Thank you for NOT upvoting my hello post.

in #steemit8 years ago

Many are not happy that their "hello" post gets no upvotes but I'm very pleased with it. And that's why:

We all came here from the social networks. Russian-speakers from, the rest of the world from Facebook.
There each one of us trained to use the local system of encourage -likes.
And then we all were taught this not tricky business (likegiving) in Instagram.

On Facebook and Instagram you push like button just not to offend the one who has posted his another selfie or photo of ones baby, thus like you say:
"Yes, yes, I do not give a fuck about your kid's new sports suit."

What concerns VKontakte, personally I use "Like" button to save interesting post for subsequent reading, without necessity to impose anything to everyone. And if some of articles are good enough I share it on my wall for everyone to see.

Like system in Steem is quite different. It's a kind of symbiosis.

So: when to press the button with the arrow?

In Steem upvotes is not just Like and not simply repost.
Clicking this button you move a post up, helping it survive and become more visible to others so they can also see it and read it.

Thus you do not simply approve a post, you give him the power not just to be read but also the ability of influencing on others, just as it has affected you.

Upvoting, you, by the power given to you, fit the post into a general book of knowledge, a collection of wisdom (or just a cool pieces) that do not drown in the general stream and the idea (the idea of the one who posted, and yours, the one who upvoted) will transform the world moving it a bit in the right direction.

So treat upvotes a bit more careful, and thoughtful, not upvote indiscriminately and do not expect your HELLO post will be written in the history books;)
But do not be too serious, it should always be a place for nice pics of bare boobs in our life :)


Yikes, looks like you've drawn the ire of the upvoting bots.

Sorry to say, but that's just how the system works. You need good content but also good luck. Most posts are overlooked and head into obscurity never noticed by anyone. It's not just true of Steemit of course, also happens on Reddit or Tumblr or any social media really. It seems more obvious here because there's a fear of missing out on money.

what ire are you talking about? Have you read the post? :)

I guess you don't know about the upvoting bots. A bulk of your upvotes are bots who are just tainting your post. I wrote about it yesterday -

It's the same bots that attacked my post too.

You talk about this one: bison015?

bison015 posts a lot of "keep up the good work" but I don't think it upvotes.

now I understand. thanks a lot

I upvoted You