like it doesn't matter at all what kind of content you put. You just have to be friends with whales if you want to get the rewards you deserve.
Content does matter, but being favored by the people with a lot of steem power, or having a lot of steem power, matters first and 1000 x more.
Indeed man, I believe it s only thanks to that. I hope to be mistaken Tho'
Steemit is still young so I think in the future we will be seeing good content shine!
Hopefully it will! I believe it can still grow a lot <3
Thank you brade about your post, this article is the heart of many stemians especially me.
And I am deeply touched on this question of yours.

I can not answer it directly, but it is clear on some of my posts, when I do that I get it.
Thanks about that mabro @anritco, and i hve followed you, have a nice day.
It should be , the good content authors getting more upvotes ten anything else , it sucks not getting ur content read but just commenting , one of my goals for steemit is taking the time to fully read any post I click on and then comment , even if my comment is not good enough I hope it will make the author feel I read his / her work and appreciate it.
I have been on Steemit for a month and i know what you are talking about. I think good content is appreciated but only if you get the attention for the post. If you are patient and regulary post good content, you almost build up these truth followers. At all i belive it is very ifficult for a new steemian to get attention for his post, even when its a very high quality one.
You been here around for very little time, still you are doing great man! I think content matters, and how it s presented, but it matter most to catch the right people with it, because maybe one million minnows may have the power of half whale... and that will never happen.
Hard question, for these two months I been here, looks like some things are changing, and not good change..You write, think, share your thoughts and ..nothing..and Somebody says HI! and upvotes:( Good staff can be noticed, but in the sea of spam posts, it's getting hard to come to them..I believe Steemit is good idea, with positive looks ...what will become, will it manage to deal with users that are here for easy money...we will see...
And suddendly there is a real discussion!
You just can't pick what will happen in your next post. Maybe it will be full of bots again! :P
hahaha and it was!
Certainly it is 90% knowing the right ppl and it's 10% good content. No doubt about that.
sigh I said this a few times so far. I'll try to be short. My man is into crypto...i am not interested in it...I am into blogging....so there u have my man doing his 1 +1 = 2. So here I am. This is what i said after 2 days of browsing around:
This is not blogging....this is like war. Everyone is crawling on top of eachother trying to get higher. It fels a bit like madness. Bunch of spam, bunch of bots and a few boobs.
I am still here tho...so it cant be so bad. I just had to find the right group of people to interact with....but it wasn't easy. The feeling of not belonging is still strong sometimes. Which I think is sad...not to flatter myself or thinking my content is that good....but I think steemit could use a few of me. Regular people who are not so worried bout the $ but are here more or less to mingle.
From my understanding (which is limited considering I registered yesterday) quality, organic content will always surpass spam regardless of who spammers may know. At least that's what I have observed in other places such as websites and google rankings.
One needs to be persistent in publishing good content without giving up in order to be appreciated.
I agree with you, and also welcome to Steemit!
I wish there is a way the "Upvote button" can show up once the post is fully read. There is a lot of good content hidden here waiting to be discovered. I thought that's the idea behind Steemit! Good points there!
I think that's a good idea @gigpen. :)
I joined this community about a month ago. I see very good content being posted for the most part. Like another member said it is up to us to down vote the spam. If I see garbage in my feed I will unfollow that person. I already have a facebook and instagram account. I came to this community for the exact opposite of those two platforms.
yes, thank you. EXACTLY what I was looking for on steemit. The not FB and not instagram and not twitter
" But no support at all (just to be clear: I support them with my minnow VP" - You should also Resteem. Also maybe it's time to start flagging these spam comments that every post gets. It's up to users.
Oh I do! But lately I had so little time that I couldn't really put an eye on it. I also flag these spam comments because that s the only way we got.
It is generally new steemers that leave such comments, because they have yet to understand the key to a successful future on steemit. Great post and I love the layout! Just showing luv and support...
Let's be honest, everyone uses bots at times. The point is, that like everywhere else in the world, friends in "high places" help you stand out, even when you're not that big a deal.
If you do believe that your content is worthwhile, you will try hard to make people listen to you. And if they listen, then success will be a personal victory and self-satisfaction is guaranteed.
Maybe if there was a cost (not necessarily money) associated with commenting, the spammers would think twice before posting. One would have to find a way to compensate "real" users though.
You are not the only one that is fed up with all these spam. I too is confronted with spam on a dialy basis on each article i post. That's annoying and i have seen great articles undervalued and even get unnoticed on this platform. The author is not rewarded for all the effort and time he/she put to write such great articles. Spam are causing great articles to get unnoticed on steemit.
Steemit Inc should be removing their delegated SP from these users (I don't know if they are already yet, but I don't think so). Let users who do nothing but spam find themselves bandwidth constrained.
I think I have some problem with boosters, to get some help might be ok, but some use them frequently to get more upvotes it's an unfair advantage. Well, maybe is just part of the steemit ecosystem and we have to deal with it
I think it swings both ways, a few ( a few means some not all before anyone gives me shit) of the dolphins and whales are spamming as well by writing short blogs that really say nothing at all, but they know it will earn $30+ so they publish it anyway.
I think that is the way of their intraction in building the network. Then, they will be upvoted. Regard
I am 2 days on steem and after searching through a large number of youtube videos , the only i understood is that you have to spam so you can get noticed. But it is also hard for new users to grow up on this platfor :/
Upvoted & RESTEEMED :]
As a brand new user, I hope this platform will not go the way so many others have. It seems as soon as there is a promise of any kind of profit, a set of people gets interested in joining and using - or rather abusing- a platform to make a buck. So many sites have gone kaputt from this kind of behavior. Hope this one will figure out how to deal with spammers.
Full upvote. Excellent observations. Serious issue. No obvious solution, particularly when folks are sending out bots to do the bogus upvoting.
Yeah, I am completely new on steemit and just now learning about the bots. Its hard for me to spot them as of yet. As I was waiting to get verified to start posting it occurred to me that the platform might easily lend itself to spamming....but there are spammers everywhere, no? Its like internet mosquitoes.
This is my first week here on Steemit and I'm really just beginning to notice just how bizarre the post appreciation is. I posted an "introduceyourself" post and someone commented on how it was such a great post less than 5 seconds after I posted it. It would have been impossible to read the entire post in that time. Additionally, I just posted my first real blog post and I haven't received anything on it except for a spam post about buying up votes or something. The dude didn't even have the decency to copy and paste text – he just posted a screenshot of one of his previous comments.
Steemit is currently a Social Bot Platform. Everthing works with bots & most curations are done via bots. And just like as in human social media, if you don't agree you still have respect to that human being - same is with the bots social media - even if you don't agree handle with respect 🙃
seems to me like the "click-happy" crowd on Facebook - they click "like" without even opening the post - something I really don't like about Facebook.
At times I post a follow up comment underneath of my original post - often something that is very relevant to the post, and it doesn't get any likes. Myself, I open posts and also check the comment section frequently.
upvote back to my first post