White Women And How They Destroy Everything

in #steemit8 years ago

With the political debate about feminism becoming a hot issue the past year. There is something that cannot be denied the attack on the white male. Leftist identity politics in the western world have created a coalition of cry babies which includes leftist women of all colors, people of all colors (except white men), and Islam. This is known to most Americans and many outside of America because of Gamergate and the politics involved in the election of Donald Trump. What's not talked about is how the history of white women in the western world has created nothing and has weakened western society. I know this is a scathing criticism but I stand by my assertion. I will concentrate on American history since with it I can be brief and contemporary since the U.S.A. is the most influential country in the world right now. The accomplishments of women have been few before the vote was given to them in the early 20th century. The women who were most active seem to be feminists of that era. Although today those feminists seem mild compared to the feminists of today, in fact they were actual extremists in those movements who committed domestic terrorism (most were small incidents). Once women got the vote most women didn't exercise it. So why weren't women interested, probably because of traditional society which although prohibited women from doing somethings also gave them privileges since they were the "gentle" sex and the child bearers. This proves women were content with their situation. It seems they needed to be reeducated into believing that equality didn't involve their gender differences but imitating the male traits. More and more women would be convinced into voting. Feminism has been at the front of this reeducation and has the movement grew it joined with other leftist movements in the 1960s. The movement continued to add grievances against society. Did women reject those natural traits and the privileges that came with them from traditional society? No, in fact women continue to ask for those same privileges while they ask to be treated just like men. In other words treat me like a lady and pay me like a man. Some women might refute this saying they would deny male assistance and would tell the man to fuck off! Yet put them in a physical test and watch how they cry for lower standards. In other words they still want those traditional privileges. Let's face it Feminism belongs in the leftist coalition of identarian politics. Every racial, gender and sexual identity group haven't invented or built shit in America. Yet they all ask to have the same rights has the evil white man. What does the white man do? He gives them those rights (and in some cases they always had those rights) and these groups ask for more. In others they want to be rewarded because of their crying and not for their work. These groups become the protected species of America. Kind of like the spoted owl or the bald eagle. Of all these groups though the worst is the dreaded white female. Why? Because unlike minority groups who arguably have a past of persecution and descrimination the white female has occupied a privileged place in this society the white male has created for her and she decides to betray him. In fact the same cannot be said of black females, asian females etc... White females haven't invented or created much in American society, once they got all the so called rights that males have you would expect them to have become the dominant or at least equal force in American society but in fact their not. Females today vote more and make up most college students. Yet they still are the underachievers, a lot like their identarian minority buddies. So are women grateful and respectful to white men for what they have done? Fuck no. Since the so called "sexual revolution" they have pushed for interracial relationships and have sought to undermine and to abuse white men any way they could. White women and minorities have banded together has the opposition group to white men. Today a white man has to prove himself to a white woman and must deal with her wants and perversions because if he doesn't hes not a "strong" man. While she opens her legs and let's herself get fucked by any brown man on command. The white woman advocates for the most stupidest stuff in politics that does little to progress society. The white woman is an asset to minority groups but a traitor to her own people. Ironically feminism advocates for open sexuality for white women which makes today's average white women little more than a prostitute. Like a prostitute she will start fucking at a young age. She will progress to fucking men of different races. Finally she will find herself lacking any emotional connection with her lifestyle or sexual mates. In a last ditch effort to find that emotional connection she will turn to women. She will become bisexual. The white women has become a genetic dead end. Ironically white women have always had twisted logic. Ask yourself why didn't the slaves revolt against the white man before the civil war. It's known that black men have a fetish for white women. There were relationships between the white females in the slave master family and the black slaves. In other words the white female kept the black man enslaved. Today it's the opposite shes trying to destroy the white man. The only way this system can end is if the white man ends the show. No more hand outs. In other words true equality, everybody on their own.

Full Article Here: https://www.americanalttimes.com/single-post/2017/06/16/White-Women-And-How-They-Destroy-Everything


feminazis are the worst.

Thanks for ranting what most American men have felt at least once in their lives.

Good article