
Frederick Engels was not an anarchist right?

"Other writers, while admitting the distance between Marx and Engels and Stalin, are less charitable, noting for example that the anarchist Bakunin predicted the oppressive potential of their ideas. "It is a fallacy that Marxism's flaws were exposed only after it was tried out in power.... [Marx and Engels] were centralisers. While talking about 'free associations of producers', they advocated discipline and hierarchy."[93]"


The Marxist view like the advocates for a true free market may never be realized because of those pesky inbred psychopathic demons lololo

" like the advocates "?

are you saying that it is because of other people a free market can't exist? My first link had examples of market socialism, the only true form of free market.

There has never been a free's a pipe dream...edit...the psychpathic demons will never let markets rule themselves...anyway, I'm done. I'm sorry for my poor English and Miss-quotes.

there can never be a free market with private property*
not that I want markets to begin with