IoTeX Community Contributions Scoreboar (IoT)

in #steemit5 years ago


🔊 Introducing IoTeX Community Contributions Scoreboard

We would like to welcome a new initiative for our community and create a way to reward our most active members & contributors! Starting this month, February 1, we will introduce a community-wide scoreboard, where you will receive points for participating in the activities and based on the ranking, at the end of the month we will announce the winners 🏆

Activities you can participate in:

3️⃣ AMA - be active by submitting your questions to the team
1️⃣ Thread of the Week @ ( & Twitter ( » weekly 2️⃣ IoTrivia Games » Tuesdays 8AM PST & Thursdays 8PM PST @ IoTeX Official Group ( chat 4️⃣ News Digest - weekly @ #newsdigest

+ Other activities will be added over time

Rewards & Ranking System:
№1» 10,000 IOTX + 10,000 VITA
№2» 5,000 IOTX + 5,000 VITA
№3» 3,000 IOTX + 3,000 VITA
from №4 to №10» 1,000 IOTX + 1,000 VITA
from №11 to №20» 1,000 VITA

🏷 The scoreboard will be updated weekly & shared with the community in IoTeX Official Group ( chat. Find it under #iotexscore