Why I Like Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

After my first day of using Steemit (the Reddit killer) I am blown away by how the folks at Steemit have figured out a way to monetize social media content. So lets take a step back for a second and realize how big of a deal that is. I mean imagine if you got paid for the likes and posts you uploaded on Facebook or Twitter – thats Steemit! And that is what I love about this platform so much. It is taking something that we all do on a daily (mostly likely hourly or even by the minute for some) basis and adding a monetary component to it. 

On top of this incredible discovery, Steemit provides a new way for us to socialize on the web while also contributing to the value of an up-and-coming cryto-currency (which then generates us (the users) more money for what we post). Its a harmonious balance between having to maintain a strong user-base while also ensuring the longterm viability of a currency. Because without the users up-voting and writing new content to share, the currency would (in theory) devalue. But if there is a strong user-base that is generating content, sharing posts, and interacting with them, the currency's value rises (which is good for all of the users). 

Now I know there are other variables and factors contributing to Steems value – this is merely my assessment thus far (please feel free to educate me some more on this for I am learning). I am just mind blown by how awesome Steem is not just as a currency but as a social-media platform.