Yooooo waddup Steemit!
So a while back I wrote about how I nearly got one of my little stories made into a movie.
It wasn't made in the end unfortunately.
To this day, as much as I've no regrets in the decision I made, it has left kind of a... salty aftertaste.
I definitely would have made different decisions if I had the mindset I have today. You can read more about it in the post.
Anyway! Since joining Steemit, I've been feeling the positivity and unity among the people here.
And I love it.
Somehow, the community here has given me the courage to really write my heart out. I don't even do that in my own blog, as ironic as that sounds.
With my post, I've asked people here if they were interested in helping me flesh out this dream.
And @mikkolyytinen reached out and drew this fine piece for me!
By the way! What's my story about?!
It's called-
The Man Himself: Diary of a Hero
If I were to put in a paragraph...
It's about a little kid who gained superpowers. As with all heroes, he started out doing good by fighting crime. But he slowly lost faith in humanity as he started walking the path of darkness. He broke his vow of not killing people, started visiting prostitutes and also drinking heavily.
Can this little kid ever find redemption? Or will he be hunted down by the city and its people?
Think Breaking Bad... but instead of a chemistry teacher who got good at making meth, a kid with superpowers who stopped caring about the value of life itself.
So I hope you like this drawing by @mikkolyytinen. That's The Man inside :)
If you want to read my story, go to here.
Who knows what may come out of this eh?
If anyone would like to make this dream a reality, hit me up and let me know! Let's talk. Be it about more concept art, pitching it to studios, turning it into a book or whatever!
I also have a free book for download here! 12 Things Happy People Don't Give a Fuck About!
Don't give up on your goals, sir. I like the direction that you're heading :)
a kid with super powers.
Good work ! keep it up@aldentan!!
Seems like a good concept, you should flesh it out more. Neat someone drew some art for it, I actually seen that posted here the other day, very cool. Good luck.
How? You think?
Way I see it, if you want to get noticed, you have to market the shit out of it or just hope you go viral and get discovered.
Any ideas on where I can pitch this to?