The person you mention only gets lots of rewards because a) people vote for him and b) people do not vote for other people.
b) is as important as a). I notice you have a lot of steempower but don't do much curating. By yourself you could make a lot of difference to a lot of good authors, while diminishing the share the person-who-shall-not-be-named gets. But you don't...
Basically this site is in the hands of the members (and not just the whales), and voting plays a big part in regulating it. The problem is people want others to vote for them but can't be bothered to vote themselves.
I'm pretty sure his criticism was directed at the very small number of top-tier whales that control the trending page, not the rest of us that don't make much difference with our penny votes.
What the front page gets is a percentage of the fixed amount of steem generated in a 24 hour period, therefore voting for other stuff dimishes what the front page gets.
Things are skewed at present because most people don't bother to vote at all, believing wrongly that it is just about the whales. It is not. And moaning about not getting votes while not bothering to vote yourself is a bit cheeky, especially as OP isn't a minnow with 10 SP.
You should vote more too - you have 15 x my steempower but you earned less curation awards than me in the last week, because you don't bother.
True story. I vote when I see good stuff in my feed but I don't have the time to go gem hunting since I actually have a business to run that takes priority over this nifty little experiment (which is all it is to me, at this point). My approach has always been posting, not curating, since I have the ability to post quality content but not the time to be a good curator. Everyone should play to their strengths to contribute as much value as they personally can.
But you want others to vote for you?!!
Everyone should do some voting every day even if it is just for half an hour. Otherwise we end up with these rants from people who refuse to vote but are annoyed that the 33 whales who do vote haven't had time to get around to them...
Some of us whales are actually spending quite a bit to fund solutions to help with the problems on this beta level platform.
I understand the frustration, but steem gives power to people so they can change the balance over time by voting. I feel like its necessary to vote and it honestly feels like rok-sivante is just getting a bit frustrated and in the panic phase of this.
There are a lot of people on here that can't write well but still want to make some money so they go with the curation strategy... good for them. As I already explained, I don't have the time for that and my talents suit me better for creation. That's how I can contribute the most value per minute that I'm on here... also, I don't think Rok is complaining about not getting votes... and I sure as hell am not. I treat this as a hobby project in the background. My business is real estate development.
People vote for good content, not in return for good curation. That's why the founders tried to build in an incentive system that rewards curators, so that reciprocity in voting wouldn't be necessary.
Personally, I'm indifferent to how people should vote. They should do whatever their gut tells them IMO. I think ultimately that's what's going to drive the site anyway, and ultimately what will make it palatable for your average person.
While I think it's admirable that people like yourself want to be good curators for their vision of how the site should look, the gut reactions of people are ultimately what will determine the curation if and when this site gains mass adoption. People who won't or can't contribute desirable content (read most future users) will only come here if they see what they want to see, nothing more, nothing less, regardless of how any of us here now feel about that.
"SHOULD" is the word in the idealism here that sways the whole outlook.
not everyone has the same talents/values to contribute. not everyone chooses to contribute the same type of value.
(and maybe there's another point of hypocriticism highlighted from my own case, having some unconscious presupposition that the site's dynamics and people on it "should" be different than what they are.)
and thanks, @officialfuzzy for the input. short, but appreciated. (and is more disillusionment than panic. :-) )
If the Steem price goes down, I will just generate more Steem. Or, buy more. Either way :)

haaaaaaa, just wrote the exact SAMETHING! Damn it, man. Have my upvote :)
I missed out on a lot of BS since I stopped posting and even reading
I am glad I met all of you I value so much. I never say never and probably will publish again . I just have better things to do for now than to be a part of an experiament of a few cons.
My enthusiasm vanished.
Three excellent responses. Well said.
Well put.
Agreed 100%
this particular post got over 214 votes and raked in $12 in rewards.
my votes are worth about $0.20.
do the math.
Round and Round... Round we goooooooo. The votes that is!