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RE: Are we only here to feed the narcissists?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Man, did I wake up to something this morning. Didn't think the comments discussion would pick it up like this and it's awesome. Love it when they do!!

@dollarvigilante: i completely understand where you're coming from. Besides /sex/, money is the best bait nowadays. You discovered Steemit and now you do the next natural move every steemian does: doing your thing to tell others about it. Nothing wrong with that. Everyone who's jealous on your earnings should do everything you did pre-Steemit before complaining that they didn't get 15k on their introduseyourself post.
Also, Steve wasn't bashing you. He really wasn't. He just put out an opinion that might be going through the minds of many people around here. Nothing wrong with that. Tackling this stuff, being open, transparent and collaborative helps us grow as a community.
Jeff, I thing you're also going through the first week process of every newcomer to Steemit:
You're over-hyped about the possibilities on Steemit and trying to use this momentum to get more people on and get more attention. That's normal. I remember my first week. Had 10h of sleep altogether haha.
I do hope you'll learn from others' experience and jump over the Quitting part. All your work and experience before you found out about Steemit is great and it's great you're here. Keep contributing, promoting Steemit, bringing even more people and we'll all grow together.
I remember something Dan said in one of the first interviews about Steemit:

One of the goals of Steemit is to be a place where valuable content can bring a constant revenue for authors and contributors.

So everyone will 'port' their blogs, shows, art, music etc. to Steemit and keep them here only. That is the ultimate goal I think. Independence. And we're gradually growing towards it.