Whats your Animal Spirit?

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Ever sat back and wondered what animal Spirit best coincides with you. Here is the list and descriptions, which one suits you the best:

The Bear

The bear has several meanings that will inspire those who have this animal as totem:

  1. The primary meaning of the bear spirit animal is strength and confidence
  2. Standing against adversity; taking action and leadership
  3. The spirit of the the bear indicates it’s time for healing or using healing abilities to help self or others
  4. The bear medicine emphasizes the importance of solitude, quiet time, rest
  5. The spirit of the bear provides strong grounding forces

The Deer

The meanings associated with the deer combine both soft, gentle qualities with strength and determination:

  1. Ability to move through life and obstacles with grace
  2. Being in touch with inner child, innocence
  3. Being sensitive and intuitive
  4. Vigilance, ability to change directions quickly
  5. Magical ability to regenerate, being in touch with life’s mysteries

The Horse

Horses generally represent:

  1. A driving force, what you thrive for or carries you in life
  2. A secondary meaning for the horse spirit animal is the balance between instinctive and tamed part of your personality.
  3. Sexual energy, especially – but not limited to – masculine energy
    Strong emotions, passionate desires
  4. A comprehensive presentation of the horse spirit animal takes into account different ways to look at this animal’s symbolism, showing positive and negative meanings, so you can decide which one resonates the most with you.

Do you want more abundance and success in your life? Your personal vibration frequency could be the thing holding you back. To start raising your energetic frequency today, you’ll want to download the Energetic Breakthrough Kit from Christie Sheldon. This proven method includes a few things but most of all check out the heart center awakening meditation!

The Snake

When the snake shows up as your spirit animal, it generally means:

  1. Snake spirit animals represent healing
  2. Transformation, life changes
  3. The spirit of the snake is connected to life force, primal energy
  4. A meaning for the snake spirit animal is spiritual guidance

The snake as a spirit animal can be to provide guidance about life changes and transitions, whether they are happening at the physical, emotional or spiritual level.

The Butterfly

What is the meaning of the butterfly? This animal totem is primarily associated with symbolism of change and transformation.

  1. Powerful transformation, metamorphosis in your life, personality
  2. Moving through different life cycles
    Renewal, rebirth
  3. Lightness of being, playfulness
  4. Elevation from earthly matters, tuning into emotional or spiritual
    The world of the soul, the psyche

The Dragonfly

The dragonfly is generally associated with the symbolic meaning of transformation. Here are common meanings for this animal totem:

  1. Change and transformation
  2. Adaptability
  3. Joy, lightness of being
  4. Symbol of the realm of emotions, invitation to dive deeper into your feeling
  5. Being on the lookout for illusions and deceits, whether are external or personal
  6. Connection with nature’s spirits, fairies realms

The Hummingbird

The hummingbird generally symbolizes joy and playfulness, as well as adaptability. Additional symbolic meanings are:

  1. Lightness of being, enjoyment of life
  2. Being more present
  3. Independence
  4. Bringing playfulness and joy in your life
  5. Lifting up negativity
  6. Swiftness, ability to respond quickly
  7. Resiliency, being able to travel great distances tirelessly

The Spider

Common meanings for the spider spirit animal or totem are:

  1. Patience
  2. Receptivity
  3. Feminine energy
  4. Creativity
  5. Weaver of life’s fate
  6. Shadow self, dark aspects of life or personality

The spider as a spirit animal offers many interpretations. Its symbolism has both a dark and a light side, reflecting its connection with life’s many facets.

The Cat

The cat carries many meanings revolving around the balance between seemingly opposites, such as inner and outer, action and rest, light and dark. It’s strongly symbolic of the connection with what usually hides in darkness or the unknown. The cat generally represents:

  1. Patience, waiting for the right moment to act
  2. Independence, yet enjoying social connections
  3. Spirit of adventure, courage
  4. Deep, relaxed connection with self
  5. Healing from the inside out
  6. Curiosity, exploration of the unknown or the unconscious

Let’s remember that the cat as we know it today mostly as a domestic animal was not a common animal for the American Indians. It was introduced by the European settlers and therefore is not part of the original totemic traditions. Nevertheless, cat symbolism has pervaded many ancient and modern cultures around the world. One of the most well-known is the worship of the cat in ancient Egypt. Nowadays, the cat is often part of our ordinary life and an inspiring animal totem for many of us.

