We all strive to evolve, to better ourselves, our families and friends, and thereby humanity as a whole. Steemit.com has emerged as an exception tool which we are now watching grow and evolve as it tendrils its way into reality.
Livescience just posted the article “Ancestor of All Life on Earth Had Steamy Beginning”
This thesis is based on research published in Nature on 25 July 2016 indicating that our Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA), the mysterious chemical brew from which more complex forms evolved, existed in a steamy geochemically active environment.
This roiling hydrothermal soup from which the amazing diversity of past and present Earth species originated, according to current evolutionary theory, is an apt analogy to the present state of Steemit.com
It’s STEEMING hot in here!
Active participants are immersed in an evolving, seething, STEEMY ecosystem, a unique, specialized virtual environment that directly affects us beneficially in analog reality when we integrate properly.
People are hustling to post a wide diversity of info, from plagiarized works of others hoping for a lucky payout, through people hoping their life stories or travels are interesting enough to generate an income (good on 'em, I vote for those that ring for me!), on to wonderful intelligent people endeavoring intellectually, providing posts portending Steemit.com's long term educational potential; posts like this:
This is just one example of many, of intelligent people using Steemit.com both to advance themselves personally and the collective as a whole via knowledge transmission. You gotta love this stuff!
We are also seeing many inspiring and motivating articles like this one: https://steemit.com/steemit/@kevinpham20/how-i-walked-away-from-it-all-and-retired-at-29-and-how-steem-is-helping-me
Which is excellent to see that intelligence seated in biological beings is evolving with the advancement of technology in order to be in the forefront of natural selection.
Steemit.com has the very real potential to be a indelible hub for investigative journalists as this post suggests:
And to aid that process there are dedicated souls working on all sorts of Steem tools, one of them being a link to all the others that are coming online to increase our ecosystem versatility:
Those who utilize these tools to post and curate quality materials are doing us all an evolutionary favor. Whether or not people make money on each post as they hope, what is really most important is that an new ecosystem is evolving and a public blockchain record of posts remains. While I look forward to making STEEM on here, I'm also seeing it as a long term archive of my future creative writings.
This Steemit.com platform is has the potential to grow and transform beyond anyone's expectations, this is an evolutionary process. It’s an awesome opportunity being in at the inception where we can participate in its growth over the coming years.
It is my fervent belief that Steemit has the true potential to facilitate a new phase of intellectual and financial freedom in human endeavor, to allow people to express their knowledge and creativity and have the ability to allow them to continue to focus on such for everyone's betterment by being rewarded for their efforts.
This is why I am here.
I’m excited with the opportunity and potential.
Even better, STEEM is a cryptocurrency that can be earned with intellectual effort instead of mining (which of course is still a further option). I admit that after a few failed attempts at linux virtual machine mining I accept that I am better off at writing... though I'll still give it some more tries as part of my educational process.
This is intellectual liberty in action, and the ecosystem will respond accordingly to the quality of one's independent actions.
Do it right, be original, innovative, honorable, especially persistent, and you will flourish and add quality to everyone's experience.
Steemit.com is a place where art, science and the advancement of knowledge can proliferate whilst rewarding those who put their hearts and minds to the task.
Humanity is thereby rewarded by those who post original high-quality ideas, thoughts, insights into future potentials, and the like, as well as diverse perspectives on current and past events.
The time is now for the Evolution Revolution!!!
Go Steemit! Go STEEM!
Good post :)
Artist Reference: @artist1989
Thank you, getting into the spirit :)
Thanks, I've clicked to follow you, though I'm still figuring out how to do that.
I'm from Chicago, but have been in New Zealand for 20+ years, it's a lovely little corner of the world, but economically depressed. I recommend a visit to anyone.
Favorite youtube is a tough one, I've watched thousands, mostly documentaries, but if I can pick one of mine it would be my Dorje Blessing video on Tibetan Buddhist archetypes, I'm still wondering how I figured it out and watch it every month or two to get new insights:
and it's the first stage in more to come!
My favorite quote is:
“The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size.” Oliver Wendell Holmes
Not sure when I get paid, I'm here for the opportunity to write and share ideas, the Steem will hopefully roll in automatically :)
For spirituality, see my Dorje video above, but that's only a part, my main interest is in relating Eastern and Western metaphysical structures. Someone once asked me if I was into spiritual things, my reply was and remains, that everything is spiritual, sometimes we just don't notice because we get caught up in the intensities of life.
And for amazing facts, I have a few. I'm working on my introducemyself article and will be writing on many things, such as the metal-planet relationship experiments of L. Kolisko (associate of Rudolf Steiner) who showed that the old alchemical relationships like gold-Sun, silver-Moon, etc actually had connections that she verified through four decades of precise crystallization experiments. I recently did a video, Workings of the Stars in Earthly Substances:
Music videos, so many I love of so many genres, I'll pick Sun Ra's performance here as uniquely amazing and creative
And I'll give a plug to my old pal Lefty Dizz, who passed away in 1993, used to hang out at Buddy Guy's original Checkerboard Lounge where Lefty was the house band on Blue Mondays
Thanks!!! More writings in progress.