The Fox

The symbolic meanings associated with the fox are:

  1. Physical or mental responsiveness, increased awareness
  2. Cunning; seeing through deception; call to be discerning
  3. Ability to find your way around, to be swift in tricky situations
  4. Affinity with nocturnal activities and dream work

The Lion

The lion as a spirit animal or totem symbolizes:

  1. Strength, assertiveness, personal power
  2. A common meaning for the lion spirit animal is predatory feelings, such as anger, aggression directed at someone else or towards you
  3. Personal struggle to deal with these feelings
  4. Lion spirit animals warn about a threatening situation or event in your life

The Tiger

Common symbolism for the tiger is:

  1. The primary meaning of the tiger spirit animal is willpower, personal strength and courage;
    2.Shadow or part of you that you would normally try to hide or reject.
    3.Aggression or anger directed at you or felt towards someone;
    4.Unpredictability in life, actions or feelings;

In the field of animal symbolism, the tiger is associated with both positive and negative meanings. In order to fully grasp the message this spirit animal has for you, pay attention to the behavior it displays and the feelings you have toward it. It will guide you to a deeper, more embodied understanding of meaning of this animal in your life.

Are you ready to become who you were meant to be? There was once a time when you used to dream big. So what happened to all those dreams? The same thing that always happens, life. And just imagine there is another version of you who didn’t give up on those dreams. Who is telling you that it’s not too late to make them into a reality. This free introductory course on Quantum Jumping can help you tap into the power of your subconscious mind and unlock your own unlimited potential.

The Coyote

The coyote often symbolizes the trickster or joker. However, its symbolism is associated with a deep magic of life and creation. It can be considered as having the following meanings:

  1. Jokester
  2. Adaptability
  3. Reveal the truth behind illusion and chaos
  4. Playfulness
  5. Paradoxical nature, personality difficult to categorize
  6. Beware of the dark side of things and play on your resources

The wisdom delivered by the coyote spirit animal is rarely direct. The way of the coyote is to teach through ways that do not appear straightforward. It may also use subterfuge or trickery to reach its goal or deliver its message.

Don’t be fooled by the coyote’s way: In any circumstances you encounter, no matter how pleasant or clear they appear to be, there’s a hidden wisdom for you to reap. Be aware of the round about ways of the coyote totem and its teachings.

Do you want more abundance and success in your life? Your personal vibration frequency could be the thing holding you back. To start raising your energetic frequency today, you’ll want to download the Energetic Breakthrough Kit from Christie Sheldon. This proven method includes a few things but most of all check out the heart center awakening meditation!

The Frog

The symbolism of the frog appears in many traditions around the globe. This animal is generally associated with the water element and its cleansing attributes. The frog is symbolic of:

  1. Cleansing
  2. Renewal, rebirth
  3. Fertility, abundance
  4. Transformation, metamorphosis
  5. Life mysteries and ancient wisdom

Do you want more abundance and success in your life? Your personal vibration frequency could be the thing holding you back. To start raising your energetic frequency today, you’ll want to download the Energetic Breakthrough Kit from Christie Sheldon. This proven method includes a few things but most of all check out the heart center awakening meditation!

The Owl

Symbolic meanings for the owl are:

  1. Intuition, ability to see what others do not see
  2. The presence of the owl announces change
  3. Capacity to see beyond deceit and masks
  4. Wisdom
  5. The traditional meaning of the owl spirit animal is the announcer of death, most likely symbolic like a life transition, change

The Turtle

The turtle symbolism is characterized by the association with the Earth and earth symbols of groundedness and patience:

  1. Symbol of the world, of the Earth
  2. Ability to stay grounded, even in moments of disturbances and chaos
  3. Slowing down, pacing yourself
  4. Determination, persistence
  5. Emotional strength and understanding
  6. Ancient wisdom

The turtle is also linked to the spirit of the water and the fluid nature of emotions.

The Crow

Throughout history, the crow has been associated with both positive and negative symbolic meanings. The most common are:

  1. Life magic; mystery of creation
  2. Destiny, personal transformation, alchemy
  3. Intelligence
  4. Higher perspective
  5. Being fearless, audacious
  6. Flexibility, adaptability
  7. Trickster, manipulative, mischevious

Other traditional meanings associate the crow with bad omen, death, and dark witchcraft. The crow also carries the power of prophetic insight and symbolizes the void or core of creation.

Do you want more abundance and success in your life? Your personal vibration frequency could be the thing holding you back. To start raising your energetic frequency today, you’ll want to download the Energetic Breakthrough Kit from Christie Sheldon. This proven method includes a few things but most of all check out the heart center awakening meditation!

The Hawk

The hawk spirit animal or totem has several attributes and meanings:

  1. Hawk is the messenger of the spirit world
  2. Use the power of focus
  3. Take the lead when the time is right
  4. Power to see, clear vision
  5. Strong connection with spirit, increased spiritual awareness

Hawk spirit animals belong to the realm of bird medicine. It carries the symbolism that comes with the ability to fly and reach the skies.

The Sheep

The symbolism of the sheep generally means:

  1. Sheep spirit animals represent an innocent aspect of yourself; your childhood, child-like qualities characterized by innocence, gentleness
  2. Vulnerability with a negative meaning, weakness, vulnerability that could turn into powerlessness
  3. Vulnerability with a positive meaning: Self-acceptance, ability to respect your own limits
  4. A common meaning for the sheep totem is a part of yourself that tends to conform to social norms or family values.

The sheep can symbolize a vulnerable part of you that is associated with positive or negative meanings depending on the overall feeling at the time of the encounter with your spirit animal.

The Wolf

In the spirit animal kingdom, the wolf symbolizes:

  1. Sharp intelligence, deep connection with instincts
  2. Appetite for freedom
  3. Expression of strong instincts
  4. Feeling threatened, lack of trust in someone or in yourself

The Panda

The panda is a symbol of gentleness and strength. The general meanings associated with this animal are:

  1. Gentle strength
  2. Peace
  3. Good luck, positive outlook on life
  4. Connection with Eastern wisdom

The symbolism of the panda also encompasses personal and spiritual qualities, such as:

  1. Integration of polarized aspects of yourself, such as feminine and masculine energies
  2. Heart-centered energy, nurturing ability
  3. Importance of emotions
  4. Calm determination, ability to take time to reach your goals
  5. Importance of private space and personal boundaries

The Turkey

The symbolism of the Turkey focuses on the connection with the Earth and the abundance it provides. Generally, it symbolizes:

  1. Abundance
  2. Connection with the spirit of the land, with Mother Earth
  3. Blessings from the Earth
  4. Forms of nourishment in our life
  5. Harvesting the fruits of your efforts and your work
  6. Importance of community
  7. Generosity, sharing
    Having enough in our life, satisfaction

The Dolphin

The dolphin is a complex animal and has had many different meanings attached to it throughout history, including:

  1. Peace and harmony
  2. Protection
  3. Playfulness and joy
  4. Resurrection
  5. Inner Strength
  6. Cooperation

The Whale

The whale is commonly associated with emotion, inner truth, and creativity. Here are additional meanings for this totem:

  1. Wisdom holder
  2. Physical and emotional healing
  3. Keeper of history
  4. Importance of family and community
  5. Emotional rebirth
  6. Peaceful strength
  7. Communication

Among the most recognized modern tales of the whale as a teacher is that of Captain Ahab’s pursuit of the gigantic Sperm Whale, known as Moby Dick. Superstition, the sea as a transformative vessel, and an examination of the massive mammal as a creature of undefined greatness pervade the novel. The whale is symbolic of that which cannot be easily vanquished — just as a person’s inner truth, voice, and creativity cannot be easily silenced or subdued.

The Panther

Common symbolism for the panther is...

  1. Astral travel
  2. Guardian energy
  3. Symbol of the feminine
  4. Death and rebirth
  5. Understanding of death
  6. Reclaiming your power
  7. Ability to know the dark
  8. Aggressiveness and power

Individuals who have this animal totem, are highly intuitive and artistically inclined. If panther has appeared in your life, it is time to release your passions, live your dreams, discover your desires and begin a new chapter in your life. This spirit animal welcomes you to expand your awareness, eliminate fears and become a whole new person as you are guided and protected.
Are you ready to become who you were meant to be? There was once a time when you used to dream big. So what happened to all those dreams? The same thing that always happens, life. And just imagine there is another version of you who didn’t give up on those dreams. Who is telling you that it’s not too late to make them into a reality. This free introductory course on Quantum Jumping can help you tap into the power of your subconscious mind and unlock your own unlimited potential.

Well there are your choices, which Animal Spirit are you

Please lets not just pick the Dolphin and Whale ones just because we are on here. I for instance am the Wolf Spirit. Have some fun with this and Comment what spirit you think you are.

Lets have fun with this one..


Spirit animal descriptions are clearly taken form here: http://www.spiritanimal.info/bear-spirit-animal/

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In some traditions, for example, Chinese there is no need to identify with one particular animal but rather experience the 'flavour' of each different animal quality.

(image credit pintrest)
